57, Trafalgar Road West


Great Yarmouth

January, 1955

Dear Wheeler,

Here we have the A.G.M. upon us again fixed for Monday 24th January. It will be held at Shrublands Youth & Adult Centre commencing at 07:30pm sharp and the attendance of all interested in the well being of the Club is earnestly requested and the members of the Road Club which will become the Yarmouth and Gorleston Wheelers from 23rd, January will be very welcome and will be able to take any offices for which they are elected.

Annual General Meeting Agenda

  1. Confirmation of the minutes of the previous A.G.M.
  2. Confirmation of the amalgamation of the Yarmouth & Gorleston Wheelers and the Road Club.
  3. General Secretary’s Report and Treasurers Report and Presentation of Balance Sheet.
  4. Race Secretary’s Report.
  5. Social Secretary’s Report.
  6. The Captains Report.
  7. Election of Officials :-

President :-                   Mr. V.W. Back

Vice-Presidents :-

Chairman :-                  Mr. Jack Lingwood

Vice- Chairman :-          Mr. R.C. Annis

Hon. Gen. Secretary :-   Miss Olive Freeman

Hon. Race Secretary :-   E.H. Clarke

Hon. Social Secretary :- Mrs. E.H. Clarke

Captain :-                     J.W. Scott

Vice-Captains :-            J.B. Parker & C.Sayers

Hon. Timekeeper :-        D. Steer

Hon. Auditor :-              F.T. Ford

Gen. Purposes Comm. :- (4 in addition to ex-officio’s)

Social Committee :-       (2 in addition to Social Secretary)

Racing Committee :-      (1 in addition to Race Sec. and Timekeeper)

R.T.T.C. Delegates :-      (1 in addition to Hon. Race Secretary)

N.C.U. Delegates :-        (3 in addition to Hon. Gen. Secretary

N.C.A. Delegates :-         (2)

  1. Acceptance of Balance Sheet
  2. Missing Text

I would like to receive any suggestion as to what to award Mr. Holmes’s cup for. As you know it is for competition between the Lowestoft Wheelers and ourselves and so far we have a split within the club on the subject, some say it should be for racing and others say it should not be for racing, so please help me out by letting me have your suggestions so we have something to put before the Lowestoft Wheelers when we meet to decide what to award it for.

Well that seems the lot for now, see you on Monday.


Yours faithfully

E.G. Scott (Teddy)

Hon. Gen. Secretary





1, Town Wall Road

Great Yarmouth


April, 1955

Dear Wheeler,

With Easter only a few weeks ahead of us, it is about time we had some ideas for touring over the Holidays. Two such ideas have already been put forward and here they are :-

  1. The Scott brothers (Teddy and John) have planned to ride down to Herne Hill to watch the Good Friday track meeting there. After staying that night in London they intend riding on to St. Neots on Saturday for the St. Neots open “25”. After this event they are then making their way to Kings Lynn for the Kings Lynn C.C.’s Easter Monday “25”. They are leaving at midnight on Thursday (7th April) from the Town Hall.
  2. The other person with an idea for an Easter Tour is Ken Watson, known to some as “Haggis”. His idea is to ride to Felixstowe on Saturday afternoon staying at the Y.H.A. Hostel that night. Then on to Colchester Sunday and returning home on the Monday

If anyone wished to join one or the other of these tours will they get in touch with either of the  persons mentioned as soon as possible.

What I have to say next concerns all members that attend the Club-room Thursday evenings. The Weight Lifting and Gymnastics Equipment in the Club-room does not belong to us and in future must not be interfered with. The Physical Culture Club has approached us on this matter and we stand a good chance of losing the use of the rooms if members continue to play around with their gear. The Club-room will in any case be closing after April 7th until the Autumn.

Racing members who wish their times over “252, “50” & “100” miles to be recorded for the club B.A.R Cup must let the Race Sec. have a finishing sheet, otherwise their times won’t be recorded and that may mean another cup you don’t win!!

As a reminder for all those Novices in the Club to get fit, the Novices “25” will be held on April 3rd. Those intending to ride should get in touch with the Race Sec. H. Clarke (Tubby) before the 27th March with the 3/- entry fee.

Once more I am having to bring up the subject of subs. for 1955. They are not coming in very fast I am afraid and March 31st is nearly upon us, the date when these must be paid, so how about paying up?

Now let’s get down to the Club-runs for April :-

April 3rd           Novices “25”in the morning – tea at Beccles leaving Hall Quay 03:00pm.

April 11th         Tea at Hethersett leaving Hall Quay 02:30pm.

(Easter Monday)

April 17th         Hot Dinner run to Watton meeting Kings Lynn C.C. at Watton. Tea at Long Stratton. Start 09:00am.

April 24th         Attlebridge – Tea at Surlingham.

I think that’s about enough from me for the present, so until the next month



Yours sincerely

Olive M. Freeman

Hon. Gen. Secretary





1, Town Wall Road

Great Yarmouth


May, 1955

Dear Wheeler,

With the Novices “25” over, the racing season will soon be in full swing. The winner of the Novices Cup this year was C. Sayers with a time of 1hr 9mins 55sec’s, which was a fine ride for a hard morning. Second place was taken by D. Coppin 1:13:12 and third T. Loveday 1:14:12.

On the same morning, several of the racing men had private trials. The fastest of these was Reg Annis with 1:08:25, next fastest was Jack Lingwood on a 72in gear, with a time of 1:10:35. Jack has been telling us for several weeks now, that he is not fit but it seems as if he has been pulling our leg. Johnny Scott clocked a time of 1:12:35, which may well have proved the fastest of the morning had he not punctured.

The Club events for the year have been arranged as follows :-

May 8th            Hercules “25”

May 29th          Pendle “30”

June 5th           Open “25”

July 10th          Haddon “50”

August 28th      Premier “100”

The Holmes Cup Competition has been decided on a team competition over 25, 50, 100miles and a 100 in 8 tourist trial. The events for the Holmes Cup are :-

Lowestoft Wheelers 25   May 22nd

Club 100                       August 28th

N.A.B.C. 50                   September 11th

The date of the tourist trial has yet to be fixed but it will be late in the year.

There will be a Quarterly General Meeting on 2nd May at Shrublands Youth & Adult Centre commencing at 07:30pm sharp. If anyone has anything they want to bring up at the meeting, will they please let me have it as soon as possible, so that I can put it on the agenda.

Now for the Club-runs for May :-

May 1st             Wymondham Abbey – Tea at North Walsham

May 8th            Hercules in the morning – Invitation tea run to Beccles leaving Hall Quay 3:00pm.

May 15th          Grimes Graves – Tea at Hethersett.

May 22nd          Dunwich – Tea at Darsham.

May 29th          Pendle “30” in the morning – Tea at Surlingham.

May 30th          Attleborough Sports – No tea place is fixed for Whit Monday, it’s up to ypu to make your own arrangements.

Well that’s seems to tbe the lot for another month so until I once more get my pen out, it must be.



Yours sincerely

Olive M. Freeman

Hon. Gen. Secretary





22, St. Catherine’s Way


September, 1955

Dear Wheeler,

As you may have read in last month’s letter I (alias Haggis, alias Friend of Man {John Parker}, alias the Oatmeal Savage), have been officially appointed scribe for the Club.

At our Club’s committee meeting it was decided that another open “25” be held next year, with Johnny Scott, our Club Captain as Event Secretary.

Preparations for our Club Dinner are well in hand and judging by the organisation being out into it, it will not be the fault of the organisers if we do not enjoy ourselves. Now is the time for you all to be saving those “bawbees”.

It was noticed at a certain Local dance hall that certain members of the Club were in training for the dinner and dance. ~I would like to bring to the notice of these members that wine , women and song will not bring their times for a “25” under the hour, otherwise I would have broken the sound barrier by now.

I would like to deny any rumours that the Club is thinking of changing its name to Yarmouth & Gorleston Amphibious C.C. These rumours were spread because a certain member of our Club, whilst on a Club run, gave a practical demonstration of how not to cross a ford. This member now includes amongst his items for a day’s Club run a spare pair of shorts.

A certain member is proposing taking some French lessons in preparation for another tour in France (is this so that he can ask Mademoiselle for a date?) I wonder!!!!

Before I went on holiday I received a letter from Colin Bunn and R. Reynolds both of the Attleborough C.C. inviting us to a Youth Hostel weekend at Sheringham but owing to it clashing with our Tourist Trial, had to decline. Johnny Scott is trying to arrange with the Attleborough C.C. another date for an Inter-Club Y.H. weekend.

Our Club-runs for October are as follows :-

Oct. 2nd           Tourist Trial – This is for the old Yarmouth R.C. Cup. We want to see a 100%  attendance. Tea will be at Beccles.

Oct. 9th                        N.A.B.C. “25” Morning Club-run to Stoke Holy Cross. Tea will be at Surlingham.

Oct. 16th          100 in 8 Tourist Trial in conjunction with the Lowestoft Whlrs. This is one of the events for the Holmes Cup – another 100% attendance please. Tea at Wangford.

Oct. 22nd/23rd Sheringham Y.H. weekend – Tea place to be arranged.

Oct. 30th          Hare and Hounds – Tea at Beccles.

Well this seems to be my lot. Let’s hope we have plenty of sun and tail winds for October.


Yours very sincerely,

Haggis (Ken Watson)

Hon. Gen. Secretary





22, St. Catherine’s Way


26th October, 1955

Dear Wheeler,

There were 13 entries for the 100 in 8 Tourist Trial held in conjunction with the Lowestoft Whlrs. for the Holmes Cup. The first 50 miles found us pushing against a head wind with the result that some of us took “packets” myself included but by lunch time most of us had recuperated. All of us who entered for the Trial finished with time to spare. I think the surprise of the day was J. Clarke, a prospective member, who on his first Club-run completed the course in good time.

Our Tourist Trial was held during the month for the Yarmouth Road Club Cup. The trial consisted of speed-judging, a freewheel contest, map reading and a quiz. Everybody who entered the event has a good time and I think that J. Parker is to be congratulated on the smooth and efficient was the trial was organised.

The winner was D. Coppin with 92½ points, second being T.C. Smith with 91 points and T. Loveday was third with 89½ points. Space will not permit me to list all entrants and points scored by them but should anyone be interested would they please ask me for details.

Our Club-room is now open and the co-operation of all members using this room is required to see that equipment belonging to the Physical Culture Club is not interfered with or damaged. I would remind members concerned that the club has only rented the room and not the equipment contained therein.

The date of our Club Dinner has been fixed for 10th December at the Bridge Hotel and I hope that very shortly tickets, price 10/6d, will be on sale.

I have for sale the following items :-

Woven badge @ 3/- each

1 Club Metal Badge @ 5/6d

Club Transfers @ 4d each

If you wish to purchase any of these items see me on Club-runs or tell J. Scott. I must have the “lolly” with the order and I regret that no hire purchase terms can be arranged.

The Norwich Cycling Association issues a monthly news sheet for the benefit of clubs in the Association. If any member would like to peruse last month’s sheet please contact me or J. Scott. I think that all members should have the opportunity to read these monthly “scandal” sheets and when the news sheet for October arrives, I will arrange for it to be displayed on our notice board at the Club-room.

By request, our first Cub-run for November will be a Tramps run and we would like to see everyone who turns out dressed like a tramp. Originality is what we’re looking for and who knows perhaps the members attending will club together to award a prize.

Our Club-runs for November are as follows :-

Nov. 6th            Tramps run to Horstead Mill. Tea – North Walsham

Nov. 13th          Newton Flotman. Tea – Beccles.

Nov. 20th          Flixton. Tea – Darsham.

Nov. 27th          Hot Dinner run to Watton. Tea – Surlingham.


