These transcribed News Letters and Committee minutes make good reading for those who would like to know how the Club re-established itself after the War Years, where the club had suffered a hiatus and had lost a few pre-war members in the hostilities.

            The minutes in the early years were a bit sporadic but the newsletters were a bit more regular, although the minutes can seem a bit dull with all the politics of running a club etc.,  there are dotted around these minutes and newsletters, little gems of information.

            One or two examples, the Club President in the Early years being a certain MR. V.W. Back of Pertwee and Back fame, the local Ford dealership, a touch of irony there I think. The Club-runs, normally with teas, needed to be booked up, several weeks in advance, obviously we’re spoilt today with seven days a week opening but back in the forties, with rationing and the likelihood of finding a cafe/restaurant open for Tea on a Sunday afternoon were nil. The Club-runs were an all day thing as well, having spoken to Terry (Loveday) at the recent Club Dinner, he suggested they usually started at 09:00 – 10:00 and invariably they went through till late evening, not getting home sometimes till about 08:00pm.

            Freddie Ford, the author of some of the early newsletters and also an exceptional time trialist for the day (a racing bike back then probably only had 1 gear or at best 3 or 4 gears and weighed about 25 – 30lbs, his PB being about 1hr 06mins for 25 miles), had a sense of humour with regard to some of his comments written in the newsletters, about the destinations of the runs or his fellow club mates. One notable thing I saw was how he signed off from the newsletter dated 28th January, 1948, he wrote :-

                           Yours as ever & as B.4,

                        F.T. Ford

                        Hon Gen. Secretary

Who says this texting thing is New!!

There are more to come in the very near future but for now these will have to suffice.

Happy reading.



Minutes of Quarterly General Meeting

Held at Clubroom – 21/10/1948

The Chairman Mr. C. Boulton, presided over some 28 members and the summary of the meeting’s activities is that:-

  • The minutes of the previous Quarterly meeting were read and confirmed.
  • The Secretary gave a short report on the past three months activities.
  • Upon a suggestion by Mr. Harry Brundish that we decide the style of jerseys to be worn by the club’s racing men on the road and track, it was decided to put the matter to the vote. Mr Brundish’s proposition, sec by Mr. Ford (Freddie), that the jersey be black with a 1½” yellow band in the middle was defeated in favour of Mr. R. Bennett’s proposition, sec by Mr. R. Radbourne, that the jerseys be black with two yellow bands of 1″, separated by a space of 4″, the top of the higher band being level with the lower stitches of the arm band.
  • After several minutes of discussion it was proposed by Mr. G. Bennett, sec by Mr. R. Bennett that a request from Mr. Annis (Reg) be granted – the request was that, bearing in mind the number of medals already gained by Mr. Annis, he should be allowed to have the cash values of his medals, less the cost of the certificates which he would prefer to have.
  • The Best All-Rounder shield votes were counted and it was found that Mr. David Duffell was to be holder of the shield for the following year.
  • It was agreed that any discussion regarding next year’s track racing programme should be left in abeyance.
  • In any other business, the matter of the irregular attendance of members at tea-places was again raised, but after several minutes of discussion it was again agreed that little could be done to overcome this, except to ask for the members co-operation in the future.


The meeting was then closed.


M.G.M.                                                                                                                                   Mr. C.F. Boulton (Chairman)

Annual General Meeting

Held at the St. Peter’s Clubroom – Thursday 13th January 1949

The Chairman Mr. C. Boulton, presided over some 35 members.

  • The minutes of the previous A.G.M. were read and confirmed.
  • The Hon. Gen. Secretary gave his report of the year’s working and this was accepted upon a proposition by Mr. H .G. Clarke seconded by Mr. C.F. Boulton.
  • The racing report was then given and after reviewing a very successful year, the secretary, Mr. Mills, mentioned that he felt entry fees for the coming year should be increased. The report was accepted upon a proposition by Mr. Ford seconded by Mr. Thorne.
  • Wheatley gave her report of the workings of the Social Section of the club and was able to comment upon a very favourable year indeed. The report was accepted upon a proposition by Mr. H. Brundish, seconded by Mrs. Boulton.
  • The question of officers for the forth coming year arose and the post of President was again filled by Mr. H.T. Greenacre, proposed by Mr. T. Pagano, seconded by Mrs. E. Wheatley.
  • Vice-Presidents for the past year with exception of Mr H. Long, were elected en-bloc with the addition of Mr. G. Wooden (Proposed by Mr. H. Clarke and seconded by Mr. H. Brundish) and Mr. A Lansdell Proposed by Mrs. C. Boulton and seconded by Mr. G. Edwards) subject to their acceptance.
  • The Chairman’s position was again filled by Mr. C.F. Boulton, proposed by Mrs. Wheatley, seconded by Mr. M. Mills.
  • G. Edwards was elected as Vice-Chairman, proposed by Mr. H. Clarke, seconded by Mrs. Boulton.
  • The General Secretary’s post was filled by the election of Mr. M. Mills, proposed by Mr. H. Brundish, seconded by Mrs. Wheatley.
  • M. Mills was also elected as Treasurer, proposed by Mr. F. Ford, seconded by Mr. Thorne.
  • G. Mills was elected as Race Secretary, proposed by Mr. Bateman, seconded by Mr. A. C. Duffell.
  • H. Clarke was elected as Track Secretary, proposed by Mr. Thorne, seconded by Mr. H. Brundish.
  • E. Wheatley was unanimously re-elected as Social Secretary, proposed by Mr. T. Pagano, seconded by Mrs. V. Boulton.
  • R. Annis proposed and Mr. Thorne seconded that the post of Assistant Secretary should be deleted this year. This was carried.
  • A proposition by Mr. M. Mills that a post of Press Secretary should be created was seconded by Mrs. E. Wheatley. This was carried and Mr. T. Pagano was elected, proposed by Mr. Edwards and seconded Mr. Doughty.
  • The post of Captain was filled by Mr. H. Brundish proposed by Mrs. E. Wheatley and seconded Mrs. V. Boulton.
  • H. Brundish proposed and Mr. R. Annis seconded that for the coming year 3 Vice-Captains should be elected. This was carried and those elected were:- Mr. E. Skipper (proposed by Mrs. E. Wheatley seconded Mr. H. Clarke); Mr. G. Edwards (proposed by Mrs. Mills seconded Mr. H. Brundish); Mr. G. Mills (proposed by Mr. Underwood seconded Mr. T. Pagano).
  • It was proposed by Mr. M. Mills and seconded by Mr. R. Annis that of the four Committee members, one must be a lady member. Mr. Clarke proposed and Mr. H. Brundish seconded that two lady members be elected. The first proposition was carried by 20 votes to 6. Those elected were as follows:-
    1. J. Saunders – proposed by Mr. H. Brundish, seconded by Mrs. Ford.
    2. Duffell – proposed by Mr. H. Clarke, seconded by Mr. Ford.
    3. R. Webb – proposed by Mr. T. Pagano, seconded by Mr. Peel.
    4. L. Scriven – proposed by Mr. T. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Hobart.
  • For the Social Committee, Mrs. Boulton (Prop. Mrs. Wheatley, Sec Mr. Clarke), Miss L. Scriven (Prop. Mr. Clarke, Sec Mr. Hobart), Mr. J. Saunders (Prop. Mr. H. Brundish, Sec Mrs. Boulton), Mr. T. Pagano (Prop. Mrs. Boulton, Sec Mr. G. Mills) were elected en bloc upon a proposition by Mr. H Brundish and seconded by Mr. R. Annis.
  • The Race Committee was elected as follows:-
    1. F. Ford – proposed by Mr. H. Clarke, seconded by Mr. H. Brundish.
    2. E. Skipper – proposed by Mr. T. Pagano, seconded by Mr. Thacker.
    3. D. Duffell – proposed by Mrs. Boulton, seconded by Mr. Peel.

Also the Race Sec., Track Sec. and Timekeeper

  • A.J. Thorne was unanimously re-elected as Timekeeper, proposed by Mr. T. Pagano and seconded by Mr. H. Brundish.
  • Upon a proposition by Mr. Bateman, seconded by Mr. R. Annis it was unanimously decided to have an assistant Timekeeper. Mr. H. Clarke was elected, proposed by Mrs. E. Wheatley, seconded by Mr. G. Mills.
  • The two R.T.T.C. delegates elected were:- Mr. G. Mills (Prop. Mr. H. Clarke, Sec Mr. F. Ford), Mr. M. Mills (Prop. Mr. F. Ford, Sec Mrs. E. Wheatley).
  • The four N.C.U. delegates elected were:- Mr. H. Brundish (Prop. Mr. F. Ford, Sec Mrs. Boulton), Mr. H. Clarke (Prop. Mrs. E. Wheatley, Sec Mr. Peel), Mr. J. Saunders (Prop. Mrs. Ford, Sec Mr. H. Clarke), Mr. E. Skipper (Prop. Mr. H. Clarke, Sec Mr. E. Clarke).
  • The post of Auditor was filled by Mr. C. Angel, (Prop. Mr. T. Pagano, Sec Mr. R. Annis).
  • The delegates elected to the N.C.U. were filled by two volunteers, Mr. T. Underwood and Mr. E. Skipper.
  • R. Radbourne and Miss L. Scriven were elected as delegates to the Youth Council.
  • E. Wheatley proposed, and Mrs. V. Boulton seconded a vote of thanks to the Lady member of the press who attended the meeting.
  • In Order that the delegates to committees should be fully aware of the Club’s views, it was proposed by Mr. H. Brundish and seconded by Mr. Duffell that delegates must attend our committee meetings. This was carried.
  • It was decided to offer the club’s appreciation to the Hon. Secretary of the Physical Culture Club for his help in many ways over the past year.
  • There being no further business, the meeting closed shortly after 10 o’clock.

