Time Trial Information

What you need to know to enter open events.

1, Entries need to be in no later than 10 days before the event, it is better to work on 2 weeks to ensure your entry is valid. When you look at events on the website, filter the district to East, click on the hosting clubs name it gives details of the person organising the event and in the right hand corner will show if you can enter the event online. It also details the closing date for entries in the left corner.

2, You need to keep a record of all your times, club and open events, at all distances. If you have entered any open events and your time has improved after you have entered the event, but before you ride that particular one, you MUST notify the event secrtaries of your improvement, if you do not you could be disqualified from winning any prizes in the event.

3, Most events can now be entered on line using the Cycling Time Trials website www.ctt.org.uk

It is a good idea to purchase the National Cycling Time Trials handbook each year which you can purchase from the CTT website, usually available early January. The full rules and regulations and lots of other information are in the handbook.

4, You can access and print the paper version of the entry form on the website if you can only enter by post.

5, The entry form asks for your best time at the distance you are entering for the current and past 3 seasons, and your best time from 1st January last season. you need to complete these if you have times. They can be your best time from club or open events.

6, When entering open events make cheques payable to the hosting club eg, Great Yarmouth Cycling Club or Godric Cycling Club etc..

7, With open events you will receive a start sheet, usually by e-mail, if you do not have access to e-mail it can be sent by post. Check your start time, make sure you arrive at the event headquarters in plenty of time to sign in, get your number, get warmed up and to the start line in good time. If you are late you miss your start time and have to wait for an available slot and will incur time penalities.

8, With open events you will be e mailed the result sheet, save them for future reference especially if you decide to enter the competitions like Best All Rounder, EDCA Short Distance or VETS.

9, If you are 40+ you enter your best plus at the distance you are entering from the VETS standards. These are the standard times given for each age at which you should complete the time in or less, which is when they become a plus.

10, You can also join the VETS, (VTTA East Anglia) website www.vtta.org.uk then will qualify for placings at VETS events. You can also apply for the VETS standards at a small cost. The annual subscription is currently £12.00.

11, It is advisable to purchase the East District Cycling Association handbook each year, usually available from end January. This gives details of ALL events in the east district both open and club and the courses (B10/43) = Bungay, B10/3A or B = A11) etc. Also details of affiliated clubs, records for each year for various competitions and course records. The handbooks were £2.50 this year (2016) plus P&P.

You can e-mail Will Bamber, handbook@eastdistrictca.org.ukto request a copy, alternatively I can always organise getting them if I know numbers and have payment up front.

In the handbook it stipulates whether it is a club or open event.

12, Club events you just turn up, sign on, get your number and ride, it is best to get to these 45 minutes beforehand. There are certain local and national rules you must adhere to regarding open and club events which are all in the handbook and printed on start sheets. If you ignore these you can be disqualified from the event.

If you look on both websites and familiarise yourself with them all the above will make more sense hopefully.

There are various competitions you can enter towards the end of the season BAR = Best All Rounder, SPOCO, VETS and others which you will also find details in the handbook or online.