Yours in Cycling

Haggis (Ken Watson)

Hon. Gen. Secretary





22, St. Catherine’s Way


28th November, 1955

Dear Wheeler,

Now that we have been able to read about or see the exhibits of the Cycle Show many members, myself included, will be thinking of new frames and equipment (About time, Haggis). As you know the N.C.U. are increasing their individual affiliation membership by 50% and visiting the Cycle Show I made enquiries of the N.C.U. about next year’s subscription. I understand from them that if members renew their club subscription plus their N.C.U. ‘sub’ before 31st December it will be at the old rate. We may, I repeat may, have to increase our subscription and any ‘sub’ renewed would be at the old rate and would be valid until 31st December, 1956.

Our Club has drawn in the second round of the N.C.A.’s Knock-out Darts Competition, the N.A.B.C. The rules are simple, games to be played over 1001 with a straight start and finishing on a double, contests to be awarded to team winning over three games. The match has been arranged at Surlingham tea-place on 11th December. So you “arrer chukkers” had better get some training in. The N.C.A. are again organising a Photographic Competition and should any of you be interested (and I hope some of you are) particulars can be obtained from the N.C.A. Newsletter displayed at the Club Room. Don’t be like ‘Man’ who having won a prize (with a photograph of Bonnie Bonnie Scotland) did not claim and on attending a meeting was nearly lynched by a person who shall be nameless.

Tickets for the Club Dinner, price 10/6d., are now on sale and can be obtained from the Social Sec. at the Club Room on Thursday evenings.

I have received from the Youth Officer a copy of the new Youth Organisations Booklet which is very interesting and if anyone would like to read it I should be very pleased to lend it to them. I understand that further copies are obtainable from the Education Department, 22, Euston Road, Gt. Yarmouth.

Our Club-runs for December are as follows :-

Dec. 4th            Harleston – Tea at Loddon

Dec. 11th          Pulham Market – N.C.A. Carol Service – Tea at Surlingham

Dec. 18th          Dinner run – Rendezvous to be arranged but will those who are attending please pay the Captain, J. Scott, by the 8th December

Dec. 25th          Xmas Day – Impromptu.


Yours in Cycling

Haggis (Ken Watson)

Hon. Gen. Secretary





22, St. Catherine’s Way


15th December, 1955

Dear Wheeler,

It has been suggested that we hold a cyclo-cross in the early part of the New Year and as you will notice the date has been fixed for the 5th February. Anyone interested in competing or acting in an official capacity should contact the organisers, Peter Whiting (Whitewash) or Terry Loveday at the Club room on Thursday evenings.

In the second round of the N.C.A. Darts Competition we played the N.A.B.C. where we lost 2-0. The first game found us striving hard to score and the N.A.B.C. seemed efficient at the game until it came to “doubles”. For us. the second game went very well, for we were leading by nearly a “ton” and it was only by brilliant (or was it Lucky?) throwing by our opponents in the final stages of the game that finally clinched the contest in their favour. Nevertheless we enjoyed playing the N.A.B.C. and hope that these darts contests will become an annual event of the N.C.A.

Some ten members attended the N.C.A. Carol Service which was held on 11th December at Pulham Market Parish Church, where the lesson was read by one of our members.

Members are again reminded that the N.C.U. subscription has been increased by 50% and that subscriptions received now will be at the old rate. In order that we may take advantage of this concession, the subscription for the N.C.U. must be posted to reach their headquarters by 31st December. So if any of you would like to save some money, your subscription should be given or sent to me not later than 27th December.

Our Club-runs for January are as follows :-

Jan. 1st            Lyng – Home for Tea.

Jan. 8th            Westleton – Tea at Beccles.

Jan. 14/15th    Y.H.A. weekend Sheringham – Tea at Surlingham.

Jan. 22nd         Shotesham – Home for Tea.

Jan. 29th          Walpole – Tea at Beccles.

Feb. 5th            Cyclo-cross – Te-place to be arranged.

I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Yours in Cycling

Haggis (Ken Watson)

Hon. Gen. Secretary





22, St. Catherine’s Way


15th December, 1955

Dear Wheeler,

Annual General Meeting


You are requested to attend the Annual General Meeting to be held at the Shrublands Youth & Adult Centre on Monday, 23rd January, 1956 at 07:30pm.



  1. Confirmation of the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting.
  2. Matters arising out of the minutes.
  3. General Secretary’s Report.
  4. Race Secretary’s Report
  5. Captain’s Report.
  6. Treasurers Report and presentation of accounts and balance sheet.
  7. Social Secretary’s Report.
  8. Election of officials :-




Vice- Chairman

Hon. Gen. Secretary and Treasurer

Hon. Race Secretary



Hon. Timekeeper

Hon. Auditor

General purposes Committee (4members to be elected in addition to ex-officio’s)

Social Committee (3 members)

Racing Committee (2 members to be elected in addition to Hon. Race Secretary and Timekeeper)

R.T.T.C. delegates (1 member in addition to Hon. Race Secretary)

N.C.U. delegates 3 members in addition to Hon. General Secretary

N.C.A. delegates (2 members)

  1. Acceptance of accounts and balance sheet.
  2. Any other Business.

Nominations of officials and items for discussion, with the name of the proposer and seconder, should be sent to me at the address above not later than Monday, 16th January, 1956. Items received for discussion will be dealt with under “Any other business”.


Haggis (Ken Watson)

Hon. Gen. Secretary




22, St. Catherine’s Way


14th March, 1956

Dear Wheeler,

I must apologise for the non-issue of January’s club letter but owing to our paper supplies being exhausted I was unable to have a further supply printed until after the A.G.M.

Our Cyclo-cross for the 5th February had to be cancelled owing to the course not being available but no doubt there will be one organised later on.

We are holding a film show at 07:45pm. on Monday, 19th March, at the Shrublands Youth & Adult Centre when, together with other films we are showing “Awheel in Britain” and “Spinning Wheels”. Admission is free and I would like you to give it your support by coming along to what I hope will be a very interesting and enjoyable evening.

As your representatives to the N.C.A., John Parker and I recently attended a meeting of that body and the question on closing dates for entries was raised. It was stated that great inconvenience was caused to event secretaries when entrants did not adhere to the closing date. Club secretaries were asked to point out that closing dates were closing dates or, in plain language, if entries are not received by the closing date, you may have had your lot.

The N.C.A. is organising a tea for Sunday, 15th April, at Brundalll when the finals of the Darts Competition are to be played and the distribution of the prizes, which should have been at the Roller Contest, will take place. Admission to this tea is by ticket only, price 3/6d. and those interested should send me or the Captain their money not later than 5th April. Remember, no ticket, no Tea.

At our A.G.M. held in January all officials were re-elected with the exception of Messrs. E. H. Clarke and J. Scott. In place of Mr. Scott we have our Captain John Monck who will no doubt have the support of us all on Club-runs and tea places. Terry Loveday has taken the position of Race Secretary in place of Harry “Tubby” Clarke, who did not seek re-election. It was also decided that in view of the N.C.U.’s decision to increase their individual affiliation fee by 50% that our subscription fee should be increased accordingly. Our subscription is now 15/- and 12/6d. for those under 17. To those who have not paid their subscriptions, I should be very pleased to receive them at the earliest possible date.

Our Club-runs for March are as follows :-

Mar. 4th           Southwold – Tea at Beccles.

Mar. 11th          Hot dinner run to Hethersett (50 in 3½) – Home for Tea.

Mar. 18th          Hill Climb (Thunder Lane, Norwich) – Tea at Loddon.

Mar. 25th          Coastal run to Cromer – Tea at North Walsham.

Let’s hope that next month we have plenty of tail winds


Haggis (Ken Watson)

Hon. Gen. Secretary





22, St. Catherine’s Way


19th April, 1956

Dear Wheeler,

Some 40 – 45 people attended our Film Show which was held at the Shrublands Youth & Adult Centre on Monday, 19th March and which proved to be a very interesting and enjoyable evening. Theses Film Shows are something which we would be well advised to bear in mind for next winter.

At the N.C>A. tea and the finals of the Darts Competition which nine members of our club attended, we witnessed the defeat of the Norfolk Olympic Road Club by the East Anglian’s by 2 – 1. The Norfolk Olympic won the first chalk perhaps mere luck than judgment but the East Anglian’s soon made up for lost time and were on the whole more consistent in their “chucking” of arrows that the Norfolk Olympics. Let’s hope that this tea rally will become an annual event, for if we are not interested in darts, it’s grand to meet members of other Clubs of the N.C.A. and have a “natter” on the subject in which we have a common interest – cycling.

The winner of the Novices Cup this year is our Club Captain, Mr. J. Monck, with a time of 1:11:12, second place was taken by Mr. E. Tucker (1:13:42) and Mr. C. Burrage was third (1:13:53). It is interesting to note that for Johnny Monck and Teddy Tucker it was their first ride, so it looks as though our 1:01:00 men will have some competition, if not in events, on club “tear ups”. Probably the surprise of the morning was Mr. J. Parker (alias “man”) who after his usual winter retirement clocked 1:16:42.

Club events for the coming year have been arranged as follows :-

May 20th          Hercules “25”

June 3rd           Open “25”

June 17th         Pendle “30”

July 8th            Haddon “50”

(It appears not to full calendar of events)


Our race secretary, Mr. Terry Loveday, informs us that any assistance in the way of marshalling etc., for these would be greatly appreciated (offers to Terry please).

I’m still trying to “flog” club cloth badges etc. and if anyone would like to but one please wsee me.

Price :   Cloth Badge      3/-d ea.

Club Transfers  4d ea

I still have a number of members subscription outstanding and unless I hear to the contrary by the end of the month they will have deemed to have resigned.

Club-runs for May are as follows :-

May. 6th           West Runton – Tea at Coltishall.

May. 13th         Thorpeness – Tea at Darsham.

May. 20th         Hercules “25” – Tea at Surlingham.

May. 21st          Attleborough Sports (leave at 09:30am.)- Tea impromptu.

May. 27th         Lowestoft Whlrs. “25” Club-run to Framlingham – Tea at Beccles.


Yours in Cycling

Haggis (Ken Watson)

Hon. Gen. Secretary





22, St. Catherine’s Way


30th May, 1956

Dear Wheeler,

On Whit Sunday our Hercules”25″ was held, when we had 12 entries and two private trials. The Hercules cup has again been won by J. Scott with a time of 1:02:51, second place T. Loveday 1:06:24 and R. Annis third 1:08:16. The handicap prize went to J. Scott with his time of 1:02:51 (Scr.), second place E. Tucker 1:03:49 (07:30), third J. Monck (06:00).

On Whit Monday some of our members attended the sports at Attleborough where we saw two of our members (J. Scott and C. Burrage) compete in some of the Cycling events. I am given to understand that Colin will in future stick to time trialling after his experience in the N.C.U. 5 mile championship.

The Club is having a Youth Hostel week-end at Sheringham with the Norwich Y.H.A. sub-group on 23rd/24th June. We were hoping to have Colin Bunn and the Attleborough C.C. join us but unfortunately they were, at short notice, unable to fit this weekend in their programme. There is talk on club-runs, of another Y.H.A. week-end in July at Castle Heddingham but nothing definite has been arranged. If any member would like to suggest destinations for Club-runs, I’m sure our Club CPTAIN (alias “monkey”) would only be too pleased to fit them in.

The Lowestoft Whlrs. C.C. held their “Open 25” on our course (B20) owing to road repairs being carried out on course B22. The course record set up last year has again been broken, this time by Mr. M Ward of the Haverhill Whlrs. (59:15). The event which was held on Sunday, 27th May, attracted 88 entries.

