As a club, Great Yarmouth Cycling Club believes it is important that all members show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare of others.
I agree to the following while a member of the club:
To respect and treat all equally, regardless of their gender, race, sexuality, religion or anything else.
To avoid bullying behaviour. This might include making constant remarks, comments behind someone’s back, or singling someone out. Nobody will be made to feel unwelcome or that they are of lesser worth.
Not to use language or make gestures which can offend and upset others. This might include foul and abusive language towards others, but also words which belittle or demean.
To avoid acting in any way which might cause discomfort. This might include unwanted attention, inappropriate sexual comments or making remarks of a personal nature.
Behave with respect on group rides or when otherwise representing the club. This might mean avoiding altercations with other road users, and abiding by the group ride guidelines available on the club website. This ensures that everyone can enjoy activities safely and upholds the reputation of GYCC as a whole.
If you have any concerns or complaints about anything relating to this, then please get in touch with the club’s Welfare Officer, Simon Tate, via the button below.

You have rights. Cycling should be fun. You should be safe and enjoy your sport. You can't do that if you feel unhappy - if someone is bullying or abusing you.
Your club welfare officer is there to listen if you need someone to talk to or are concerned about somebody’s safety. You can contact our club's Welfare Officer, Simon Tate, via the button below.
Alternatively, you can contact:
British Cycling 0161 274 2082
Childline 0800 1111
NSPCC 0808 800 5000
Police 999
When do you know if something is wrong?
Something is wrong if someone:
- Constantly teases you, shouts at you or calls you names.
- Makes suggestive remarks or tries to pressurise you into sexual activity.
- Threatens, hits, kicks or punches you.
- Damages or steal your belongings.
- Touches you or does anything in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable.
- Does anything that makes you feel lonely, worried, unsafe, hurt or embarrassed
If you are bullied or abused it is not your fault. If this is happening to you try to:
- Be firm and tell the person to stop - make a lot of noise to attract attention.
- Keep a note of the date, time and place, what happened, how you felt and the name of anyone who may have seen what happened.
- Get away from the situation quickly, go to a public place to find help or call the police (999).
- Call your Club Welfare Officer.
Tell your parents/carers, Club Welfare Officer or an adult you can trust what has happened as soon as possible.
Keeping safe
To keep safe always:
- Tell someone you trust, so they can help you.
- Travel with a friend, avoid travelling in someone else's car by yourself
- Trust your instincts about people you meet
- Avoid going to other peoples' homes by yourself
- Avoid being alone or with just one other person
- Carry a mobile phone, phone card or change.