M.G.M.                                                                                                                                   Mr. C.F. Boulton (Chairman)

Committee Meeting

Held at the Star and Garter Hotel on Monday 17th January 1949


The Chairman, Mr. C. Boulton, presided over the following members of the committee :- H. Clarke, G. Mills, E. Skipper, R. Webb, T. Pagano, Miss L. Scriven, G. Edwards, D. Duffell, H. Brundish and M. Mills

  • The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
  • The Secretary, in reply to a query said that a letter was still awaited from the N.C.U. re “Cycling on the Lower Promenade” at Gorleston.
  • There were no reports to read as the new officials had only just been elected.
  • Clubruns were arranged as follows :-
  1. February 6th Swanington with Tea at Brundall
  2. 13th Wingfield with Tea at Wangford
  3. 20th Aylmerton with Tea at Brundall
  4. 27th Snape with Tea at Leiston
  • The Secretary was instructed to write to Messrs. Flood and enquire the price of 100 membership cards of single thickness and measuring about 3″ x 2½”, also 500 quarto sheets of club-rules and standing orders.
  • There was some discussion about the iron railings which had been erected on the track at Gorleston Recreation Ground in spite of recent statements regarding it’s renovation for use as a cycle track. The Track Secretary was asked to write to the Parks Superintendant and enquire the position.
  • It was decided that the N.C.A. delegates should suggest that the inter-club run be organised at the forthcoming A.G.M. of the Association.
  • The next meeting was fixed for February 7th.

M.G.M.                                                                                                                                   Mr. C.F. Boulton (Chairman)

Committee Meeting

Held at the Star and Garter Hotel on Monday 7th February 1949

The Chairman, Mr. C. Boulton, presided over the following members of the committee :- Mrs. E. Wheatley, G. Mills, H. Clarke, H. Brundish, J. Saunders, D. Duffell, T. Pagano and M. Mills.

  • The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
  • The Captain, in giving his report on last’s months club-runs stated that in spite of the fine weather there was still a large variation in the numbers out on runs from week to week
  • The Social Secretary gave an encouraging report on the Social held during the previous month. A total of 65 persons were present and a nett profit of about 8/- was made. Mr. H.G. Clarke proposed a vote of thanks to the Social Committee for a fine evening’s entertainment. This was seconded by Mr. H. Brundish. In view of the success, it was decided to hold another Social on either 2nd or 9th April at the Yare hotel. The price of admission was fixed at 2/6d which would include refreshments and small prizes.
  • Correspondence was dealt with the most important item being an invitation from the N.C.A. asking us to put forward names of members wishing to take part in the exchange visit with Leeuwarden.
  • Clubruns were arranged as follows :-
  1. March    6th         Albrough & Piccadilly Corner with Tea at Wangford
  2. 13th       Leave at 09:00am for Little Walsingham with Tea at Brundall
  3. 20th       Chediston with Tea at Wangford
  4. 27th       Leave at 08:00am for Shotley Gate for hardriders & at 09:15am for Parham with Tea at Leiston
  • It was decided to re-start mid-week clubruns on a Wednesday evening in the near future.
  • A motion was passed that not more than one club member shall be granted Honorary Life Membership each year in recognition of any outstanding contribution to the club. The selection is to made by the committee at its last meeting prior to the Annual Dinner. A suggestion regarding membership fees for periods over a year was not proceeded with.
  • There was a short discussion about the present committee room. The Star & Garter had changed hands recently and the new tenant was not at all keen on having us. The Secretary was going to enquire the exact position with the landlady after the meeting.
  • The date of the next meeting was fixed for March 7th.

M.G.M.                                                                                                                                   Mr. C.F. Boulton (Chairman)

Committee Meeting

Held at the Central Library on Monday 7th March 1949

The Chairman, Mr. C. Boulton, presided over the following members of the committee :- D. Duffell, J. Saunders, T. Pagano, G. Edwards, G. Mills, Mrs. E. Wheatley, M. Mills and H. Clarke.

  • The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
  • As the Captain was unable to attend, a short verbal report was given by the Vice-Captain who said that the previous months runs had proved to be most enjoyable, attendance was regular although fairly small in number.
  • The Press Secretary read the replies he received from Cycling and the Bicycle in answer to his letter re the restrictions on advertising stopping the publication of the East Anglian Cyclist. He also read a letter from the Secretary of the Anglo-Dutch League re an interchange of visits between Yarmouth and a Dutch town.
  • Two new members were elected :- Mr. Thomas Cort and Miss Sheila Lowe.
  • The Social Secretary gave a brief report on recent events.
  • The Track Secretary stated that a letter had been received from the Parks Superintendant saying that the football season finishes on May 5th and we can use the track after that date.
  • Clubruns were fixed as follows :-
  1. April 3rd  Felbrigg with Tea at Brundall
  2. 10th Dunwich with Tea at Wangford
  3. Easter Monday, April 18th Hoe with Tea at Brundall
  4. 24th Bruisyard with Tea at Leiston
  • Correspondence was dealt with. The names of Mrs. E. Wheatley and Mr. C. Boulton were to be sent forward as nominations for the Youth Committee.
  • The date of the next meeting was fixed for April 7th at the Library.

M.G.M.                                                                                                                                   Mr. C.F. Boulton (Chairman)

Committee Meeting

Held at the Central Library on Monday 7th April 1949

The Chairman, Mr. C. Boulton, presided over the following members of the committee :- G. Mills, T. Pagano, H. Clarke, D. Duffell, H. Brundish, R. Webb, J. Saunders, Mrs. E. Wheatley, G. Edwards and M. Mills.

  • The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
  • The Vice-Captain’s reported that the past months runs had been given good support generally.
  • The Social Secretary gave a brief report and stated that attendance at the Clubroom in recent weeks had been very poor. It was decided to hold the matter over until the next committee to see whether the situation improved.
  • The Race Secretary reported on the recent events and also about the recent Race Committee Meeting. The date of the Novices event was brought forward to April 10th.
  • One new member was elected. Mr. J. Brooks proposed by M. Mills and seconded by R. Webb.
  • Clubruns were arranged as follows :-
  1. May 1st         Sandringham at 08:00am and Cromer at 09:12am with Tea for both runs at North Walsham
  2. 8th Rishangles with Tea at Wangford
  3. 15th “Little Switzerland” with Tea at Brundall
  4. 22nd Iken with Tea at Wangford
  5. 29th Sibton Abbey with Tea at Beccles
  • Correspondence was dealt with. A letter from the N.C.A. stated that Fred Ford had been picked to go to Leeuwarden. After hearing this H. Brundish proposed and G. Edwards seconded that a gift be made to Fred of 3 guineas towards his expenses.
    1. Pryer, a member of a neighbouring club, asked permission to ride private trials in the club events. The Secretary was instructed to write and tell him that we should be pleased for him to do so.
    2. The election form for Youth Committee members was then dealt with and Mr. Curson was voted for in addition to our own two nominees.
    3. The election of Youth Councillors was held over until the Quarterly Meeting.
  • There was a short discussion concerning a mirror which was recently broken at the Clubroom. The cost of another which was acceptable to the Physical Culture Club was £4 10s. The secretary was asked to purchase it and arrange with the G.Y.P.C.C. about its fitting.
  • The Secretary asked about obtaining some more metal club badges, which were out of stock and it was agreed to order two dozen besides the medals for this year’s racing, which were to be ordered at the same time.
  • The next meeting was fixed for Monday 2nd May.

M.G.M.                                                                                                                                   Mr. C.F. Boulton (Chairman)

Minutes of Quarterly Meeting

Held at the Clubroom on Thursday 21st April 1949

The Chairman, Mr. C. Boulton, presided over some 18 members.

  • The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
  • The Secretary read the quarterly report.
  • As it was the end of the Youth Council year, a form for the new Youth Councillors representing the club had been received. It was agreed that the two names stand as elected at the club’s A.G.M.
  • There was a proposition by Mr. H. Brundish, seconded by G. Mills that all subscriptions for the forth coming year shall be paid by December 31st in each year. This was carried unanimously.
    1. Another proposition by Mr. H. Brundish, seconded by G. Mills that the committee have the power to expel members, with their right of appeal was carried by 9 votes to 3.
  • There was some discussion about Leiston as a tea-place and it was generally agreed that service was poor and that no further runs would be booked there.
  • A member enquired about the club cards which had been proposed at a meeting earlier in the year, the Secretary replied saying that the printers required exact details before quoting prices and that this had not been drawn up.
  • Mills proposed and L. Gurney seconded that we should approach the G.Y.P.C.C. to see if we could put a framed map of the district on their wall. This was carried.
  • The meeting then terminated.