Club-runs for June are as follows :-

June 6th           Open “25” in the morning – Tea at Surlingham.

June 10th         Flixton (invitation run). – Tea at Beccles.

June 17th         Pendle”30″ Run to South Cove – Tea at Darsham.

(Watch local press in the event of Cancellation).

June 23rd/24th Y.H. A. Week-end Sheringham – Tea at North Walsham.

The Club is again organising events on Thursday evenings – anyone wishing to enter should see the race secretary.

Would members of the G.P. Committee please note that the Shrublands Youth & Adult Centre re-opened on Monday, 28th May and that the next Committee will be held there on Monday, 4th June, at 07:30pm.


Yours in Cycling

Haggis (Ken Watson)

Hon. Gen. Secretary





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.

July, 1956

Dear Fellow Wheeler,

As most of you will already know, Ken (Haggis) Watson has reluctantly felt obliged to resign from the Secretary-ship and I am sure you will all agree with me that he has done a good job during the past year. On behalf of you all – Thanks Ken.

For the time being, I shall be taking over, so please note change of address.

Our “Open 25″on the 3rd of last month attracted an entry 95, of whom 82 started and 76 finished. The winner was P. Woodhouse (N.A.B.C.) with a 59:59, K. Snelling was 2nd with 1:00:48, he hails from Kings Lynn. 3rd was A. Smith (E.A.C.C.) who recorded 1:02:46. The event was organised by Johnny Scott who was fifth with 1:02:48 and whilst congratulating him on the grand job he made of the arrangements, we must not forget to say “Hard Luck” for failing to break the Club record by only 34 seconds. The winners time, by the way, was an event record, although the course record belongs to Mick Ward (Haverhill Whlrs.) with 59:15, set up in the Lowestoft Whlrs. Open.

The Club record for 30 miles was broken, however, this month when Terry Loveday won the Pendle Cup in 1:16:40, the previous best being 1:16:51. This was a very good ride as the morning was wet and windy. If anyone wishes to dispute the wetness I shall be pleased to argue from personal experience, having spent longer on the course than any other competitor! The remainder of the result was R. Annis 1:22:48 2nd and D. Coppin 1:24:04 3rd.

Other notable times during the past month include Johnny Scott’s ride in the Manx Viking Wheelers “25” of 1:06:30 to finish 28th, only 5½ mins. down on the winner Mike Gambrill, who is this year’s R.T.T.C. “25” champion. Sam Sayers recorded 1:3:15 in the Norfolk R.C. event, his best this season and T. Loveday 1:02:59 in the E.A.C.C. event, his best ever over the distance.

At a somewhat slower pace Ken and I competed in the Suffolk District Assoc. heat of the C.T.C. Tourist Trial and spent  a thoroughly enjoyable day riding through lanes and tracks, the event included such items as a Hill-Climb, road safety, emergency stop and numerous questions on touring topics. Ken scored 149 points to gain 19th place and I managed 162 points for 6th place but the main thing was the very pleasant time we had. Why not try it yourself next year?

The Y.H. weekend when we met the Norwich Y.H.A. Sub. Group at Felixstowe was a great success, despite the ploughed field, Dykes and swamp we encountered on the “short cut” on the return journey.

The Shrublands Youth & Adult Centre are holding their annu7al Fete on Saturday July 21st. when we hope to again have the Rollers and Novelty Cycles. We shall need as many hands as we can muster on the day to help keep things running from 2pm. till 9pm so please let me know if you can help.

Odds and Ends

The annual dinner will be held either on 26th January or 2nd February 1957 – The Holmes Cup events to come yet are the Haddon “50” on August 19th and the N.A.B.C. 100 on September 9th. – Next Committee Meeting at the Shrublands Centre will be on 13th August at 07:30pm.

Now for this Month’ Runs :-

July 8th            Walberswick (for swimming) – Tea will be at Halesworth.

July 15th          N.C.U. Rally at Attleborough – Tea will be impromptu.

July 22nd         Walsingham with tea at North Walsham.

July 28/29th    Y.H.A. Weekend at Castle Hedingham, bookings for this weekend to John                                   Monck by 15/07/56 – Tea at Beccles


Yours in Cycling

John Parker





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.

August, 1956

Dear Fellow Wheeler,

Once again it is time to review the activities of the past month and to look forward to the future.

Club-runs have been well attended and we have been pleased to see the return of several members who have been missing from the active group for a while, due to national service and other demands.

Early in the month we picked a really fine day for our “lazy day” on the beach at Walberswick and all present thoroughly enjoyed themselves (at least until the after effects of over exposure to the sun became apparent!). The N.C.U. Rally at Attleborough found the Club entering into the spirit of things with members competing in track events, roller racing, slow bicycle race, egg & spoon race (on cycles), obstacle race, tug of war and believe it or believe it not a mile RUNNING race, in which there were 58 starters! The months hostelling weekend was to Castle Heddingham in Essex and will be long remembered for the “summery weather” and the obstacles encountered on the return journey.

On the racing scene several good times have been recorded, including Reg Annis’s 2:13:00 for a “50” and Terry Loveday’s 23:34 for a “10”, this being the Lowestoft Whlrs. course record. Talking of records, Johnnie Scott knocked 3 minutes off the Yarmouth to Bungay and back recently, with a time of 1:40:42, for the 38 odd miles.

The next committee meeting will be on 13th August at 07:30pm.

Now for this Month’ Runs :-

Aug. 5th           Lyng (Nr. East Dereham) – Tea at Hethersett.

Aug. 11/12th    An all-night run to Clacton. Breakfast at Colchester. Tea at Leiston. Bookings for this run must be made to the Captain by Monday 6th August. Day run to Thorpeness.

Aug. 19th          Haddon”50″ (Holmes Cup Event). Afternoon run tea Loddon.

Aug. 25/26th    Y.H. weekend at Sheringham. Tea at North Walsham.

Here’s to a happy month cycling and plenty of back winds.


Yours in Cycling

John Parker





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.

August, 1956

Dear Fellow Wheeler,

How long shall we have to wait before the first “under the hour ride” is turned in by a member of the Club? Terry Loveday gave indication when he broke the Club Record for “25” miles in a recent evening event. His time of 1:00:46, beating the previous record set up by Reg Annis when he won the 1949 Diss & District Open in 1:02:15; the merit of Reg’s ride will be seen from the fact that it has stood as a record for seven years but I doubt if we shall have to wait that long again.

The Haddon “50” was also won by Terry riding on scratch, with 2:12:56, Johnny Scott was second with a time of 2:15:07 (handicap 2:13:07) and Reg Annis, 2:18:10 (handicap 2:16:25) was third. Both Terry and Johnny were riding their first “50” on a morning made difficult by the strong Westerly wind and our thanks are due to all checkers and marshals, who rode early to make the event a success. Whilst on the subject of racing – Johnny rode extremely well to take a third place against first class competition at the Ely August Bank Holiday meeting.

The all-night run, which for the second year in succession had Clacton as it’s destination, was favoured with good weather and all the riders thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The weekend at Sheringham Y.H. was well supported and included three members new to hostelling. My guess is that they’ll be back for more!


Odds and Ends

The Annual Dinner will be held on 26th January 1957, so make a note of the date and warn your friends and relatives – No Committee meeting in September, next meeting 1st October at Shrublands – The Tourist Trial will be held in October and competitors will require a Bartholomew’s map of Norfolk for the map-reading section – Entry forms for the N.C.U. Eastern Counties Centre “25” on 23rd September are available from the Race Sec.

Now for this Month’ Runs :-

Sept. 2nd          Homersfield – Tea at Beccles.

Sept. 9th           Ringland – Tea at Surlingham.

(N.A.B.C. “100” incorporating the Club Championship).

Sept. 16th         Grime’s Graves (Nr. Thetford) – Tea at Hethersett.

(Start at 08:15 sharp).

Sept. 23rd         Roman Camp (Nr. Cromer) – Tea at North Walsham.

Sept. 29/30th   Y.H. weekend at Naughton Mill – Tea at Beccles.

Sunday run to Framlingham.


Yours in Cycling

John Parker





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.

October, 1956

Dear Fellow Wheeler,

With the coming of Autumn and the racing season drawing to a close, it might appear logical to the layman to expect fewer cyclist’s to be seen during the next six months. To the Club-man however, the pleasures of cycling are enhanced by the quieter roads, the autumn tints and that slight nip in the air and the Club-run and Tea-place really come into their own at this time of the year.

Last month’s Y.H. weekend, which was again well attended, was rearranged to Felixstowe in order that we might join our friends of the Norwich Sub-group at Naughton Mill this month. In view of the popularity of these weekends with members, it is unfortunate that there are only five Hostels which are within easy reach of a Saturday afternoon’s cycling and tends to make us envious of other regions, where there are Hostels every ten miles or so.

This year’s Tourist Trial will be held in the area of Beccles, Bungay and Loddon. Competitors are reminded that a Bart’s Map of Norfolk will be required for the map-reading section and that a saddle bag and normal touring equipment should be carried. The competition will be an individual event throughout and no competitor should ask another for assistance.

It is hoped to open our Club-room at St. Peter’s School, Deneside, during the next week or so, further details will be announced later. The success of this venture will depend on the support given it, can we count on Yours?


Odds and Ends

The N.A.B.C. are holding a roller contest on 27th Oct. – There will be a club “25” mile time trial on the 28th Oct. – Next Committee meeting will be either Nov. 6th or 12th, the date will be confirmed later.

Now for this Month’ Runs :-

Oct. 7th             New Buckenham – Tea at Hethersett.

Oct. 14th          Tourist Trial – Tea at Surlingham.

Oct. 20th/21st  Y.H. Weekend at Naughton Mill – Tea at Beccles

Oct. 28th          “25” Time Trial (Start at 08:00am) An afternoon run will start at 2:30pm – Tea at North Walsham.


Yours in Cycling

John Parker





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.

October, 1956

Dear Fellow Wheeler,

Although at the time of writing the  wind is driving the rain against the window panes, the past month has given us some fine cycling weather at the weekends.

Our run to New Buckenham was extended to Snetterton where we watched the final meeting of the motor racing season. The Tourist Trial was won by Johnnie Scott with 116 points out of a possible 129. Percy Read was second with 112 and Dave Yallop third with 110. The competition included machine maintenance, freewheeling, emergency stop, hill-climb, speed judging, map reading and a quiz. All competitors scored well but the first three were the only three to gain full marks in the map reading. Top quiz man for the second year running was Sam Sayers, now “Square Bashing” in the R.A.F. Our Y.H. weekend at Naughton Mill, where we met the Norwich Sub-group provided a real taste of rural life and our return ride through the Suffolk lanes was enjoyed by all.

The end of season”25″ was blessed with a fine, if deceptive, morning. It looked fast but the times were generally on the slow side. Terry Loveday was first man home with 1:7:40 and Dave Coppin second with 1:09:59. Third place went to Dave Yallop riding in his event with a time of 1:11:28.

The draw for the N.C.A. Darts Competition has given us a bye in the first round and matched us with the Norfolk R.C. (last year’s finalists) in the second, so “arrow” practice is the order of the day!


Odds and Ends

The Lowestoft Whlrs. Dinner is on Jan. 12th – Next Committee meeting is on Tuesday 6th Nov. it being liable to go with too much of a bang on the 5th.

Now for this Month’ Runs :-

Nov. 4th            Hare & Hounds. Dinner at Beccles – Tea at Surlingham.

Nov. 11th          Captain’s Mystery Run – Tea at Brundalll.

Nov. 18th          Hunworth (Nr. Holt) – Tea at North Walsham.

Nov. 25th          Hill climb at Surlingham – Tea at Surlingham.


Yours in Cycling

John Parker





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.

