Annual Membership

  • Under 16s: £15.00
  • Retired: £15.00
  • Unemployed: £15.00
  • 2nd Claim £15.00
  • Adult in employment: £20.00
  • Family: £25.00 (Two adults, living together as a couple and their children aged under 16yrs )


To join Great Yarmouth Cycling Club:

Either by Cheque or Cash to the Club Secretary or by cash to any committee member.

You can pay by Bank Transfer if you wish. Contact Club Secretary for account details.

You can join at British Cycling Website, see below for instructions.

2.  Pull down the ‘clubs’ tab at the top of the screen and click on ‘club finder’
3.  Enter ‘Great Yarmouth’ into the ‘clubs filter’ box and click on ‘search’
4.  Click on the red marker over Gorleston on the map.  That’s us!
5.  Click on ‘view club page’
6.  Click on ‘buy club membership’
You will now be presented with our various membership packages and will need to choose the one you want.  If you do not already have a British Cycling account, you will be asked to create one at this point.  Funds will automatically go to our bank account and the club secretary will be informed of your joining.