M.G.M.                                                                                                       Mr. C.F. Boulton (Chairman)

Committee Meeting

Held at the Central Library on Monday 2nd May 1949

The Chairman, Mr. C. Boulton, presided over the following members of the committee :- G. Mills, H. Clarke, Mrs. E. Wheatley, J. Saunders, D. Duffell, Miss L. Scriven, R. Webb, T. Pagano, H. Brundish and M. Mills.

  • The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
  • The Social Secretary gave a report and stated that attendance was still poor at the clubroom and recommending that it be closed for the Summer months. A proposition by Mrs. E. Wheatley seconded by J. Saunders, was carried, fixing the date for closing as the last day of this month.
  • The Race Secretary was able to report on a fine months racing during which records had already been broken.
  • The Vice-Captain’s reported on a normal months clubruns although the run fixed to Bruisyard was not supported and nobody turned up for tea at Leiston.
  • Clubruns were arranged as follows :-
  1. Monday, June 6th Attleborough Sports with Tea at Pelican Tacolneston
  2. 12th Thetford Rally with Tea at The Horseshoes, Billingford
  3. 19th West Lexham with Tea at White Horse Brundall
  4. 26th Occold with Tea at The Angel Wangford
  • Correspondence was next dealt with. There was an enquiry about club membership and also details of the N.C.U. Rally at Leamington Spa.
  • There was a short discussion about the track at Gorleston and the prospects of getting it put in order. The Track Secretary was asked to write to the N.C.U. to see if they would approve of its use.
  • The next committee meeting was fixed for Tuesday 7th June.

M.G.M.                                                                                                       Mr. C.F. Boulton (Chairman)

Committee Meeting

Held at the Central Library on Wednesday 8th June 1949

The Chairman, Mr. C. Boulton, presided over the following members of the committee :- G. Edwards, J. Saunders, T. Pagano, D. Duffell, R. Webb, H. Brundish, H. Clarke and M. Mills.

  • The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
  • The Captain reported that the runs had been satisfactory, also that The Horseshoes at Billingford were unable to cater for us on the day of the Thetford Rally. The Committee decided to try and arrange tea at The Cosy Cafe, Botesdale. A letter had been received in connection with occasion when nobody attended tea at Leiston. The Captain sent the cash for 12 teas as booked.
  • The Race Secretary had a full report of a successful months racing.
  • The Track Secretary had little to report apart from the news in the local paper regarding the track at Gorleston which, it was stated, would be re-made with cinders in the coming months. There was a brief description of the Team Pursuit event at Attleborough in which the club were lapped by Suffolk Roads.
  • Lingwood made a report on the meeting at which he represented the club regarding a Treasure Hunt for bicycles to raise money for the S.S.A.F.A. Apparently the organisers had the wrong idea of what a cycle treasure hunt was but would nevertheless like the club to arrange something that might raise some money for the fund on one evening in August Week. The committee decided to approach Mr. Stanley to see if it was practicable to run anything.
  • The question of the proposed Yarmouth Road Club was raised, it being stated that Messrs. Annis, Webb, Underwood and Cort had expressed dissatisfaction at the way in which the present club was being run. Mr Webb stated that the presentation of prizes at the last Annual Dinner was a fiasco. Before going into the matter further, the committee agreed to ask the four members concerned along to the next meeting in order to hear of their grievances.
  • Correspondence was dealt with. A letter from Mr. Annis complaining about the recent donation to the clubs representative at the Leeuwarden games, was read. The Secretary was instructed to reply, stating that the Racing fund had no connection with the General fund and also that the committee deplored the mercenary tone of the letter.
  • Clubruns were arranged as follows :-
  1. July 3rd         Mattishall with Tea at Brundall
  2. 10th Open 25 Bungay on River with Tea at Wangford
  3. 17th Wolterton with Tea at North Walsham
  4. 24th Cancel 30, Gissing with Tea at Wangford
  5. August Monday 1st Impromptu, with Tea at Brundall
  • The next meeting was fixed for Monday, 4th July.

M.G.M.                                                                                                       Mr. C.F. Boulton (Chairman)

Committee Meeting

Held at the Gt. Yarmouth Free Library on Monday 4th July 1949

The Chairman, Mr. C. Boulton, presided over the following members of the committee :- Mrs. E. Wheatley and Messers. D. Duffell, T. Pagano, G. Mills, R. Webb and H. G. Clarke

  • The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
  • With regard to the recent negotiations with S.S.A.F.A. regarding suggested Treasure Hunt to benefit the aforementioned body, Mr Lingwood, the club’s representative stated that Mr. E.G. Stanley, Youth Officer, would get in touch with the acting Secretary, Mr. H. Clarke, and matters were left in his hands to act as he considered the club would in regard to helping the Treasure Hunt.
  • A letter was read from Mr. R. C. Annis, regarding complaints made in writing at the previous meeting and, as he himself had suggested, the matter was considered closed.
  • As there was no further information forthcoming regarding the “Yarmouth Road Club”, the matter was considered closed.
  • The Race Secretary’s report, given by the acting Race Secretary, H.G. Clarke, was read and approved.
  • The Track Secretary’s verbal report was approved, in which he stated that although the grass had now all but a very small portion been removed, nothing further had been done regarding the re-surfacing of the Gorleston Track
  • E. Wheatley proposed, Mr. T. Pagano seconded, that as there was no real business to be conducted this time, the second quarterly General meeting should not be held. Carried unanimously.
  • The following Resignations from positions held were accepted en bloc:-
    1. H. Brundish Captain and N.C.U. delegate
    2. H.G. Clarke N.C.U. delegate
  • E. Skipper Vice- Captain and Committee member
  • On the proposition of Mr .D. Duffell, seconded by Mr. G. Mills, Mr. D. Bateman was elected as Club Captain.
  • T. Pagano was elected as Vice-Captain, proposed by Mrs. E. Wheatley, seconded by Mr. H. Clarke
  • D. Duffell and M. Mills were elected as N.C.U. delegates.
  • The following new members were elected :-
    1. Mr. E.J.D. Widdick
    2. Mr. S. Ritchie
  • Mr. J. Roy
  • The following new committee members were elected:-
    1. Mr. T. Underwood and Mr. J.U. Campbell
    2. Mr. E.J.D. Widdick
  • Mr. S. Ritchie
  1. Mr. J. Roy
  • It was presumed by her continued absence from meetings that Miss L. Scriven did not wish to continue as a member of the Social Committee, and Mr. H. Clarke was elected to serve in her place.
  • Clubruns were arranged as follows :-
  1. August 7th  Aldeburgh with Tea at Wangford
  2. 14th Club 50 with Tea at North Walsham
  3. 21st Old Buckenham with Tea at Tacolneston
  4. 28th “Hostel Weekend” with Tea Brundall
  5. August Monday 1st Impromptu, with Tea at Brundall
  • Regarding the Fitch Cup, it was agreed that it should be open for competition from members of other clubs and the secretary’s arrangements with regard to same were endorsed.
  • The proceedings then terminated.

H.C.                                                                                                                           Mr. C.F. Boulton (Chairman)

Committee Meeting

Held at the New Social & Youth Centre Magdalen Estate on Aug 8th 1949

The Chairman, Mr. C. Boulton, presided over :- Mrs. E. Wheatley, and Messers. D. Bateman, G. Mills, D. Duffell, J. Campbell, J. Saunders, R. Webb, T. Underwood, T. Pagano, and H. G. Clarke, Hon. Track Sec., acting Hon. Gen . Sec.

  • The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed as a true record of the proceedings.
  • The Chairman brought up a proposition made to him by the R.A.F. Association’s Welfare Officer in Yarmouth, Mr. Wiley, as follows :- That the wheelers during the forthcoming Battle of Britain Week, should run a Meeting on the Gorleston Track, all expenses and prizes being paid for by the Association.
    1. The Track secretary then pointed out that for several reasons it would not be possible to run a meeting when required, the chief one being that there appeared no hope of the proposed new surfacing being done by the time it was required. Hr offered an alternative suggestion, that the club organises a roller racing contest for the R.A.F. Association if the association wished.
    2. Underwood proposed, Mr. Webb seconded, that the track secretary should see Mr. Wiley and put the alternative proposition to him. This was carried.
  • With regard to the item in the previous minutes in connection with the S.S.A.F.A., Mr. H. Clarke reported that he had seen Mr. Stanley, Youth Officer, and after some discussion had agreed with him that whole matter should be dropped. Mr. H. Clarke then proposed and Mr. J. Saunders seconded, that the club should donate 10/- to the S.S.A.F.A. fund as a token of good faith in regard to the club being unable to assist in the previous matters. This was carried.
  • The new Club Captain, Mr D. Bateman, reported that some of the runs during the past few weeks had been very well supported, especially that of the 7th August, when 23 persons turned up for tea. However he was sorry to report that on the last occasion the club went to Wangford only 8 were present, and the club had to make up for this by paying for the additional bookings, a sum of 8 shillings.
  • The race secretary made a verbal report, saying how the increasing faster times of the club’s racing men was something for us all to be proud of, and endorsed the previous month’s report by Mr. H. Clarks on the excellent form of Mr. R. Annis.
  • T. Underwood wished to know if one person broke a club record, and it was subsequently broken by another person before the end of the season, would it be the last person to hold the record by the end of the season? He also wished to know what award a winner of a “Gold” Standard medal would receive. As this entailed referring back to a previous minutes book the Race Secretary agreed to bring the information up at the next meeting.
  • The Lowestoft Wheelers having applied for permission for their members to ride private trials in the club 50, the secretary was instructed to tell them it was in order, each rider to pay an entry fee.
  • The Club 100 was arranged for either 9th or 2nd October, depending on the date of the massed start event in Norwich.
  • Clubruns were arranged as follows :-
    1. 4th September Club 30 with Tea at Wangford
    2. 11th September Wells, start 08:30 with Tea at North Walsham
    3. 18th September Eccles with Tea at Brundall
    4. 25th September Framlingham with Tea Wangford. at Brundall
  • T. Underwood proposed, Mr. D. Bateman seconded, that the club should become affiliated to the Shrublands & Magdalen Estate Social Centre. This was carried unanimously.
  • The proceedings then terminated.