November, 1956

Dear Fellow Wheeler,

Recent runs lists have included at least one run that has been out of the ordinary and last month’s Hare & Hounds was no exception. The morning’s trail was extremely well laid and included tracks, lanes, ploughed fields and a stretch of beach before the hares were finally caught. The afternoon trail was more confusing in the early stages and the mud was a little thicker but the hares were chased (or should it be hounded!) to the bitter end.

The award of the Memorial Shield is due to be made at next month’s committee meeting and the nominations should reach me or any other committee member by the end of the month.

The Holmes Cup has this year won by the Lowestoft Wheelers, so we shall have to “pedal up” during next year to bring it back to our sideboard!

The N.C.A. Photographic competition is again being held this year and entries at 6d. per snap should be sent to G. Allen, 14 E. Falcon Rd., Salhouse Rd., Norwich. without delay.

With our sights on the N.C.A. Darts Trophy and in an effort to select our best team, a competition has been started to run each week after tea. Percy Read, Captain Monck and myself are at present in the lead with two wins each but it’s very close, so don’t forget those darts on the Clubrun.

The menu for our Xmas Dinner run includes Norfolk Turkey and Xmas Pud., bookings should be made to J. Monck or myself by 9th December.


Odds and Ends

Our Open “25” next year will be on May 12th – Next committee meeting will  be at The Shrublands at 07:45pm on 3rd December.

Now for next month’s runs :-

Dec. 2nd           Blickling Hall – Tea at North Walsham

Dec. 9th            “Treasure Hunt” – Tea at Beccles.

(Bring your “Barts map of Norfolk).

Dec. 16th          N.C.A. Carol Service at Pulham Market – Tea to be arranged.

Dec. 23rd          Xmas Dinner run – Dinner & Tea at Surlingham.

Dec. 30th          All Saints run – Home for Tea.

Here’s hoping for a good cycling weather with plenty of back winds,


Yours in Cycling

John Parker





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.

December, 1956

Dear Fellow Wheeler,

It was with regret that we learnt last month of the passing of Alderman E.V. Barr who had been a Vice-President of the Club for a number of years. He took a keen interest in the affairs of the Club, as well as many other sporting organisations in the town.

The Club has obtained the use of a room on Thursday evenings at the Shrublands Y & A Centre from 08:30 – 10:00pm, as a clubroom and all members will be welcome.

The tickets for the Annual Dinner & Dance on 26th January 1957 will shortly be available, price 11/6 and may be obtained from ant committee member or myself. I hope that as many of the older members as possible will attend, this being the ideal opportunity for a get together of Wheelers past & present. If you know of anybody whom you may think might be interested and you can’t contact them. please let me have their name & address and I’ll drop them a line.

Whilst on the subject of former members, I should be pleased if anybody who knows the present address of Mr. H.E. Robinson, would get in touch with me. I have a key ring belonging to him, attached to a medal inscribed “Low Gear 25, 7.4.35” but apart from the knowledge that he won several club events in the years before the last war, I have been unable to trace him.

The A.G.M. will be held at the Shrublands Y & A Centre on the 14th January 1957 at 07:30pm, formal notice of this meeting is given overleaf.

It is hoped that all active members will include in their New Year resolutions, the purchase of a rear mud-flap, for those members unfortunate enough to ride at the rear recently have arrived at the tea-place looking like “Plum-Duff!”.

Now for next month’s runs :-

Jan. 6th            Dunwich – Tea at Beccles.

Jan. 13th          Sea Palling – Tea at North Walsham.

Jan. 20th          Hoxne – Tea at Beccles.

Jan. 27th          No run arranged.

Here’s wishing you all a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year


Yours in Cycling

John Parker


Dear Fellow Wheeler,


Annual General Meeting


You are requested to attend the Annual General Meeting to be held at the Shrublands Youth & Adult Centre on Monday, 14th January, 1957 at 07:30pm.



  1. Confirmation of the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting.
  2. Matters arising out of the minutes.
  3. General Secretary’s Report.
  4. Race Secretary’s Report
  5. Captain’s Report.
  6. Treasurers Report and presentation of accounts and balance sheet.
  7. Social Secretary’s Report.
  8. Election of officials :-




Vice- Chairman

Hon. Gen. Secretary and Treasurer

Hon. Race Secretary

Hon. Social Secretary



Hon. Timekeeper

Hon. Auditor

General purposes Committee (4members to be elected in addition to ex-officio’s)

Racing Committee (2 members to be elected in addition to Hon. Race Secretary and Timekeeper)

Social Committee (3 members)

R.T.T.C. delegates (1 member in addition to Hon. Race Secretary)

N.C.U. delegates 3 members in addition to Hon. General Secretary

N.C.A. delegates (2 members)

  1. Acceptance of accounts and balance sheet.
  2. Any other Business.


Nominations of officials and items for discussion, with the names of the proposer and seconder, should be sent to me not later than Monday, 7th January, 1957. Items for discussion will be dealt with under item 10 of the above agenda – “Any Other Business”


Yours Faithfully

John Parker

Hon. General Secretary





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.

February, 1957

Dear Fellow Wheeler,

May I first apologise for the delay in issuing this month’s newsletter; we are still awaiting delivery of a new supply of paper – hence this “austerity” edition (typed on plain paper, not headed paper as had been the case up till now).

At the A.G.M. held last month all the officials were re-elected, with the exception of the Vice-Chairman, Captain and Social Secretary, who did not seek re-election. Mike Mills is our new Vice-Chairman, David (Chimp) Coppin has taken over the Captaincy and Roger Smith the post of Social Secretary.

The Club has reached the semi-finals of the N.C.A. Darts Competition, thanks to a bye in the first round and a 2-1 victory over last year’s finalists, the Norfolk Olympic R.C. Our team played quite well as a team after a shaky start but special mention must be made of Percy Rea, for it was “Our Percy” who threw the winning double in the second game (we lost the first) and this proved to be the real turning point.

Our 1957 racing calendar contains several changes from last year’s programme, a full list of club events being shown below for easy reference. Two new place to place records are now on the books – Norwich & Back and Lowestoft & Back, details from the race sec.

May I remind those members who have not yet paid their subscriptions that these are now due and say thanks to those who have.

Now for next month’s runs :-

Feb. 3rd            Scoulton (approx. 77 miles) – Tea at Hethersett Start at 09:30.

Feb. 10th          Sizewell (70 miles) – Tea at Beccles. Start at 09:00

Feb. 17th          Hare & Hounds. Start 09:30. Dinner at Rackheath, Tea at Brundalll.

Feb. 24th          50 mile Tourist Trial – Tea at North Walsham.

Tourist aiming at a 4hr ride start at 09:00am sharp.

Late risers aiming at a 3½ ride start at 09:30am.

Fast men and breakfast in bed types aiming for a 3hr ride start at 10:00am (Me? I’m not fast and I’m not early either!)


Racing Dates for 1957

March24th        Medium Gear “25” (72″ or less)   Start Caister 09:00am.

April 7th           100 in 8 (Holmes Cup)               Start Hopton 08:30am.

April 14th         Novice “25”                                Start Caister 08:00am.

May 5th            Pendle “30”                               Start Chapman & Marwoods 07:45am.

May 12th          Open “25”                                 Start to be arranged later

May 26th          Lowestoft Whlrs. “25” (Holmes Cup)

June 30th         Haddon “50” (Holmes Cup)         Start Chapman & Marwoods 07:00am.

Aug 18th           Hercules “25”                            Start Caister 07:00am

Aug 25th           Premier “100” (Holmes Cup)       Start at 06:00am


We are also hoping to revive the Club Track Championship this year, the suggested date being June 1st. and the distance for the event one mile. The Suffolk heat of the B.C.T.C. this year will be held in the Ipswich area on June 2nd.

An Easter Tour is being planned and all members interested should contact me for further details before the end of the month. A summer tour lasting a fortnight is being arranged for the first two weeks in September and the destination is Brittany. Further details will be given of this later when a meeting of interested members will be arranged.


That’s all for now,

Yours Faithfully

John Parker

Hon. General Secretary





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.

March, 1957

Dear Fellow Wheeler,

With the continuance of the mild weather, our Club runs have been well attended again this month and the average is well up on last year.

The Hare & Hounds run was divided into a morning & afternoon event but unfortunately after laying a good trail in the morning the Hares found that the Hounds had been dogged by mechanical trouble and had been forced to abandon the hunt. In the afternoon all was well and despite plenty of mud and some floods, the general opinion afterwards at the tea-place was that it was great fun.

The Tourist Trial over a 50 mile course also met with mixed fortune, for although the 4hr riders all completed the distance in the time allowed, it was a different tale with the 3hr men. The wind, a slight detour off course and the hills over the final 15 miles all took their toll and the only two who finished were outside the time limit. I might add here that I was relieved to see Jack Lingwood about town during the week, for I had visions of looking for a new Chairman after being told by the 3hr boys – “Jack dropped his pump and we never saw him again!”.

Whether the racing boys have benefitted from this “Training ride” will be learnt later this month when we have the first of our events – a 25 mile T.T. with gears restricted to 72″.

Our semi-final match of the N.C.A. darts competition when we meet our old friends from the Norwich Y.H.A. Sub-group has been arranged for March 3rd at Haddiscoe. It has been suggested that our team should consist of “square” in order to avoid their being distracted by the Rock & Roll records.

Now for next month’s runs :-

Mar. 3rd           Bruisyard (Nr. Framlingham) – Tea at Beccles.

(Arrows will be carried, see above).

Mar. 10th          Sall (Nr. Aylesham) – Tea at Neatishead.

Mar. 17th          Eye – Tea at Hedenham.

Mar. 24th          72″ gear “25” Start at Caister 09:00am Private Triallists will be welcomed. Afternoon run with tea at Surlingham.

Mar. 31st          Y.H.A. Weekend at Sheringham – Tea at North Walsham.


Yours in Cycling

John Parker

Hon. General Secretary





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.

March, 1957

Dear Fellow Wheeler,

The general trend towards faster times earlier in the season has been very noticeable again this year throughout the country and was reflected in our first club event held last week, the medium gear “25”. The event was by Johnnie Scott in 1hr 3mins 37sec’s, second was Terry Loveday with 1:05:06 and Gerry Pettingill was third 1:06:01. A particularly good ride was Dave Yallop’s 1:5:56 for fourth place – his only other ride being an “eleven” at the end of last season. Other times included – R. Smith 1:07:23, J. Lingwood 1:10:45, T.C. Smith 1:14:14, J. Read 1:16:07 and I nearly forgot “Mans” (John Parker) 1:20:20.

Whilst on the subject of competitions most of you will no doubt know that we beat the Norwich Y.H.A. Sub-group in the semi-final of the N.C.A. darts competition by two games to nil. Our opponents in the final, to be held at Brundall on April 14th, are still unknown at the time of writing but they will be either the N.A.B.C. or the Diss Club. Tea at Brundall will be by ticket only and these will be available shortly, so make sure of yours for our lads will need all the moral and vocal support they can get.

The annual battle with the Lowestoft Wheelers for the Holmes Cup begins this month with the inter-club “100 in 8”. We need a minimum of 10 finishers so try not to miss this event.

Although the majority of members have already renewed their subscriptions for this year, there are still a few outstanding – Need I say more?

Now for next month’s runs :-

April 7th           100 in 8. Leave Town Hall at 08:10am sharp to meet Lowestoft Wheelers at Hopton at 08:30am. Tea at Beccles.

April 17th         Novices “25” Start at Caister 08:00am Afternoon run starting at 03:00pm for Darts final at Brundall (see above).

April 21st          Shipdham (Nr. Wymondham) – Tea at Hethersett.

April 28th         Y.H.A. Weekend at Felixstowe – Tea at Darsham.


