Great Yarmouth Cycling Club
Annual General Meeting
24th November 2017
- Apologies for absence were received from:- Tim Amphlett, Julie Harlow, Darren Adams, Stephen Swallow, Mark Johnson, David and Tracey Jermy, Mark Womack, Des Cook, Mark Dixon, Kevin Applegate, Warren Kingston, Ian Blanchard, Michael Morris and Anthony Field.
- Minutes of last AGM – The minutes were signed & agreed to be a true record by the Chairman.
- Matters arising from the 2016 AGM – nothing arising.
- Report from Secretary – another good year for the club. Membership currently sits at 140 which is an increase of 10 on last year and it was agreed membership fees would remain the same. Social media – this year saw the introduction of the new member’s only group on Face book which is working well running alongside a GYCC page which is open access to anyone on FB. The new updated website is running well and Neil Goward has kindly taken responsibility for keeping it current with summary of committee meetings, TT results amongst other things. Thank you to both sponsors First Call Car Parts and Pedal Revolution for supporting us for another year.
- Report from Treasurer: – Louise Averre produced the annual report of the club’s finances, copies of report handed out.
- Report from Ladies/TT secretary – Jenny Anderson gave an update of the new beginner’s ladies ride with most of the ladies now joining the club and partaking in some of the other rides. Another successful time trial season with lots of PB’s being achieved by club riders.
- Report from Press Secretary – articles continue to be produced by Dominic Austrin for the Great Yarmouth Mercury and photos taken regular at events and TT’s
- Report from Sportive Secretary – Neil Goward gave an update on several events that GYCC has entered and in particular the success of the charity ride for Louise Hamilton with the new routes.
- Report from Social Secretary – Anthony Field had written a report which was read at the meeting reporting on the successful Saturday rides regularly getting 15-20 riders and some of those riders now progressing to Sunday rides. Social nights had proved popular mainly meeting at The Pier in Gorleston. Going forward it was hoped to organise an event along the lines of Chase the rising sun riding from Hunstanton to Lowestoft and a trip to the velodrome. Any ideas or suggestions from club members always welcome.
- Report from Club run leader – Norman Harlow reported on the continuing success of the time trial series and both the open 10 and 25 mile events the club held. The club runs have evolved into 3 groups, beginners, social and intermediate who try to meet up during the ride when they can.
- Approval of financial statement 2016 – 2017 – signed off by Chairman.
- Election of Officials for the 2017 – 2018 season
- Chairman – Norman Harlow
- Secretary – Linzi Clarke
- Treasurer – Louise Averre
- TT Captain – Jenny Anderson
- Sportives – Neil Goward
- Ladies Riding – Jenny Anderson
- Press – Dominic Austrin
- Social – Anthony Field / Simon Smith
** In addition to those committee members, we have several designated club run leaders – Alan Wilson, Ant Field, Jenny Anderson, Robin Waters, Paul Anderson, Norman Harlow and Stephen Grant **
- Memorial Shield – Voting slips were given out for members to cast their vote, nominees Ant Field, Neil Goward, Dom Austrin, Jamie Robertson and Colin Barker.
- Any other business
- Xmas Social arranged for Saturday 9th December, free buffet for members.
- Turbo Nights – Ant Field made a suggestion to continue turbo night, even as a social night. A show of hands at AGM only saw one member who would attend. It was agreed to do another FB poll to see what members thought.
- Recuperative rides – Adrian Guyton suggested as we had a few members currently of sick from riding with injuries would it be possible to have a recuperative ride. This was discussed and we thought we would be able to incorporate this in with the Saturday rides.
- Longer rides – Robin Waters suggested some longer rides in the warmer weather. An idea would be to extend a Sunday ride and look at doing an all day ride perhaps once a month or every other month depending on interest.
- Club Gazebo – it was suggested purchasing a club gazebo that we could take to events. Committee will look into this at next meeting.
- Cliff Top Gala – suggested as an event we could look at attending to promote the club.
- First Aid – another First Aid session has been arranged for Tuesday 20th February 2018.
- Twitter – Jamie Robinson suggested we have an account and promote the club. Simon Smith is happy to progress this.
- Marshalling – it was recognised how hard all the marshals work giving up their time to help at the TT’s and it was suggested they receive a small gift to show the clubs appreciation.
- Youths – the club does not currently run anything for the youths however several enquiries have been made from club members who have children that would like to get involved in cycling. Jenny Anderson would look into setting something up next year when the weather picks up if we could get some volunteers to help out.
- Thanks to all the committee members for all their hard work throughout the year.
- Next committee meeting to be held Friday 12th January 2018.
- List of attendees at AGM – Linzi Clarke, Norman Harlow, Neil Goward, Paul Anderson, Louise Averre, Jenny Anderson, Dom Austrin, Stephen Grant, Mike Palmer, Bryan Averre, Francesca Dixon-Grant, Jamie Robinson, Colin Barker, Brian Carr, Robin Waters, Simon Smith, Terry Howard, Alan Willson, Nigel Rudd, Julian Claxton, Steven Everard, Jan Smith and Jonny Hawes.