H.C.                                                                                                                           Mr. C.F. Boulton (Chairman)

Committee Meeting

Held at the Shrublands Youth & Adult Centre on Mon, 5th September 1949

The Chairman, Mr. C. Boulton, presided over :- Mrs. E. Wheatley, and Messers. J. Campbell, D. Duffell, H. G. Clarke, D. Bateman, T. Pagano, R. Webb, T. Underwood, and M. Mills.

  • The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. It was stated that nothing further had been heard from the R.A.F. Association about the proposed Roller Contest and the matter was left. The General Secretary gave the required information about the “Gold” Standard medal query that was raised at a previous meeting but was unable to give a definite answer about certificates for records.
  • The Captain gave a short report on recent clubruns saying that on the whole thery had been very well supported.
  • The report of the Race Secretary who was away on Holiday was read by the Gen. Sec. A proposition by Mr. H. Clark that a letter be sent to Mr. Annis congratulating him on his recent fine performances, was not carried.
  • The Track Secretary gave a report on the meeting of the Parks Committee which he had attended and it appeared that the Council were seeking further advice before proceeding with the construction of a cycle track.
  • The date of the Annual Dinner & Dance was provisionally fixed for Saturday, December 10th. A dinner committee consisting of the Social Secretary end the following members was elected :- Miss S. Francis, Messrs. T. Pagano, H. Clarke and M. Mills.
  • The question of medals was discussed at some length and as some of the committee were in favour of having a medal cast so that it differed slightly from the club badge, the Gen. Secretary was asked to write and enquire the approximate price of these in comparison to those already used and also to see if it was possible to have the new type ready in time for this year’s presentation. The matter was to be raised again at the next meeting.
  • A letter received from the Norwich Viking Motor Cycle Club who were organising a Road Users Church Service, was read and it was agreed to arrange the clubrun on October the 2nd so that we could give our support.
  • It was decided to organise a coach trip to London on 29th October to visit the Cycle Show. The Secretary was asked to obtain quotations for the fare and the Captain to collect 5/- deposit from those wishing to go.
  • The following new members were elected en bloc :-
    1. Mrs. R.L. Widdick
    2. Mr. D.A. Smith
  • Mr. J. M. Cushing
  1. Mr. V.L. Girling
  2. Mr. R.E. Mears


  • Clubruns were arranged as follows :-
  1. October 2nd 8:30am for North Tuddenham with Tea at Pelican Tacolneston
  2. 9th Club 100 with Tea at the Angel North Walsham
  3. 16th Orford Castle with Tea at the Angel Wangford.
  4. 23rd Hill Climb at Ringland with Tea at Brundall.
  5. 30th Afternoon run for Tea Coltishall owing to trip to London.
  • The next meeting was fixed for Monday, 3rd October.

M.G.M.                                                                                                                     Mr. C.F. Boulton (Chairman)

Committee Meeting

Held at the Shrublands Youth & Adult Centre on Mon, 3rd October 1949

The Chairman, Mr. C. Boulton, presided over :- Mrs. E. Wheatley, and Messers. D. Bateman, J. Campbell, D. Duffell, G. Mills, R. Webb, T. Pagano, H. G. Clarke, and M. Mills.

  • The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
  • The Captain reported favourably on the past months runs.
  • The Race Secretary gave a detailed report of last month’s events. There was some query about the handicap given to Mr. R.C. Read in the “Club 30”. It was stated that after the event he was heard to say he had ridden a 1hr. 7min. whilst in the forces, a time which was not included in his entry form. The Race Secretary was asked to write to both him and the Oxford City R.C. to see if this statement was true.
  • The Social Secretary was asked about the re-opening of the St. Peters School Clubroom. It was agreed to do so on the 13th October and from then every Thursday after, until further notice. The charge for the evening was fixed at 3d. per person. It was also decided to enter a team in the Table Tennis League again.
  • The Track secretary said that no further news had reached him from the Council concerning the track which was having a layer of cinders rolled into it. It was presumed that this was being done for drainage purposes.
  • One new member was elected :-
    1. Miss S. Locke, Proposed by G. Mills and Seconded by T. Pagano
  • It was decided to leave at 06:30am on the 29th October for the coach trip to Earls Court and be picked up between 11:00pm and 11:30pm in Malet Street for the return journey.
  • The next Quarterly General Meeting was fixed for Monday, 31st October at the Shrublands Centre.
  • Clubruns for November were arranged as follows :-
  1. 6th Higham with Tea at Pelican Tacolneston
  2. 13th Aldeburgh with Tea at the Angel Wangford
  3. 20th Morning run to Langley Priory and afternoon run to Tea at the London Tavern, Coltishall
  4. 27th An early run at 08:30am to castle Acre and a run to Reepham at the usual time. Tea for both runs at the White Horse, Brundall.
  • It was agreed to submit 11th June, 1950 as the date for our next Open 25.
  • Correspondence was then dealt with. The main item being a letter from the Youth Officer asking us to put on a brief display at the Floral Hall on Friday, 28th October. After some discussion it was agreed to try and do this in spite of the limited scope of the Club’s activities.
  • The next Committee Meeting was fixed for Monday, 7th November.

M.G.M.                                                                                                                     Mr. C.F. Boulton (Chairman)

Minutes of Quarterly General Meeting

Held on Monday 31st October 1949 at the Clubroom on Shrublands Centre

The Chairman, Mr. C. Boulton, presided over some 12 members.

  • The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The Secretary stated that he had not yet written asking for permission to put a framed map of the district on the clubroom wall. The matter of the club membership cards for next year was in hand.
  • The awarding of the Memorial Trophy for 1949 was discussed and two propositions were put forward.
  • That it be for the person who has done most for the club since the war. Proposed by G.L. Mills and seconded by T. Pagano.
  • That it be for the person who has done most for the club during 1949. Proposed by R.L. Webb and seconded by H.G. Clarke.
  • The proposition ii was carried and three names were put forward and seconded. H.G. Clarke received most votes with R.C. Annis second and D. Duffell third.
  • The question of the Horse, Brundall remaining in use as a tea place was discussed and it was decided to discontinue using it as stale food had often been served of late and there was a general feeling that small numbers were not required. It still appeared suitable for large parties such as supper runs etc.
  • Owing to the coming increase in N.C.U. affiliation fees of 1/- per person and the general trend of increased prices for materials, the secretary stated that there was no alternative to an increase in the club subscription. It was agreed to fix an amount which would be inclusive of the use of the clubroom and two propositions were made :-
  • That the subscription be 7/6d with an additional 2/6d if affiliation to the N.C.U. is required.
  • That it be 10/6d with automatic affiliation to the N.C.U.
    1. The later was carried.
  • The Secretary proposed that the subscriptions should be made payable by 31st December for the ensuing year to bring things into line with N.C.U. year for affiliation purposes. This was carried.
  • There being no other business, the meeting closed.

M.G.M.                                                                                                                     Mr. C.F. Boulton (Chairman)

Committee Meeting

Held at the Shrublands Youth & Adult Centre on Mon, 7th November 1949

The Chairman, Mr. C. Boulton, presided over :- Mrs. E. Wheatley, and Messers. J. Saunders, R. Webb,  J. Campbell, T. Underwood, T. Pagano, H. G. Clarke, G. Mills, D. Bateman and M. Mills.

  • The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed, a letter from the Oxford City R.C. was read and it was stated that there was no record of Mr. R.C. Read riding in any of their Open events unless it was a private trial in which case no records were kept. Mr. Read also wrote stating that he had only ridden in one private trial whilst away from the club. In view of this , the query about his handicap in the Club 30, was concerned as being satisfactorily answered. A vote of thanks was proposed by H. Clarke and seconded by T. Pagano, for the work done by D. Bateman and M. Mills in organising the coach trip to the Cycle Show at Earls Court. The Display by the club at the Floral Hall on the 28th October went over quite well.
  • The Captains report stated that attendance on runs over the past month had been most encouraging. Tea had been cancelled on 13th November at Wangford owing to the holiday of the Landlady. It had been arranged at Homersfield, Black Swan instead.
  • The Race Secretary stated that the Hill-Climb was cancelled on the morning owing to poor support due to the bad weather. It was decided to abandon the event for this year.
  • The Social Secretary in reply to a query about the clubroom paying its way, said that there was not sufficient attendance for this to be the case.
  • Clubruns were fixed as follows :-
  1. Tea place on the 27th November to be either at Brundall Stores or else the Yare Hotel
  2. Dec. 4th Inter-club run with North Norfolk C.C. with football on Honing Common with Tea at the Angel North Walsham.
  3. 11th No run owing to N.A.B.C. High Tea at Brundall
  4. 18th Christmas Dinner run at the Angel Hotel, Wangford
  5. 25th Morning run to Rollesby, Horse & Groom
  6. Other runs over the holidays to be impromptu affairs.
  • A few items of correspondence were then dealt with
  • The Secretary asked for the support of the committee in connection with a letter to be sent to the Town Clerk about the poor condition of the road surface on the Haven Bridge. The committee were in favour of the proposal.
  • A complaint was raised about the age of a prospective member Douglas Lowe, who had been on several clubruns. On learning that he was only 14, the committee instructed the secretary to tell him he must not attend our runs until of the correct age. The secretary was also asked to obtain Mr. R.C. Reads subscription before the next meeting.
  • The next meeting was fixed for Monday, 5th December.