Odds and Ends

Next committee meeting at Shrublands at 07:45pm on April 8th – Percy Read will shortly be starting national Service in the RAF – Roger Smith is also waiting to leave the town for awhile but does not know for sure where or when he’s going.


Here’s hoping for a month of back winds.

Yours in Cycling

John Parker

Hon. General Secretary





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.

May, 1957

Dear Fellow Wheeler,

For the next four months or so one of the main topics of club conversation will be racing – be it Track or Road, Massed Start or Time Trial, local or national.

This month’s runs list indicates local interest with events on three weeks out of four – the main event being our Open “25”. The Lowestoft “25” is also important since it is the 2nd event in the Holmes Cup competition. At present both clubs are level – the points for the 1st event, the 100 in 8 Tourist Trial being shared – so we are hoping for a big entry on May 26th to ensure a full team.

Undoubtedly the highlight of last month’s programme was the final of the N.C.A. Darts competition. We had a good attendance by club members but despite their support the darts team were far from confident as they mounted the stage, the lads to do battle with the N.A.B.C. However after somewhat shaky start the lads settled down and the Trophy “came home” by a margin of two games to one.

The Hostelling weekend spent at Sheringham at the end of March was a success as was last month’s trip to Felixstowe. This month we go further afield to Cambridge – bookings to the Captain by May 12th please.


Racing News

The Novices “25” was won by Dave Yallop who has since recorded his best time to date of 1:06:48 in the Kings Lynn event – Track meetings will be held at Yarmouth on 1st June, entries close May 18th and at Attleborough on Whit Monday 10th June, entries close May 14th – full details from the undersigned – our own track championship will be held on June 1st providing there are sufficient riders, closing date 12th May.

Now for next month’s runs :-

May 5th            Pendle “30” Start at Chapman & Marwoods 07:45am – Tea at Surlingham.

May 12th          Open “25” Starting time to be announced – Tea at Long Stratton.

May 19th          Y.H. Weekend at Cambridge – Tea at Hedenham.

May 26th          Lowestoft “25” Impromptu clubrun at 09:30am – Tea at Loddon.

Note. Tea runs each week will leave Central Library at 03:00pm.


Odds and Ends

Next committee meeting, May 6th at Shrublands 07;45pm – Percy Read is at present “square bashing” at RAF West Kirby – Sam Sayers is being posted to Germany – Roger Smith has moved to Hanley, so we need a third man to make up our team – The Suffolk heat of the CTC Tourist Trial will be held in the Ipswich area on 2nd June.


Yours in Cycling

John Parker

Hon. General Secretary





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.

July, 1957

Dear Fellow Wheeler,

I hope those members who consider this epistle should be termed a club “history sheet” will accept my apologies for the fact that the June edition is long overdue.

The Open “25” had a rather disappointing entry compared with last year (67 to 95) and as a result the future of this event is in some doubt. It would be a pity to lose our event from the local calendar, for it is through staging Opens that small clubs, like ours, can hold their place in the racing world, by providing alternative courses. The winner this year was P. Woodhouse, he won last year as well, with a time of 1:00:40 (41sec’s slower than last year), second was T. Grint with 1:00:47, both from the Norwich Premier and third was K. Twinn (Clacton), with 1:01:06.

The weather was extremely unkind to the riders in the Pendle “30”, with a strong wind and showers of hail and in the circumstances the times recorded were quite good (These are shown in the race results).

In this the third of the inter-club competition for the Holmes Cup, the struggle between ourselves and Lowestoft Wheelers is the closest yet. After three of the four events we are still all-square! The points were shared in the 100 in 8, we won the “25” and on Sunday last, Lowestoft had a convincing win in the “50”. J. Ling Lowestoft, won the event with a 2:8:00, which gave him the course record. Our first man was J. Scott with a 2:14:45 but the Haddon Cup was won on Handicap by D. Moules who recorded a 2:17:00. This was a  very good first “50” by a rider who is in first season.

The Track Championships were held on June 1st at Wellesley Road, after a lapse of a year and was well supported. The race, over one mile, had seven entrants and they were all bunched at the last bend, the final sprint being won by J. Scott from E. Scott with D. Coppin third.

The Clubroom at the Shrublands has now been closed for the Summer months as it tends to clash with the Lowestoft “10’s”, which are held on Thursdays. We have started “10’s” on the Caister-Acle course, held on Tuesdays at 07:30pm. It is hoped that all members will support these evening events, either as riders or officials.

The Shrublands Y & A Centre’s Annual Fete is being held on July 20th and we have been asked to assist by manning one of the stalls, so would all those able to help please give their names to the under signed not later than July 14th.

This month’s activities include a Y.H. Weekend, a day spent supporting the N.C.A. 12hr, the N.C.U. Rally and the all-night run. This latter event will be held either on the 14th to Clacton, once again (this is only possible if the 12hr is cancelled through lack of entries), or as is more likely on the 21st to an as yet unknown destination in the Kings Lynn area, returning to Attleborough for the Rally on the Sunday.

Now for next month’s runs :-

July 7th            Y.H. Weekend at Colchester – Tea at Kelsale.

July 14th          N.C.A. 12hr Start 08:30 – Tea at Hethersett (Leiston if 12hr is cancelled).

July 21st          N.C.U. Rally at Attleborough – Tea at Hethersett.

July 28th          Brandon – Tea at Spooner Row.


Race Results

Yarmouth  & Gorleston Open “25”

  1. Scott 1:03:10, T. Loveday 1:03:24, D. Yallop 1:06:42, D. Moules 1:09:36, D. Coppin 1:09:59,
  2. Lingwood 1:11:50, E. Scott 1:15:19 & D. Tooke 1:15:47

Lowestoft Wheelers Open “25”

  1. Scott 1:06:44, T. Loveday 1:06:49, D. Yallop 1:09:58, D. Coppin 1:11:54. D. Tooke 1:12:36, D. Moules 1:13:24. D. Tooke won 1st Handicap and “Man” was last in a time too slow to mention.

Pendle “30”

  1. Scott 1:19:13, D. Yallop 1:21:12 and J. Lingwood 1:29:52.


Odds and Ends

Next committee meeting will be at the Shrublands on July 8th at 07:45pm – Percy Read has now finished “Square bashing” and has now been posted to Compton Basset – R. Smith has joined the Bon Amis C.C. at Reading and has recorded a “15” for a “50” – Man has accordingly gone into strict training for their tour – I hear that a certain member late of Wolverhampton has at last acquired a nickname, although how long it lasts depends on the Egyptian situation! – Mike Mills, former club Secretary, is now a new father, he now has two sons!

Any news of members out of town will be welcomed at the above address so sharpen up those pens and let’s hear from you.


Here’s to a month of good cycling weather,

Yours in Cycling

John Parker

Hon. General Secretary





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.

August, 1957

Dear Fellow Wheeler,

We are now in the middle of the touring season and in consequence attendances on clubruns have dropped slightly. At the time of writing two members are on tour in Devon and Cornwall and one is away in the Midlands; when they return three more are off to North Wales and then it will be time for yours truly to take to the road.

The Y.H. Weekend at Colchester was favoured with real Summer weather, with the result that Percy (on a week’s leave) and Man were “burnt off” on the ride down, in more than one sense of the term. On the return we spent almost as much time in the water as on the road, with a visit to Ipswich swimming pool & an evening dip at Corton.

The All-night run had varied weather, with a tail wind at night, sunshine in the morning at Clacton and showers on the run home.

The N.C.U. Rally provided the usual excellent entertainment, with our only cycle competitor, J. Scott, again amongst the prizes. He was second in the race over an unknown distance after forcing the pace for several laps and in the Eastern Counties “10” miles Championship he was third as well as taking the lap prize, winning17 (my counting) out of the 50 laps. Mention must also be made of other club members who entered the spirit of Rally – one young lady, after a little persuasion (?!), represented the club in the egg and spoon race but after that she had more success in the lucky dip draw (thanks for the bananas) and two elder members started amongst the 65 competitors in the mile (running event) – one fell by the wayside after 2¾ laps (it felt like 2¾ miles) and the other retired at 4¾ laps.


Race News

Reg Annis has at last emerged from his annual hibernation and records a 2:14:00 for a “50” and a 1:06:00 for a “25” in recent weeks. Roger Smith, now of Bon Amis C.C., recorded a 1:03:00 last weekend and has reached a 1:02:0 on a course near Reading.


Now for next month’s runs :-

Aug. 4th           Overstrand (Swimming) – Tea – Impromptu.

Aug. 5th           Harleston Sports. To be arranged on clubrun on the 4th.

Aug. 11th          Twyford (Nr. Fakenham) – Tea at Hethersett.

Aug. 18th          Hercules “25” Start at 07:00am. Afternoon run Surlingham.

Aug. 25th          Premier “100” Start at 06:00am. Deciding event Holmes Cup.

Afternoon run Beccles.


Odds and Ends

Next committee meeting at 30, Peggotty Road, on 12th August.



John Parker





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.

August, 1957

Dear Fellow Wheeler,

With the end of the racing season in sight we have a more varied programme arranged for next month, with booked tea-places throughout the month.

The past month’s news, however, is concerned mainly with racing – Johnnie Scott and Roger Smith at the August Monday meeting at Harleston with Johnnie being placed in several events.

The Hercules “25” was held later than usual this year but as the entry was much smaller, I feel it will be an early season next year. Times recorded were J. Scott 1:02:41, T. Loveday 1:03:46, D. Tooke 1:10:34 and J. Lingwood 1:13:26 (the turn marshal also “took a packet” but his time wasn’t recorded).

The strong S/W winds made the “100” really tough but despite this three members from each of the Yarmouth & Lowestoft clubs came up to the timekeeper. In the early stages our boys were in front but the long ride from Yarmouth (Acle New Rd.) to Norwich into the head wind changed the position completely and at the 60 mile mark, only two from each club remained, with a Lowestoft rider in front. At the finish J. Ling (Lowestoft Whlrs.) recorded 4:43:20 to beat his brother Peter’s 4:55:02. Our sole survivor Terry Loveday recorded 5:06:34 an excellent effort considering he punctured & it was his first ride at the distance. As neither club had three finishers it appears that the Holmes Cup will be shared this year, making one win each & one drawn.


Now for next month’s runs :-

Sept. 1st           Framlingham – Tea at Hedenham. (A favourite run this!)

Sept. 8th           “50 in 3” – Tea at North Walsham (A return ride for those who are fit or those that want to be).

Sept. 15th         End of Season “25” – Tea at Surlingham (To chase those standards).

Sept. 22nd        Guestwick (Nr. Aylsham) – Tea at Neatishead (The return of “Homme” from the continent).

Sept. 28/29th   Y.H. Weekend at Felixstowe with Norwich Sub-group. – Tea at Fressingfield (Fox & Goose).


Odds and Ends

Next committee meeting on September 16th at Shrublands (07:45pm) – The Tourist Trial arranged for the 29th has been postponed until 13th October & will be a joint affair with the Sub-group as well as deciding our Trophy. You have been warned!


Au Revoir

John Parker





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.

September, 1957

Dear Fellow Wheeler,

Having been on tour for two weeks since the last issue of our club letter, my knowledge of last month’s activities is scarce, so this edition will be devoted mainly to the future.

At the start of the season the race committee approved standards for certain place to place records. Only one has been attempted – the Lowestoft and Back – Johnnie Scott recording 52mins 44sec’s to beat the standard by 1min 46 sec’s.

Our annual contest for the Tourist Trophy takes place next month, to be held this year in conjunction with the Norwich Y.H.A. Sub-group. The event which will take place in the Norwich area starts from Norwich hostel at 10:00am and will include a maintenance check, road safety, map-reading and several quizzes on touring topics.

The N.C.A. hill-climb is also being held this month and any members wishing to take part should contact the Race Secretary. In the event of sufficient members being interested it is hoped to incorporate the Club Championship in the event.

Hostelling out of the season can be good fun as well as assisting the Y.H.A. to maintain hostels all the year round and we hope to include hostelling weekends in our runs lists throughout the Winter. The thought occurs to me here that it could be distinctly unpleasant at certain French Youth Hostels I visited recently where there was a distinct shortage of bedding!


Now for next month’s runs :-

Oct. 6th             Westleton – Teas at Beccles.

Oct. 13th          Tourist Trial (Leave Yarmouth at 08:30am Sharp) – Tea to be announced.

Oct. 20th          N.C.A. Hill Climb at Ringland – Tea at Surlingham.

Oct. 27th          Y.H. Weekend at Sheringham – Tea at Neatishead.


Odds and Ends

The annual Dinner has been arranged provisionally for the 25th January 1958. The 1957 All Rounder Concert will be on 30th November at the Royal Albert Hall and bookings for tickets must be made to me by the end of October. Next committee meeting is at the Shrublands on 7th Oct. at 08:00pm.


Yours in Cycling

John Parker

Hon. General Secretary





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.

October, 1957

Dear Fellow Wheeler,

The outstanding Club event during the past month was the Annual contest for the Tourist Trophy, which was a joint affair with Norwich Y.H.A. Sub-group and the Norfolk District Association of the Cyclist’s Touring Club.

The competition was more varied than in previous years, beginning with a cycle maintenance check followed by a map-reading competition during which competitors were checked for road safety, control of machines through a rough stuff course and whilst crossing a ford and during a hill-climb and quizzed on touring topics. The afternoon included a speed-judging competition and further questioning on the Highway Code. First place in the event went to a member of the Y.H.A., with Roger Smith second and a C.T.C. member third. Roger thus becomes holder of our Trophy for a year.

We are holding an Xmas draw again this year in order to boost club funds and it is hoped that members will make an effort to sell as many tickets as possible. These will be available from yours truly in a few days.


Now for next month’s runs :-

Nov. 3rd.           Eye (75 miles) – Tea at Hedenham.

Nov. 10th.         Scoulton (80 miles) – Tea at Spooner Row.

Nov. 17th.         Y.H. Weekend at Sheringham – Tea at North Walsham (White Horse).

Nov. 24th.         Hare & hounds (Miles of Mud?) – Tea at Neatishead.

Dec. 1st.           Hapton (65 miles) – Tea at Surlingham.


Odds and Ends

Next committee meeting is at the Shrublands on 4th November. at 08:00pm. – It is hoped to have a club-room available for the winter months, the opening date will be announced as soon as known – An Xmas run has been arranged provisionally for December 22nd at Surlingham – Details of the N.C.A. photographic competition are now available from Yours Truly. The N.C.A. Darts Competition  will start shortly and judging by several remarks I overheard recently, there are one or two clubs who think the Trophy should return to the City but I have no doubt that our members think differently – hence the reminder to carry those arrows on club-runs from now onwards.


Here’s hoping for a month of back winds.

Yours in Cycling

John Parker

Hon. General Secretary





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.

December, 1957

Dear Fellow Wheeler,

The Annual General Meeting will be held at the Shrublands Youth & Adult Centre on Monday 13th January 1958 at 07:30pm. Nominations of officials and items for discussion, with the names of the proposer and seconder should reach me by 31st December.

In last month’s letter I looked forward to the N.C.A. darts competition, now unfortunately I must look back to it! On Sunday last our team was beaten by 2 games to 1 by the East Anglian C.C. t was a good match and whilst we are sorry to lose our grip on the Shield so early in the competition, we wish the E.A.’s the best of luck in their future matches.

The Christmas Dinner Run has been arranged for Dec. 22nd to Surlingham where Norfolk Turkey is on the menu. The meal will cost 8/- and bookings, with cash please, must reach me no later than December 15th.

The tickets for our Annual Dinner & Social on the 25th January 1958 will be on sale shortly at 12/6, so now is the time to make a date and warn your relatives and friends you’ll be selling them a ticket! Those members who successfully completed the 100 in 8 earlier in the year and who have not yet paid their entry fee for the event are reminded that it is 1/6 and should be paid promptly to ensure receipt of their certificate at the dinner.

May I thank all members who have assisted with the sale of the Draw tickets and remind those who have returned their counterfoils, that these should be in by December 16th. The draw will take place at the above address at 7:30pm on December 20th when all club members will be welcome.

Now for next Month’s runs :-

Dec. 8th.           Chairman’s Mystery Run (or Your guess is as good as mine). – Tea at Brundall

Dec. 15th.         N.C.A. Carol Service at Pulham Market – Tea at Hedenham.

Dec. 22nd.        Xmas Dinner Run to Surlingham (Dinner at 01:00pm, tea at 05:00pm).

Dec. 29th.         Impromptu run – Tea to be arranged (Another Mystery?).


Odds and Ends

Next Committee meeting is at Shrublands on Dec 9th at 08:00pm. The Clubroom is not yet available but will be open in the New Year – The Lowestoft C.C. Dinner will be held on Jan 11th – Our Open “25” next year will be held on September 14th.

May I close by wishing all club members a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year.



John Parker

Hon. General Secretary





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.

1st January, 1958

Dear Fellow Wheeler,

There are two important “Club Dates” this month which I hope you will try and keep. The first is the Annual General Meeting to be held at the Shrublands Youth & Adult Centre on Monday 13th January at 07:30pm. A copy of the agenda for this meeting is given overleaf.

The second date is our Annual Dinner and Social at the Sandringham Hotel on Saturday25th January. Tickets are available now, price 12/6, from members of the committee or myself and bookings must be made by Sunday 19th January at the latest. There will be a late bus for those who require it.

I also have tickets available for the Lowestoft Wheelers C.C. Dinner to be held on 11th January and these must be booked by Sunday 5th January (also 12/6 each).

Our December runs included two seasonal annuals – The Norwich Cycling Association’s Carol Service at Pulham Market was enjoyed by all who took part and was indeed more of a Carol service than in past years – and the Christmas Dinner Run at which the turkey tasted as good as ever!

This month our runs programme follows the normal pattern, always providing that the clerk of the Weather permits :-

Jan. 5th.           All Saints run – Tea at Hedenham.

Jan. 15th.         Aylmerton – Tea at North Walsham (White Horse).

Jan. 19th.         Snape – Tea at Wrentham (The Pantry Cafe).

Jan. 26th.         Tea run only to Surlingham starting at 02:45pm.

Feb. 2nd.          Woodrising – Tea at Hethersett.

All day runs will start from the Central Library at 10:00am.


Yours in Cycling

John Parker

Hon. General Secretary


P.S. The next committee meeting will be at the Shrublands Youth & Adult Centre on 3rd February


30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.

1st January, 1958

Dear Fellow Wheeler,


Annual General Meeting


You are requested to attend the Annual General Meeting to be held at the Shrublands Youth & Adult Centre on Monday, 13th January, 1958 at 07:30pm, the agenda for which is appended below.


Yours Faithfully

John Parker

Hon. General Secretary



  1. Confirmation of the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting.
  2. Matters arising out of the minutes.
  3. General Secretary’s Report.
  4. Race Secretary’s Report
  5. Captain’s Report.
  6. Treasurers Report and presentation of accounts and balance sheet.
  7. Social Secretary’s Report.
  8. Election of officials :-




Vice- Chairman

Hon. Gen. Secretary and Treasurer

Hon. Race Secretary

Hon. Social Secretary

Club Captain


Hon. Timekeeper

Hon. Auditor

General purposes Committee (4members to be elected in addition to ex-officio’s)

Racing Committee (2 members to be elected in addition to Race Secretary and Timekeeper)

Social Committee (2 in addition to Social Secretary)

R.T.T.C. delegates (1 in addition to Race Secretary)

N.C.U. delegates (1 in addition to General Secretary)

N.C.A. delegates (2 members)

  1. Acceptance of accounts and balance sheet.
  2. Any other Business.





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.

February, 1958

Dear Fellow Wheeler,

Last month was an important one for the Club, with the Annual General Meeting and the Dinner & Social both being held. At the A.G.M. the majority of the officials were re-elected, the exceptions being the Race Sec. and the Social Sec., neither of whom stood for re-election. Roger Smith has taken over as Race Sec. from Terry Loveday and Joan Lansdell succeeds Roger as Social Sec.

The Dinner was well attended and it was generally agreed that the Skiffle Group made quite a change. There was however one brick dropped at the dinner – and I dropped it! I said no club records had been broken during the year – my apologies to Dave Yallop who clipped 8secs off the Novices record in winning the event. Fortunately the chances of my doing the same next year are extremely remote, because

  1. Dave is no longer a Novice and
  2. The Novice’s event has been postponed at present through lack of Novices!

Whilst on with the Dinner – Tony Camp has now sent me the proofs of the photographs he took at the Dinner and these can be seen either on the Club-run or at the above address.

The race committee has had a meeting to decide the policy for Club events for the year and the most important question of starting times has been thrashed out. All Club events will be treated as “Opens” in other words you’ll be given the time of start and if you are late you’ll lose the time you are late. With this in mind the time of start for the seasons events has been fixed as a late as possible, now the rest is up to YOU. To enable a success to be made of this ruling, which I think you will agreed is for the benefit of all in the long run, entries should be handed to the Race Sec. as soon as possible and at least one week before the event and I am sure we can count on the co-operation of all riders in this respect.

I would like to remind those members who have not yet renewed their Subs. that these are due and to thank those who have already done so.

Now for next Month’s runs :-

Feb. 9th.           Tasburgh (South of Norwich) – Tea at Neatishead.

Feb. 16th.         Heveningham (S/W of Halesworth) – Tea at Hedenham.

Feb. 23rd.         Weston (Nr. Ringland) – Tea at Surlingham.

All runs will start from the Central Library at 10:00am, tea runs leave at 02:45pm

The next Committee meeting will be held at Shrublands on 3rd March at 08:00pm


Yours in Cycling

John Parker

Hon. General Secretary





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.


Dear Fellow Wheeler,

At this time last year I was writing of the continuance of the mild weather and of an improved attendance on Club-runs; this year the weather has been rather more in keeping with the season but never the less, the number of members at recent tea-places has been very promising. We have during the past month welcomed two new members and the return of Brian Wilsher from Aden – Brian due for demob in June is still keen as ever, although I suspect not quite up to his former fitness yet.

This month we have our first event of the 1958 season – the Medium Gear “25” and this seems an appropriate occasion to mention several details of the seasons events.


Racing Programme for 1958

March 23rd       M.G. “25” (72″ gear or less) Start at Caister 09:00am.

Entries (1/-) to the Race Sec. by March 9th please.

April 20th         Pendle “30” Start at Chapman & Marwoods 09:00am.

May 11th          Hercules “25” Start at Caister 09:00am.

July 13th          Haddon “50” Start at Chapman & Marwoods 07:00am.

August 31st      Premier “100” Start at Chapman & Marwoods 06:30am


Whilst most members know that Standard medal are awarded for 25, 50 & 100miles and 12hr. events, several probably don’t know exactly what the standards are at the present time, so for the benefit of all here they are :-


Bronze                          Silver                            Gold

25 mile             1:08:00                         1:04:00                         1:01:00

50 miles            2:22:00                         2:14:00                         2:08:00

100 miles          5:00:00                         4:50:00                         4:40:00

12 hours           210 miles                      220 miles                      230 miles

(In each case these times or distances have to be beaten to gain the Standard).