M.G.M.                                                                                                                     Mr. H.G. Clarke PP (Chairman)

Committee Meeting

Held at the Shrublands Youth & Adult Centre on Monday, 5th December, 1949

The Chairman, Mr. C.F. Boulton, had sent a message that he would be late and so the committee elected Mr. H.G. Clarke to preside over the meeting. Those in attendance were :- Mrs. E. Wheatley, Miss S. Francis and Messers. T. Underwood, T. Pagano, J. Saunders, G. Mills, D. Bateman, R. Webb, J. Campbell and M. Mills.

  • The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
  • The Captain reported on good attendance on clubruns and stated that the price of the Christmas Dinner and tea at Wangford would be 5/6d per person for between 16 and 20. It was also decided to allow Mr. D. Lowe to attend clubrooms if he wished (See previous minutes).
  • The Social Secretary gave a short report.
  • Clubruns for January were arranged as follows :-
  1. 1st Hostelling week-end at Sheringham with Tea at Yare, Brundall.
  2. 8th 9:00am run to Felixstowe with Angel Hotel, Wangford
  3. 15th Quidenham Church with Tea at Pelican Tacolneston
  4. 22nd Paper Chase until midday then Tea at the London Tavern, Coltishall
  5. 29th Hindolveston with Tea at the Angel, North Walsham
  • The date of the A.G.M. was fixed for Thursday, 26th January
  • Webb had asked if a he won in an N.A.B.C. event could be presented to him at our Dinner. A vote was taken and the majority was against.
  • Correspondence was then dealt with.
    1. There was a complaint made by a member concerning behaviour on clubruns. Several instances were mentioned and backed up by members of the committee. It appeared that the root of the trouble was because too many members were lagging behind with Mr. B Francis who was allowed to ride some distance away for the club on account of his disabled arm. The Secretary was therefore instructed to write to him and ask him not to attend clubruns until such time as he felt he could ride with the body of the club
  • The next meeting was fixed for Monday, 2nd January.

M.G.M.                                                                                                                     Mr. C.F. Boulton (Chairman)





1, St. Georges Road

Great Yarmouth

January, 1948.

Dear Wheeler,

This month’s Club Letter must of necessity be shorter than usual, as I am trying to get the Agenda for the A.G.M. onto the end of it. Nevertheless I don’t wish to miss out anything of importance, especially at it is the last one of the year.

First and foremost I wish to thank everyone for the fine spirit shewn during the past year in supporting all our ventures and the outstanding efforts made by several people in organising various events.

As most of you know, we had quite a “Grand Do” at the Annual Dinner and from what I hear everyone was pleased with the draw that we ran. In the capable hands of Freddie Ford I don’t think it could have been anything else but a success and he has asked me to pass on a word of thanks to all who sold any of the tickets, particularly Marie, Harry and young Geoffrey, who set really fine example.

I don’t doubt that 1948 will see a further increase in our success as a Club and because of this we must elect a really active committee at the A.G.M., who are prepared to put their backs into the Club in the coming year. Don’t forget, this is YOUR CLUB and it is up to you to do your best and see what you can put into it rather than what you can get out of it. One way in which everyone can help is to pause for a few minutes and weigh up who is likely to be suitable for each vacancy, then jot their names down on a piece of paper and send the nominations to me  at No. 1 before the Meeting. You are not barred of course from making nominations at the meeting but it helps to get things organised beforehand and prevents the meeting lasting into the “small hours”.

A word to the comparatively new members again – if you feel you can spare some time to take on a job and help the club, don’t turn it down because you feel you may not be able to make a success of it. You will find there is always plenty of ready advice from the old hands who have the experience but not the time. Perhaps I ought to leave things to your own discretion, so I will pass on to the Club-runs for the month :-

Jan. 4th            Leaving at 09:15am for a run round all the villages whose names end with  “field”. Most of these places are between Bungay, Harleston and Halesworth.  We end up with tea at Wangford

Jan 11th           We hope to visit a new tea-place at Coltishall and as in the past we seem to have had an unfortunate habit of having small musters on these first visits, please do your best to give this place your support. The run is to Mundesley  and Roughton, leaving the Star & Garter at 09:15am.

Jan 18th           We pay a visit this day to Scoulton Mere, a well known Bird Sanctuary which  is several miles west of Norwich and leave at our usual time of 09:15am and return to tea at the White Horse, Brundall.

Jan 18th           No tea-place has been arranged so far for this day. The run is to Dickleburgh,  near Scole and we hope to find a new tea-place in that direction. We leave at 09:15am.

The Annual General Meeting and Election of officials for 1948 will be held in the large room at the Star & Garter Hotel, Hall Quay, on Thursday, January 22nd, commencing punctually at 07:30pm. Your support is asked for in order that we may have everyone’s opinion on the diverse matters to be dealt with. As I have already mentioned, think who you will vote for previous to the meeting and then you will be sure on the night. We will then be able to start the New Year on the right foot.

Wishing you another successful year in 1948 and happy cycling.

Yours sincerely

Michael G. Mills

Hon Secretary




45, Olive Road

Great Yarmouth

28th January, 1948.

Dear Wheeler,

With this month we come to the beginning of a new club year, a year which, if it is as good as the last, should be a very happy one.

We have been fortunate with the weather up to now for it has been very nice on the whole since last Easter. This has helped us considerably with our club-runs – our teaplaces have been well supported and now that we have four good ones the Committee is hoping that our average of seventeen will be maintained and maybe, improved.

Some of the harder riders broke the “ice” last Sunday with a trip to Felixstowe Youth Hostel so it looks as though the Y.H. Season has started early. Harry Brundish has booked up for the Good Friday Track Meeting at Herne Hill and has managed to secure accommodation for eight at three different hostels – if anyone feels he or she can get the time off and can manage this “hard run” I would suggest that they seek out Harry’s advice before the ‘Hostels booked up’ notices are made out.

We have chosen a fair selection of runs for this month and although we do not expect to see all the members out, it would be nice to see some of you now and again. Lately several of the Club have been leaving headquarters at 02:45pm for the teaplace, so if you do oversleep Sunday morning or are suffering from a ‘hangover’ through a late Dance the night before, there should always be a Wheeler or Wheelers waiting for ‘you’ near the bridge. A suggestion has been made to me that we should have a ‘Married Man’s Morning Section’. It does seem a good idea, for the blokes could then get out of their wife’s ways and it would be a good excuse for dodging the Sunday morning gardening – they could always leave the club about eighteen miles from town and come home a different way. Think it over then, men.

One of the results of the last Committee Meetings is that on :-

Feb. 1st            We will be leaving at 09:15am for a run to Peasenhall, a place just through  Yoxford – I may be later told  to get my gen’ right but I think I am right in saying that Maria Marten of the Red Barn murder was “done in” here.  However, please don’t let that frighten you into not coming – Tea is at Wangford.

Feb. 8th            Leaving at 09:15am we hope to visit Gresham Castle – apparently the Manor of Gresham was once held by a son of Geoffrey Chaucer, father of English Poetry and he named it after Sir Thomas Gresham, the founder of the Royal Exchange – that may be of no interest but what is, is that tea will be at  Coltishall White Horse.

Feb. 15th          We shall be visiting the Buckenhams, run leaving at 09:15am. I haven’t got  any gen’ on this place but maybe an older member can think some up. The  only real thing I know is that they have a Priory connected with one of the blokes who ‘knocked around’ with William the Conqueror. Tea is at Homersfield.

Feb. 22nd         We go to Wendling Abbey, with tea at Brundall. The less said about this  Abbey the better – we leave at 09:15am.

Feb. 29th          We should arrive at the Star & Garter to find all the single unattached girls in the Club waiting, for it will be “Leap Year Day”. Please, men, do not lay in that day, for you can always ‘refuse’. In any case the run is to Hindolveston with tea at Coltishall – run again leaving at 09:15am.

Getting back to the club remarks, I have been asked by the Social Sec. to write a few words about our Thrift Fund. as most of you know this started because we intended hiring a charabanc to visit a Track Meeting at London – this idea fell through as most of the younger members explained that they couldn’t afford the money for the trip. The Thrift Fund was suggested and it was thought that members would save up for the Club Dinner, Socials, Supper Runs Racing Fees, Equipment, Holidays Tours etc. It started off alright but now apparently nobody has anything to save for. Elsie has decided therefore to keep the Fund open for another month and if no further members are enrolled she will ask the Committee’s permission to return the members their money. As I think it would be a pity for this latter course to be adopted I put the matter right before you in cold print and ask you to give Elsie support for the Fund.