Now for next Month’s runs :-

Mar. 2nd.          Syleham (Nr. Diss) – Tea at Wrentham.

Mar. 7th.          50 in 3½hrs. Start at 09:00am. – Tea at Neatishead.

Mar. 15/16th.   Y.H. Weekend at Sheringham – Tea at North Walsham.

Mar. 23rd          M.G. “25” Afternoon run – Tea at Surlingham.

Mar. 30th          Inter-Club Hare & Hounds – Tea at Wrentham.


Odds and Ends

Holmes Cup event 100 in 8 on 13th April – Next Committee Meeting at Shrublands on March 3rd at 08:00pm.


Yours in Cycling

John Parker

Hon. General Secretary





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.


Dear Fellow Wheeler,

Last month I mentioned the weather and it has certainly figured prominently in our activities again this month: snow caused our 50 miles Tourist Trial to be cancelled, our Y.H. weekend coincided with near gale force winds and early in the month we rode through floods in the Waveney valley.

Next month we have the first event of 1958 in the annual battle with the Lowestoft boys for the Holmes Cup – the 100 miles in 8 hours Tourist Trial – and as we must have ten finishers to gain the points in the event, I hope you will all endeavour to turn up and ride.

The N.C.A. Darts Final will be held at Brundall on April 20th and although we shan’t be in the “limelight” this year it is a grand opportunity to meet our friends from other local clubs. Bookings for tea must be made to me by 13th April, with cash (3/6) please and remember for this occasion it’s NO booking, NO tea!

The Ipswich heat of the British Cycle Tourist Competition is on June 1st this year and several Lowestoft boys are going to compete. I am hoping we can also put in a challenge and shall be pleased to supply any gen required regarding the entries – in case anyone has any doubts, no racing is required, indeed two years ago Haggis Watson and I both entered and you all know our pace!

News of members at present in the forces :- Nigel ‘Woofer’ Blake is stationed in Huntingdonshire and hopes to be home regularly, John ‘Percy’ Read is shortly to leave for Cyprus and Colin ‘Sam’ Sayers is still in Germany and by all accounts is planning a kind of world tour by bike.

Now for next Month’s runs :-

April. 6th.         Grimes Graves Start at 09:00am – Tea at Hethersett.

April. 13th.       100 in 8 Start at 08:00am SHARP – Tea at Beccles (Saltgate House)

Brian Wilsher hopes to show his coloured slides after tea at Haddiscoe.

April. 20th.       Pendle “30” Start 09:00am (Crisp Factory) – Tea at Brundall.

Entries for the “30” to Race Sec. by 13th (Entry 3/-) please.

April. 27th.       Y.H. Weekend at Norwich – Tea at Neatishead.

Our M.G. “25” proved that fur lined track mitts are no substitute for miles of training – R. Smith (1:10:56), T. Loveday (1:13:50), D. Yallop (1:15:27), B. Wilsher (1:20:20), D. Moules (1:21:35), J. Lingwood (1:21:54) and J. Parker (1:26:54) (at least my hands were warm).

Next Committee meeting at Shrublands at 08:00pm on 14th April.


Yours in Cycling

John Parker

Hon. General Secretary





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.


Dear Fellow Wheeler,

Although the racing season is only a month old, the Club’s name has been quite prominent in local events. In the Easter morning “25” at Kings Lynn, Terry Loveday finished 6th of 55 finishers and our team (Terry, Roger Smith & Dave Yallop) finished second. Last week they went one better by taking the team prize in the East Anglian Open, Terry again leading the way with 3rd place and 3rd handicap, out of 85 entries. Congratulations to all of them!

Our Club “30” again attracted adverse weather conditions, last year it was hail the year before rain and this year a very strong wind. Terry’s winning time of 1:17:34 was quite good for the morning, Roger was second with 1:18:30 and Johnnie Scott’s first outing of the season gained him third place in 1:19:19.

The 100 in 8 resulted in a sharing of the points with Lowestoft, thanks in no small measure to Joan Lansdell, who rode in the event, thus ensuring we had the necessary 10 starters and finishers! It’s several years since we had a lady member completing this event and our congratulations as well as thanks are due to Joan for successfully completing the course.

Thanks also to Brian Wilsher for his excellent show of slides, mostly taken during his RAF service abroad, which we all thoroughly enjoyed.

Talking of travelling the suggestion made at the N.C.A. Darts final recently, that the N.C.A. should organise a rail excursion for local clubs, to enable them to spend a day further afield, seems to be an excellent one and it is hoped that we shall support this venture when it takes place.

Now for next Month’s runs :-

May. 4th.          Invitation Club Run. Start at 10:00am – Tea at Wrentham.

May. 11th.        Hercules “25”. Start 09:00am (Caister) – Tea at Surlingham.

Entries 3/- to the Race Sec. by 4th please.

May. 18th.        Coltishall. Start 09:00am – Tea at Neatishead.

May. 25th.        Honing. Start 09:00am – Tea at North Walsham.

May. 26th.        Attleborough Sports Meeting. Start 09:30am – Tea at Hethersett.


Odds and Ends

Next Committee meeting is at the Shrublands at 08:00pm on 5th May – Photo’s ordered of the Club Dinner are now available – Pendle “30” result :- T. Loveday (1:17:34), R. Smith (1:18:30), J. Scott (1:19:19), D. Yallop (1:22:31), N. Blake (1:23:45), D. Moules (1:25:59), J. Lingwood (1:28:54) and J. Parker (1:33:40).


Yours in Cycling

John Parker

Hon. General Secretary





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.


Dear Fellow Wheeler,

The Hercules “25”, held earlier this month, was won by Terry Loveday, from Roger Smith, with Johnnie Scott, the winner for the past three years, third. There were 10 entries for the event and once again we had a hard a ride out to the turn, nevertheless D. Tooke took first handicap with a “personal best” time of 1:08:36.

Since then Terry and John have recorded their best times of the season in the N.A.B.C. “25”, terry 1:02:53 and John 1:04:01 and Roger in the W.S.W. “25” with 1:4:17.

The second of the Holmes Cup events will take place next month – the”25″ – to be held on the Lowestoft course and it is hoped that as many members as possible will ride.

As there is little or no possibility of a track meeting in the Borough this year we shall hold our Club Championship – over one mile – at the N.C.U. Rally at Attleborough. Entries, fee 1/-, should be given to the Race Sec. by June 15th., entries for other events close on June 4th. Details from the Race Sec.

Our runs for next month are the usual varied bunch with several new teaplaces :-

June. 1st.         Framlingham -Tea at Fressingfield (Fox & Goose).

June. 8th.         Wroxham on the river. – Tea at Horning (The Swan Hotel).

June. 15th.       Impromptu run to finish of Holmes Cup “25”. Tea at Beccles.

June. 22nd.      N.C.U. Rally at Attleborough – Tea at Hethersett.

June. 29th.       Saham Toney (Nr. Watton) – Tea at Cawston (The Fish Shop).


Odds and Ends

Next Committee meeting is at the Shrublands on 9th June at 08:00pm – The N.C.U. massed start Championship will be held on June 29th, entries (Senior & Junior) close June 14th – details from Race Sec.


Race Results

Hercules “25” :- T. Loveday 1:04:25, R. Smith 1:4:40, J. Scott 1:5:57, D. Yallop 1:7:59, D. Tooke 1:8:36, D. Moules 1:10:49, J. Lingwood1:11:36, B. Wilsher 1:13:15, J. Parker 1:17:56.

N.A.B.C. “25” :- T. Loveday 1:02:53, J. Scott 1:04:01, R. Smith 1:04:32, D. Yallop 1:07:25, D. Moules 1:08:21.

W.S.W. “25” :- J. Scott 1:04:01(same time, different course), R. Smith 1:04:17.


Club Gossip

Rumours of “Man’s” retirement following his breaking evens for an evening “10” recently are awaiting confirmation – at least one Club member has decided that the role of “stoker” on a Tandem is not quite what it looks and was recently displaying an interest in vintage cars – I understand that despite the recent run on spokes, there is as yet no danger of the demand outstripping the supply.


Yours in Cycling

John Parker

Hon. General Secretary





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.


Dear Fellow Wheeler,

In a month in which the racing news is of faster times being recorded week by week and several members recording personal bests, pride of place must go to Terry Loveday, for his ride in the East Anglian C.C. Open “25” last week. Terry’s time of 1hr 0mins 42sec’s is his best to date and is a new Club record for the distance, beating the old record set up by Terry in August 1956 by 4sec’s.

The continued improvement of the Club’s racing men once again turns our thoughts to what we might well term the “elusive hour”. Will it be broken this year? and if so by whom? There are three more local “25’s” before the longer events take up the calendar and then there are four more at the end of the season, including our own Open. Speaking at the Club Dinner two years ago I looked forward to the day when a club member would win our Open and break the hour and it would be very pleasing if both happened on 14th September next. Whilst on present form Terry must be first favourite, at least two other members could very well pull it off – Best of luck to them all.

In the second event for the Holmes Cup – the “25” mile Time Trial – our team (Terry Loveday, John Scott and Roger Smith) beat Lowestoft by over 3 mins – 3:08:21 to Lowestoft 3:11:29 – Incidentally our team time in last week’s E.A.C.C. event was reduced by a further 3 mins to 3:04:59, not competition record yet but proof of our all-round improvement! The third event in the battle with Lowestoft – the 50 mile Time Trial – will be held next month and it will be remembered that last year it was in this event that Lowestoft drew level, when they beat our team easily. In the only 50 held so far this year – the Attleborough Open – several members showed quite promising form and providing this can be reproduced next month we should gain our revenge.

The N.C.U. Rally at Attleborough was marred by the weather which rendered the track into a quagmire on parts of the bends but despite this an enjoyable day was spent and the organiser and competitors must be congratulated on the way they overcame the conditions.

Ore track championships was held with a somewhat depleted field, Dave Coppin beating Johnnie Scott, with Dave took third. All our riders put up a good show in the other events, particularly the two Dave’s, for it was their first open meeting on the track. Our “Tug O’ War”  fought hard and although the more scientific team ( ? ) were beaten by their heftier opponents in two straight pulls. The opposition really did look huge to me, especially when lying flat on my back, into which position they had pulled me and several other members of our team!

Undoubtedly one of the finest sights of the afternoon was the magnificent combination of Dave Yallop and Keith Willis in the three legged race in which they failed by inches to bring home the chocolates. As one member observed, their windmill effect gave the impression they about to take off!

Now for next Month’s runs :-

July. 6th.          Aldeborough Start 09:00am – Tea at Wrentham.

July. 13th.        Haddon “50” Start 07:00am (Caister Rd.) Holmes Cup Event

Entries to the Race Sec. by July 6th please. Afternoon run starts at 02:30pm – Tea at Hedenham.

July. 20th.        Rockland St. Peter Start 09:00am – Tea at Long Stratton (The Limes).

July. 26/27th.  Y.H. Weekend at Felixstowe – Tea at Fressingfield.

Bookings for this weekend to me by the 20th please.


Race Results

Attleborough “50” – D. Yallop2:11:50 (PB), J. Scott 2:11:56 (PB), R. Smith 2:12:45, T. Loveday 2:13:44, B. Wilsher 2:20:34.

Holmes Cup “25” – T. Loveday 1:02:01, J. Scott 1:02:52, R. Smith 1:03:28, D. Yallop 1:04:37, D. Tooke 1:05:31, D. Moules 1:06:34, D. Coppin 1:09:26, K. Willis 1:09:47, B. Wilsher 1:10:10, J. Parker 1:14:22

East Anglian “25” – T. Loveday 1:00:42 (PB and Club Record), J. Scott 1:01:56 (PB), R. Smith 1:02:21, D. Yallop 1:03:52 (PB), D. Tooke 1:05:00 (PB), D. Moules 1:05:12 (PB), R. Annis 1:06:41

Essex & Suffolk Border C.C. “100” – B. Wilsher 5:00:19 (PB).