Although I haven’t seen Elsie since the Annual General Meeting and haven’t particulars of the last Committee Meeting in my possession, I think I’m right in saying that we shall be holding a Social on Valentine’s Day, Saturday February 14th, at Johnson’s Rooms, Northgate Street, open to members and friends. Before the war we had some really good times there and I’m sure we will be having a good time on the 14th. Tickets are in the course of preparation and a programme which should keep the party going all evening is being thought up. With so many of the “lads” learning to dance we may be able to slip in a Foxtrot, etc., so all the fellows will need to bring their slippers and the girls hob-nailed boots.

As by now I’ve taken up enough of your time, I’ll say – Cheerio for this month – see you at one of our teaplaces

Yours as ever & as B.4,

F.T. Ford

Hon Gen. Secretary




45, Olive Road

Great Yarmouth

20th February, 1948.

Dear Wheeler,

To me it hardly seems possible that it was a month ago when I sat down and wrote out my first Club Letter but it is and it just goes to prove that what they say is right “Time does Fly”.

Looking back over that month I think most of us had some good times with the Club. Our runs were well supported and it was a big surprise to find 23 at Wangford early in the month although mind you it was a bigger shock to find only 13 out the next week at Coltishall. Several of us went over to the N.C.A. social at Norwich and had a fairly lively evening – we came back with six of the fourteen prizes distributed so made our presence felt.

Elsie was very pleased with the success of our Valentines Night Social and hopes to follow it up with a similar venture at the Yare Hotel, or some such place, later in the month – all arrangements are being put in hand and our main worry will be the selling of the 100 or so tickets. More details will be given on the Clubroom Notice Board or in the “Mercury” notes.

At our last Committee Meeting, it was decided to carry on with the Thrift Fund, for with the approach of the Summer holidays we thought that many of the members, young and old, would like to pay the 2/6d. or so each week until their seven days leave came round. Half a crown sounds a lot but it works out at only 50/-d. between now and August. It is a bit early to talk of holidays but I’ve been told that one can never plan too far ahead.

We hope to purchase several extra item for the clubroom – we have already put in an order for a £10 – £15 table tennis table and hope to get several other things later. As most of you know we need chairs, tables, games, in fact tons of things, so if you can help us by helping mother with the spring cleaning, give us a thought – we don’t want too many suites of furniture though – it’ll make the racing boys lazy.

If you have any ideas by which you think you can improve the Clubroom, Club-runs or Club in general, always let us have them – Clubs thrive on constructive criticism.

Before going on any further here are the Club-runs for the next month :-

Mar. 7th           Vice-Captains Surprise Run, with tea at Wangford

Mar. 14th          Castleacre, with tea at Coltishall London Tavern – there will be a shorter run  leaving at the usual time for Blickling Park. Main run leaves at 08:00am  sharp.

Mar. 21st          Stow-Bedon, with tea at Brundall.

Mar. 26th          Lamas, tea at Sea-Palling.

Mar. 27th          Bromholme Priory, Bacton, with tea at Stalham.

Mar. 28th          Wingfield Castle, tea at Bungay.

Mar. 29th          Dunwich with tea at Wangford.

All day runs leave at 09:15am and tea runs leave headquarters at 02:45pm. The runs on the 26th, 27th and 28th will be impromptu affairs and the leader will be expected to fix teas at the Cafes mentioned.

Harry has been asking for good suggestions for a tour at Whitsun – I can think of two, a run to Sandringham & Hunstanton, or a run to Clacton and District – as you probably know of some better ones please let Harry have particulars when you see him. Perhaps I’m getting too far ahead though – getting back to current events, I learn that the lads are getting themselves livened up this year’s racing Season. There are several dark horses and I know of six blokes who’re winning the Hercules Cup to save me getting it three times – why, I’ll never hear the end of it, if my mother loses her best ornament.

Our first Club event will be the Novices on the 4th April I believe and Michael I know would like to see all the eligible riders getting ready for the fray. We are hoping some Good Samaritan will provide us with a Novices Cup next year. Ronnie is hoping to get the track opened up for training shortly after Easter and he is expecting a good turn out on the Opening night. With this additional side to the Club, our membership may rise considerably. We now have 65 active and 17 honorary members and I’m thinking it would be nice to have 120 by the year end – what do you think?

I’m getting near to the end but have nearly forgotten something very important. Harry and Marie are getting married at St. Peter’s Church on the 24th February and I feel sure they would like a few of us to get time off to witness the ceremony. The time is 12 O’clock and we want about 12 members to hold up an archway of wheels. To you happy couple I feel sure I am voicing the sentiments of the Club when I say “All the very best and may you have a very happy and successful married life”. As most of you know, my Wheeler brother Jack went through his “ordeal” on the 14th of this month and I now learn that Vic’ & Doris are getting themselves “Spliced” on the 6th of March. Although I have not room to say all I would like I feel sure that all the old and new members will be at Nile Road Baptist Church at 02:30pm to see this happy couple leave the church on the 6th. Needless to say, admission to Nile Road will only be allowed providing you have your wheel.

One final word – I have been asked to collect for the War Memorial Fund and also the Olympic Games Fund. Space does not allow me to tell you what two fine funds these are – all I can say now is that when you next see me you had better run for I collecting for these funds and expect to make good collections.

Cheerio for now

Yours as ever

F.T. Ford

Hon Gen. Secretary




45, Olive Road

Great Yarmouth

23rd March, 1948.

Dear Wheeler,

This past Winter has certainly been an easy one for the club so far as weather has been concerned and it is surprising to think that we are already into the Spring – whether we shall “pay for it” as so many people suggest it’s hard to sat but I like you will hope not.

I feel that the Summer before us will be the best that the Club has ever had and I am certain that we shall do well in the racing world – one of those things I think we would all like to see won is a team race in Open Competition – it’s a big aim but yet I’m certain we have some good blokes and that they have the right spirit.

During the Racing Season we shall have plenty of fellows riding in events and this will naturally mean reduced attendances on Club-runs – because of this I do ask that at all times our motto shall be “club first, self last” when it comes to the question of going home to a hot Sunday Dinner and forgetting the tea-place.

Whilst on the subject of racing you will , I feel sure, all be more than pleased to learn that Mr. Henry Sutton is presenting us with a “Henry Sutton Novices Cup”. This is a very generous action and a gesture which is more than appreciated by us all. We all start at the beginning and this should have the effect of seeing that the beginnings of the future members may be even better than those of members of the past.

Several people have wondered why our Clubroom subscription has risen lately and I have been asked to supply the answer. Originally we were informed that we would be supplied with coal fires and that an extra charge would be made to the Club – at the same Committee Meeting it was pointed out that by buying additional equipment in the future we could cater for everyone’s tastes at the Clubroom on Thursday nights. The solution was that we should be wise to increase the fee to 6d. and so apart from paying for the coal used we are now ‘saving up for a rainy day’ or the rainy nights when bagatelle boards, shove-ha’penny boards and the like will be eagerly used by our younger members whilst in the lower room the ‘old sweats’ will puff away at their pipes and leaning over the tables (we hope to buy) discuss with the newer generation the days when tea was tea and beer was beer.

We have been obliged to close the Thrift Fund as in spite of ardent pleas in the last two club letters I have been unable to draw out the keenness which we thought might have existed. However, the Fund helped several people while it lasted and Elsie would like to thank Cliff for the help he gave her in running it. Elsie has organised everything for the Social on April 10th and she is hoping that we will be able to sell umpteen of the tickets. The Social is to be held at the Yare Hotel and I learn we shall need at least 80 supporters to make the evening pay, so if you can get the girl next to you in the factory, the girl on the next typewriter or the fellow at the shop across the way to come we shall be more than pleased. Incidentally the tickets are 2/-d. each – the affair starts at 8 O’clock and finishes at 11:45pm.

I expect that by now you’ll be wondering where the next month’s Club-runs list is so to enlighten you on this all important matter, here it is :-

April 4th           We roll up at ‘Chapman & Marwoods’ garage at 7 O’clock sharp to find a bunch of up and coming champions awaiting Arthur Thorne’s command to go – the quickest ‘goer’ over “25” miles being the winner of the Novices event.  The prize list has not yet been fixed but if we can get an entry of more than  six then we are hoping to give three prizes. Anybody who is semi-interested and who has not yet been approached by Michael Mills should contact him  within the next few days. Later in the morning at 11 O’clock we will be  journeying to Bungay for a lazy day on the river and at a peckish hour we  shall leave for tea at Homersfield.

April 11th         We leave at 09:15am for a run to Melton Constable – now weather permitting  this should be an interesting run, providing we aren’t too bad after the Social the night before. There is a bit of local history about the place but we’ll leave that till the 11th. Tea will be booked for Coltishall.

April 18th         Leaving at 09:15am we visit Horningtoft and we shall meet the afternoon riders for tea at Brundall.

April 24th         There will be an all night run leaving at 10:00pm for Colchester, Flatford Mill and the very pretty and famous Constable Country – before the war all night runs were very popular and we are hoping that this one will be quite successful one.

April 25th         The run leaving at 09:15am will visit Leiston Abbey and the Day, Afternoon  and all night riders will meet at Wangford for tea.

I’ve used up rather more space than I thought but have enough room to express the very great thanks of Marie & Harry and Doris & Vic for what they term our very lovely presents to them on the occasion of their respective marriages. The Club for our part would like to thank Harry for the very nice tea he treated the Club to at Wangford – we would also like to thank Vic Challis’s mother for the tea chairs she presented to the Club.

Before finishing I’ve just remembered that I’m the Treasurer and have forgotten to ask for any subs. yet. It any Member wants any Club badges, cloth or metal or they need any transfers, I have a good stoke of each.

Cheerio for now and have a good Easter

Yours etc.

F.T. Ford

Hon Gen. Secretary





45, Olive Road

Great Yarmouth

26th April, 1948.

Dear Wheeler,

We seem to be passing through this year rapidly for here we are already awaiting the beginning of the merry, merry month of May. If the good weather keeps up I can visualise our reaching the large tea numbers we had out with us last year. Attendances lately have been very good although at times I must say these are rather erratic.

Looking back over the past month we seem to have had some good days out – the Easter Tour was a grand success – the weather was excellent, the racing at Herne Hill was all that one would have expected and all those who went out in ones and twos, reported good times. The following week Jack Hobart (probably feeling as strong as a lion after his Tour) put up a very good time in the Novices event although John Saunders, Gordon Bennett and the others did very well considering the morning and all things. Our run to Melton Constable went off alright and we were pleased to find Brian Francis made the grade alright considering his temporary handicap. The Horningtoft Club-run seemed to be messed up by so many going to Norwich for the N.A.B.C. race but with such a crack field riding, that was only to be expected.

The Clubroom has been well attended during the past month and words of mine will not express how pleased everyone must have been to learn that 92 tickets were sold for the Social at the Yare. Congratulations and thanks are due to Elsie and her Social Committee for the way they tackled the whole affair.

You will be sorry to learn that Michael Mills is having to leave us for a six week course in Staffordshire but yet pleased to think that he should come back even better suited for his job with the G.P.O. The best of luck to Mike and if there are any examinations to sit, we’ll hope you’ll come out on top.

I thought I heard a whisper about a Ladies Race the other day – the position is that we shall be running a Ladies event if it asked for and there is sufficient support, so come along ladies, what about it? Is anyone interested in having a Paper Chase or Treasure Hunt -I don’t know if the Club has ever run a Free Wheel contest but the idea is to find a fairly steep hill, start at a given spot at the top and without pedalling “sail” as far as possible – the one who free wheels the furthest is the winner. Seems to me that this is the one of the few events where anyone can win.

I have been asked by one of the members to mention the danger of riding so closely to the person in front when on Club-runs. This is a rather dangerous practice as I know only too well as a result of my first “pile-up” a few Sundays back. I fancied then that I had broken my leg and to avoid anybody else having to undergo the same fear I would like to suggest as Michael did some time ago that members ride immediately behind the person in front but with a gap of two or three feet from the other person’s back wheel. Often one notices someone riding in between the back wheels of the two persons in front – the person behind does the same thing and so from the back of the Club we look like a drove of bullocks all over the road and of course, that’d never do.

There is another point you must let me mention and that is to do with the booking of teas. It is my lot to book teas for a required number a fortnight before we visit the places and that as you will appreciate is not always an easy job. For instance before going on the Easter tour I had to decide how many would be out at Homersfield after the Novices – I thought that if it was a good day we might have as many as 25 out so being cautious I booked for 18 and blow me if only 8 didn’t turn up – that meant that 8 regulars (bless ’em) had to pay for the 15 teas we had to pay for. That doesn’t always happen fortunately but as to have tea places on good days, we must play the game with the people on the bad un’s, I would like you to think of this little matter before deciding to stay at home on the next bad day.

Before I forget Club-runs for the coming month are :-

May 2nd           “Hercules25” – Start at Chapman & Marwoods Garage 7O’clock – lazy day run at 11:00am probably for Bungay River – tea, Homersfield.

May 9th            Club-run to Cromer leaving at 09:15am with tea at Coltishall.

May 15th          Impromptu run – 16th, leaving at 09:15am for Salle with tea at Brundall and on 17th, run at 09:15am for Attleborough Sports with tea-place to be arranged.

May 23rd          Club “30” for Pendle Cup, starting at 7 O’clock, details as for Club “25” – Run  at 11 O’clock, for Linstead Parva – tea to be at “Gull Inn”, Framingham Pigot.

May 30th          Leaving at 09:15am, we visit Sweffling and tea will be at Wangford.

Finally I have to inform you that Tuesday evening runs leaving at 07:30pm will commence on April 27th. The next Quarterly Meeting will be held at Clubroom at 08:00pm on Thursday May 6th when we shall welcome ideas for the betterment of the Club in general, etc., etc., if, of course, you feel it needs it bettering. For the information of those interested there will be a meeting of all those desirous of seeing an Athletic Club formed in the town, at the Hospital School on Friday evening the 30th April – time as per Mercury note.

Ta ta for now and happy cycling,

Yours as ever

F.T. Ford

Hon Gen. Secretary




45, Olive Road

Great Yarmouth

28th May, 1948.

Dear Wheeler,

Once more I have to scratch the old “noddle” and think of what I am about to say in the current monthly Club Letter. It is not such a hard task this time though foe, as many of you will realise, we are now entering the third year of our post-war activities and maybe it is as well if we pause and look back over the past two years and see what has happened.

Now shortly before Easter, 1946 about ten of us pre-war members met at Harold’s house and decided it there was sufficient interest amongst us to re-form the Club – the feeling of the meeting left us in no doubt of that interest and so at a General Meeting later we elected our Officers and off we went. We had a crowd turn up on the opening run and most of them have been with us ever since – the older members, having done their bit in getting the Club going, gradually dropped out of the lead and allowed the newer members to hold the reins. After a reasonable Summer we plodded through that bad Winter with a “hard core” of about ten riders and then the Committee took advantage of the finer Summer last year and really built up the Club in numbers. We have just passed through and enjoyed a very good Winter and all of us seem to have clung together but now, and here is the very annoying part, during the past six or seven weeks, the Club has gone very “wishy-washy” – everybody seems to think in ones or twos instead of as a Club – instead of a good Whitsun Tour everybody planned to run their own little “do” and in the end only a few had an impromptu tour – Tuesday night runs were asked for and as far as we are aware the biggest congregation of Wheelers on Tuesday nights is to be found at the Speedway – we’ve arranged for the use of the Gorleston Track but only two or three people seem bothered about using it. Now this isn’t good enough and I think we should all pull together and do something about it – the latest idea of our toughness is that we had 23 members out for tea at Coltishall, we had 23 out on Whit- Monday, the rain came last Sunday and four turned up at Homersfield instead of the eighteen we had suggested. Now, as the Committee realises only too well there is not a lot we can do about this but we can do a little and in future, being the only Cycling Club in the town we have decided that only Cyclist’s shall join it and the following are among the rules for joining.

When joining the Club new members shall be introduced to the Chairman, Secretary or other Official and it is the Official’s duty to give the person a general outline of the activities of the Club he is joining. Should the new member visit the Clubroom on the first occasion he or she will be entitled to spend the evening there free but on each other occasion must pay the usual fee (which incidentally. has been reduced to 3d.). The member or rather prospective member will be given four trial runs in which to make up his or her mind whether the Club is to their liking and it is expected that the four runs will be made during the following six weeks. Instead of accepting all new members as the applications come before the Committee, more time will be spent over the application and, if necessary, rejections made.

This may seem a wee bit high handed for the Wheelers but at the last Committee Meeting it was felt that we had reached the critical stage in the Club’s post-war build up and that it time we “put our house in order”.

Can I therefore, on behalf of the Committee, ask that in future we have more co-operation – don’t wait for someone to have ask for your sub’s at the Clubroom, don’t wait for Dave to have to tell you all to line up ready for starting on Sunday’s, don’t wait for someone to have to pester you into going out Tuesdays or to the Track for if you are a good Wheeler, wild horses won’t hold you back at the mention of these things. Perhaps I’ve said enough on that score, though, so to get back to the more usual type of Club Letter.

Regarding next month’s fixtures, the position is that on :-

June 6th           leaving at 08:00am sharp there will be a Club-run to the Thetford N.C.U. Cyclists Rally – this, before the war was looked upon as THE run of the year and we usually managed to have over thirty out for tea. Tea will be at the 3 M’s Cafe, Attleborough and will be ordered for 06:15pm sharp

June 13th         Our Open “25” mile time trial will be held and it will be good to see all the pre-war racing men helping at the finish – to date we have some real class entered and weather permitting we are hoping it will be a very successful “do” – being a trickier course for strangers we shall really need more  marshallers than usual and volunteers are welcome. After the Open, at 11:30am or as near as we can make it thereafter there will be an impromptu  run probably to Bramerton Woods End – tea will be at Brundall and we will hope that after this race it will not rain like it did after the last three.

June 20th         the run is to Town Barningham and this also will be leaving at 09:15am – tea will be at the London Tavern, Coltishall

June 27th         We shall leave at 09:15am for Monk and Earl Soham and the tea place will be at Wangford.

Due to the fine weather and the fact that several members would like to have Thursday evening rides, the question of closing the Clubroom for the Summer months has arisen – the matter has been put back until the next Committee Meeting in order that members might air their views on the matter so if you think it should or should not be closed, please let some person on the Committee know your thoughts.

Cheerio for now,

Yours as ever

F.T. Ford

Hon Gen. Secretary




45, Olive Road

Great Yarmouth

22nd June, 1948.

Dear Wheeler,

As I write this Club Letter it’s raining cats and dog’s outside and I’m thinking to myself, that even if I can’t report that it’s been a lovely sunny month, I can say it’s been a fairly successful one.

The run to Sweffling was well attended, the week-end at Thetford went down alright – it did rain, of course but Terry Underwood collected a handicap prize in the “25” and, but for the weather, the Sports would have been the best for ‘Donkey’s years’. Our Open “25” went down well the following week and the sun and weather were kind to us. The London riders did very well but then everyone did and it was pleasing to learn that the course had been christened with a 1:02:00. I learn from Cliff that the Londoners didn’t want to leave Yarmouth – most of them were very impressed with the place and are thinking of spending their holidays in the town. Our thanks are due to Cliff (Boulton) and Mrs. Boulton for their help with the ‘digs’ angle, to the Physical Culture Club for letting the riders garage their bikes there, to Arthur Thorne and my brother Jack for helping at the turn and taking times, to Sheila, Brenda, Derek, Bubbles, Gordon, Ella, Lilly and Phil’ for marshalling, to Harold and Mike for their help at the finish and to Pat’ and Vera for working the ‘Naafi’. Reggie helped quite a lot with the arrangements and my personal thanks are due to him.

At the last Committee Meeting it was decided that as several snags would arise were we to close the Clubroom, it shall remain open for the Summer months – most of us have got the Clubroom habit now and we’d probably be lost without the Clubnight. If any of you have any good ideas about what to do on Thursdays, Elsie, I am sure, will welcome them – last year Harold used to take quite a crowd to the Denes and they played sporting games for about an hour or so and then returned to the Clubroom for tea and cakes – any ideas for this year?

As a vacancy has arisen on the Committee, John Saunders has been elected to fill the breach and Geoff Mills, now home from Germany, has been co-opted as an additional member – they are good fellows and should be useful to the Committee. Vera Boulton, who has an extensive knowledge of helping with and running Social functions, has been elected to fill the vacancy on the Social Committee.

We have quite a good selection of Club-runs for next month and we hope to see most of you out on them. The programme is that leaving the Star & Garter at 09:15am we shall visit on :-

July 4th            Thornham Parva – the tea-place will be Homesfield and it will be nice to see this place well supported this time – Mr. Scott-Read, the proprietor, has had us on four occasions and unfortunately on three of them we’ve had to ring up  and warn him that we are short of numbers.

July 11th          Thorpeness – this is a very interesting little place on the Suffolk coast and if can getaway early we could have a lazy day sunbathing on the beach – the  tea-place will not be so far away, being Wangford.

July 18th          North Elmham – a very interesting little place – the Watts Naval Training  School is situated here and trains picked boys from the Dr. Barnardo’s homes for a life at sea – the tea-place will be at Brundall.

July 25th          Bacton – we have arranged with the Norwich A.B.C. to have a joint run to  this place and it is hoped that we shall have a Field Day – nothing definite is fixed yet but I believe there will be several novelty events and a few prizes –  maybe some of you have some good ideas and if you will let me know them early, I can compile a list and give the Norwicher’s an idea of what is in our minds – it should be a good day out – the Amateurs are a lively crowd and if we ‘muck in’, well, we should have a topping time – tea will be arranged for us and will be at Bacton – now then all you old-timers, what about oiling the bikes and coming along?

Aug 1st             There will be an impromptu run arranged by the Captain – I don’t know where he’ll be taking you except that you’ll be finishing up at Wangford for tea.

Aug 2nd            Dunwich – now this should bring back memories of a couple of really grand ‘Lazy day’ runs last year – I can remember one alright – I’d been racing over  at Norwich and faced a head wind to the coast and as I ‘flopped out’ on one  of the sand dunes, I blessed the person who proposed a lazy day run to Dunwich and not a hard-riders run to Felixstowe or some such place – still that’s nothing to do with is – tea will again be at Wangford.

Well we’re nearly at the end and just before I close I must mention that the next Committee Meeting is on July 12th and the Quarterly Meeting on the 22nd. Now at this latter Meeting we shall have to decide how the Club Memorial Shield is to be awarded – the Shield is in memory of a member Killed in London and three comrades who were lost in the recent War – each year it will be awarded for the purpose the members think the best, say for the best all round Club member: the person we think is the ideal member of the Club: the best attender of Club-runs or for whatever the majority of members think best – please don’t come and say you haven’t thought of anything – it is a memorial shield and out of though for departed members the matter needs a fair amount of thought.

Before I finish can I squeeze enough space to say that several subs are still unpaid.

Cheerio for now,

Yours as ever

F.T. Ford

Hon Gen. Secretary




45, Olive Road

Great Yarmouth

29th July, 1948.

Dear Wheeler,

In contrast to the weather I mentioned the last time I wrote, I’m sitting here ‘bashing the keyboard’ as they would say and it’s sweltering hot outside – my thoughts fly to Geoff’, Les’, Dave, Terry and the others of the Club who are this week cycling and holidaying somewhere in this island of ours – it’s grand weather for them and they should be as brown as berries when they return. Geoff’ has gone to Scotland so perhaps nearer the North Pole he’ll be a wee bit cooler than the rest of us. Talking about holidays I expect the majority of the Club will be having theirs during this or early in the next month and in case any of you newer members are not certain where to go or what to see you just talk to some of the older members – there are some lovely places in this country of ours and some interesting sights to see and more experienced tourist may be able to point out these out to you. It is possible to plan to ride sixty or seventy miles a day and then find on tour that one has a head wind and some hilly country to cope with – muscles will ache, tempers become frayed, time short, etc., etc., so if want some final advice and you’re not certain about the country you want to travel in you just find up ‘some of the old boys who used to get around’.

It’s hardly the weather for talking about Clubrooms but even so we are getting good attendances each week and the latest reports say that the Table Tennis board which Harry built for us is becoming a very fast one. I don’t know if this is the best time of the year to get bargains at Auction Sales (demands for equipment may be less in the Summer) but if any of you have any ideas as to suitable games, equipment, etc., we should buy for use next Winter at the Clubroom. I expect Elsie will welcome the ideas and help.

As most of you will know, Harry Brundish has resigned his position Captain as he finds he cannot carry on in as conscientious a manner as he would like  – until Harry found it difficult to get out so often he did a very good job of work for the Club and for this we extend our many thanks. His successor is John Saunders and I think in John we have a very good fellow – if, however, we can, in the future, help to make his job easier by keeping in good formation on Club-runs, etc., I should like to see us do so – the Captain’s job isn’t the best of jobs – I know, I’ve had some. To fill the vacancy on the Committee Jack Hobart has been elected.

Talking about Jack, he and Eric Skipper attacked a record set up by Vic’ Challis and myself ten years ago and they managed to beat it by 28 seconds – not a lot, on the face of it but it was a hard morning, their tandem was not fitted with the finest of equipment and the road was slow in places – it was a very good ride and we look forward to further attempts on the other records.

Shortly a Cycling Book covering the cycling activities of east Anglia, the Fens, the Broads etc., is being issued and it should prove a very interesting publication, it is being issued fortnightly by Mr. Ken Palmer the (text missing from newsletter) area and he has asked that we endeavour to sell as many as we can and also to send him as much information as we can about the Club. I intend ordering 24 books for the first issue but hope to increase this figure as time goes on – if you would like to make a standing order and will pay in advance, I will see that a book is posted to you each fortnight direct. At the same time if there is any point of interest which has happened in the Club, in Yarmouth or in the surrounding district and you would like to let John Saunders, some other official or me know, I will see that it is included in our fortnightly write-up to Mr. Palmer.

For your information it has been decided by the Committee, upon a suggestion by the Vice-Captains that instead of different groups of people going Youth Hostelling at various times in the month and so depleting Club-runs, a special Sunday should be set aside each month and should be called a “free day”. On this day there will be no organised run and members will go where they please and all meet at the appointed tea-place. We are trying it out for a period as it is thought that members may not feel inclined to go out Sunday after Sunday in Club formation.

Club-runs for this month will be :-

Aug. 8th           A run to Wingfield Castle – a very nice run, an interesting district and comfortable distance – tea is at Homesfield.

Aug. 15th          A free day – no official Club-run – go as you as please but see you at Coltishall.

Aug. 22nd         Starting at 07:00am the Club “50”, the most important prise for which is the Haddon Cup. Now this cup is given to the person winning first Handicap – handicap prizes are never certificates which means that the Cup can be  anyone’s. If it can be anyone’s then everyone eligible should have a go – if everyone has a ‘go’ we’ll have a record entry and that’s what we’re after, so all  you keen blokes just form an orderly queue outside Michael’s back door and you’ll be given an entry form – now no rushing. Later in the day there will be an impromptu run around 11:15am and tea will be ordered at Wangford.

Aug. 29th          There will be a Massed Start programme at Hethel Aerodrome and a Club-run will leave for that place at 09:15am unless otherwise stated in the Mercury notes – tea will be booked at Brundall.

Cheerio for now,

Yours as ever

F.T. Ford

Hon Gen. Secretary