Note –  (PB) denotes riders personal best time for the distance.


Odds and Ends

The next Committee meeting will be held at Shrublands on July 14th at 08:00pm – We were pleased to Reg Annis emerge from his winter hibernation recently and all the signs are that he can still show several of the younger members a clean pair of heels (or should it be high pressures?) – There has been much shaking of heads and reminiscing on “short cuts” since MAN admitted he got lost during the map reading section of the C.T.C. Touring Competition held at Ipswich recently, for the benefit of members who did not take part in this competition here are two of the questions from the general knowledge  quiz

  1. When is a flea a vehicle ?
  2. What is a Sakko (or should that be Sacho) ?


Cheerio for now

John Parker

Hon. General Secretary





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.


Dear Fellow Wheeler,

The Haddon “50” provided plenty of excitement, with Club record for the distance being beaten and the Holmes Cup for this year resolved.

Roger Smith recorded 2:09:29 to beat the previous Club record, held by Reg Annis and also take the cup on handicap (2:08:44 net). David Moules was second fastest 2:14:05 and took second handicap (2:09:05 net), whilst David Tooke’s 2:16:12 (2:11:12 net) gave him third handicap, a good ride in his first “50”. Lowestoft again showed their strength over 50 miles, with their first two men beating our fastest but nevertheless our team lifted the Holmes Cup, though only by the margin of 14 seconds!

A word of thanks here to all officials, marshals and other helpers, not only for this event but all our club events, we can’t run the events without you and we really do appreciate your turning out in all weathers.

Also during the month Terry Loveday beat the Yarmouth – Bungay and Back record by some 3 mins. and Johnny Scott established a Yarmouth – Norwich and Back record with a 1:44 ride on the same day.

The visit to Felixstowe Y.H. was well attended considering that several members departed on tour on the same weekend and I think all will agree it was an enjoyable weekend despite the rain on the return trip. We have another Hostelling weekend this month, originally arranged for Thetford but in view of the Hostel size this has been postponed until after the holiday season and we shall visit Sheringham instead – Bookings to me please by 17th August.

With our Open “25” being held on the 14th September, I should appreciate any offers of accommodation for riders from away for Saturday 13th September.

Now for next Month’s runs :-

Aug. 10th.         Eye – Tea at Wrentham.

Aug. 17th.         Walsingham – Tea at Cawston.

Aug. 23rd/24th.  Y.H. Weekend at Sheringham – Tea at North Walsham.

Aug. 31st.         Premier “100” Start at Caister Rd., at 06:30am. Afternoon run starting at 03:00pm – Tea at Surlingham.

Entries to the Race Sec. by the 24th please.

The next Committee meeting will be held at Shrublands at 08:00pm on 25th August.


Yours in Cycling

John Parker

Hon. General Secretary





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.


Dear Fellow Wheeler,

In last month’s letter I spoke of the Club officials, marshals and helpers who made events possible by turning out in all weathers. I now offer all those good folk not only my thanks but also my apologies, in case they think I “talked up” the weather we had for the “100”! We had seven starters in the event and the Lowestoft Wheelers also had seven but by the halfway mark there were only seven left from both clubs. Terry Loveday won the event for the second year running, his time of 4hrs 35mins 5sec’s giving the him the Club Record, the course record and his Gold Standard! Roger Smith was second with 4:54:14 (Bronze Std.) and David Moules third, 5:04:49, (both Roger and David were delayed by punctures). Terry by the way now holds the Club Records for three distances – 25, 30 and 100 (WOT NO 50!).

Another good ride during the last month was Brian Wilsher’s 217 miles in his first 12 hour, a ride which gained him his Bronze Standard.

Although our hostelling weekend last month was not well attended as the previous Y.H. Weekend, those members who made the trip were made very welcome by the new Wardens at Sheringham and are already asking when we shall be going back.

We shall shortly be losing a familiar figure from the roadside, with the departure to Australia of Ernie White, the N.A.B.C. timekeeper who has officiated at most local events, including our own. In wishing Ernie well we are hoping that his departure may be delayed long enough for him to be with us on the 14th.

Now for next Month’s runs :-

Sept. 7th.          Dunwich – Tea at Wrentham.

Sept. 14th.        Club Open “25”. Afternoon run to tea at Hedenham.

Sept. 21st.        Jacob’s Island – Tea Cawston.

(This destination will be found Nr. Mattishall, which in turn is Nr. East Dereham: if you wish for further gen., the clubrun starts at Ten).

Sept. 28th.        Hunworth – Tea at North Walsham.


Odds and Ends

Next Committee meeting will be at the Shrublands on 6th Oct. at 08:00pm – The Ipswich D.A. of the C.T.C. are holding a “Roughstuff 25 mile Tourist Reliability Trial” on Oct. 5th. There is also a free film show on the evening before the event, so how about having a go – Talking about films reminds me that “Wobbler Wilsher” has a new masterpiece entitled “MAN in Colour” which may be viewed at small fee. All proceeds to.


Yours in Cycling

John Parker

Hon. General Secretary





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.


Dear Fellow Wheeler,

In last month’s letter I reported the breaking of the Club record in our “100” and within an hour or two of handing the Club letters around, I was congratulating Reg Annis on becoming the new record holder at the distance! Reg’s ride of 4:35:45 in the N.A.B.C. “100” gave him his Gold Standard and showed that he has still plenty of miles left yet, although he can give a year or two to the majority of Club members.

The Open “25” was a little disappointing, there being only 64 entrants, it was however in the nature of an experiment being the first late season event we had held. we were pleased to see “our boys” amongst the prizes – Terry Loveday was third, Reg Annis took third handicap and we took the team award. I believe this is the first time we have had a rider in the first three in our own event and also our first team win on the B20, although we have had handicap winners before. Perhaps some of our older members will be able to confirm this point but in any case all the riders are to be congratulated. Result :- 1. G. Paice N.A.B.C. 1:00:18, 2. B. Minns Godric C.C. 1:00:42, 3. T. Loveday Yarmouth 1:01:48, Team Yarmouth & Gorleston  3:09:26.

We are running a coach trip to the Cycle Show at Earls Court on November 22nd, the cost will be 17/- each. The coach will leave Yarmouth at 06:00am and return from London at 11:30pm. All members who are interested should contact me as soon as possible in  that an estimate of the numbers wishing to go can be obtained and if any members would like to pay for their tickets by instalments this can be arranged.

This month we have our 4th annual Tourist Trial, held this year in conjunction with the Y.H.A., C.T.T. and Attleborough clubs. It will take place in the Norwich area and entries (fee 1/-) should be given to me by the 12th October.

Now for next Month’s runs :-

Oct. 5th.           Debenham – Tea at Fressingfield (Fox & Goose).

Oct. 12th.         Quidenham – Tea at Hedenham.

Oct. 19th.         Tourist Trial – Tea at Surlingham.

Oct. 26th.         Y.H. Weekend at Colchester – Tea at Wrentham.


Odds and Ends

Committee meeting will be at the Shrublands on 6th Oct. at 08:00pm – We shall be holding an Xmas draw again this year and all members are asked to assist in the disposal of as many tickets as possible in order to boost club funds: these will be available from me shortly.


Yours in Cycling

John Parker

Hon. General Secretary





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.


Dear Fellow Wheeler,

When writing recently of our Open “25”, I stated that to my knowledge we have never had a Club rider placed in the first three in our own event. I now stand corrected – John Scott was third one year and Reg Annis was second in 1949, the winner being only 3 seconds faster. My apologies to both of them but I am still looking  forward to an event winner – 1959 perhaps? May I remind all members who have gained “standards” this year that they should let the Race Sec. have full details as soon as possible and in any case before 31st Nov, thus ensuring their performance  is recognised.

With the end of the racing season, our attention centres on the weekly clubrun and I would appeal to all members to fit rear mud-flaps for the winter – or to put it another way – whilst we can all be “up front” some of the time and some more often than others, we can’t all be “up front” all of the time!

Our Tourist Trial this year was the most ambitious held so far but unfortunately  it wasn’t the most successful. Those riders who found the route hard to follow could not have been more surprised than I was, to find, when attempting to marshal part of the course, that the arrows led into a ploughed field with no sign of leaving it! Fortunately the map-reading in the afternoon went quite well and it was agreed  that the result would be based on the part of the course which was covered. Brian Wilsher was our highest points scorer, with D. Coppin 2nd, T. Loveday 3rd. and A. Lansdell 4th.

Now for next Month’s runs :-

Nov. 2nd.          Hare & Hounds run. – Tea at Hedenham.

Nov. 8th/9th.    Y.H. Weekend at Naughton Mill. – Tea at Surlingham.

(Day run to Eye for non-hostellers)

Nov. 16th.         Sternfield (Nr. Saxmundham) – Tea at Wrentham.

Nov. 23rd.         Ringland (for hardy types and non-sleepers only) Afternoon run for coach party -Tea at Neatishead.

Nov. 30th.         Kelling – Tea at Cawston.


Odds and Ends

Next Committee meeting is on 3rd. November at Shrublands on. at 08:00pm -Xmas Draw tickets are now on sale and I’ve plenty left-  There are also a couple of seats on the Coach for the 22nd Nov. to the Cycle Show.


Yours in Cycling

John Parker

Hon. General Secretary





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.


Dear Fellow Wheeler,

The Annual General Meeting will be held at The Shrublands Youth & Adult Centre on Monday, 19th January 1959 at 07:30pm. Nominations of officials and items for discussion, with the names of the proposer & seconder should reach me by 31st December. Incidentally, unless I hear to the contrary , it will be presumed that all officials are prepared to accept a further term of office if elected. May I ask also for any claims for expenses to be made and any balance of cash held or subscriptions  due to be paid to me without delay to enable me to close the books on 31st December.

The Christmas Dinner Run has been arranged for Dec. 21st to Surlingham, with Roast Turkey & Xmas Pud. on the menu. The meal will cost 8/- and bookings, with cash please, must reach me not later than 14th December.

The tickets for our Annual Dinner & Social on 7th February 1959 will be on sale shortly at 13/6, so make a note of the date and warn your relatives and friends to do the same.

I should like to thank all members & friends who have assisted with the sale of Draw Tickets and remind those who have not yet returned their counterfoils that these must be in by 15th Dec. together with cash and any unsold tickets. The draw will be held at the above address at 07:30pm. on 19th Dec. when all club members will be welcome. .

Now for next Month’s runs :-

Dec. 7th.           Barnham Broom (Nr. E. Dereham) – Tea at Surlingham.

Dec. 14th.         N.C.A. Carol Service at Pulham Market. – Tea at Hedenham.

Dec. 21st.         Xmas dinner Run to Surlingham (Dinner at 01.00pm tea at 05:00pm).

Dec. 28th.         Cratfield, returning home for Tea.


Odds and Ends

Next Committee meeting is on December 8th at Shrublands on. at 08:00pm – Our opponents in the N.C.A. Darts competition are the E.A.C.C. They beat us last year, so we shall be all out to turn the tables this year – Full details of the proposed Cycle/Rail Excursion next Spring are now to hand  – the price seems very reasonable and all now hinges on the amount of support  given to the venture, the first of it’s kind in the area – Are YOU Coming?

I should like to close by wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Yours in Cycling

John Parker

Hon. General Secretary





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.

1st January, 1959

Dear Fellow Wheeler,

It was with regret that we learnt last month of the passing of Mr. R. H. Porter, who had been a Vice-President of the Club for a number of years.

The A.G.M. will be held at The Shrublands Youth & Adult Centre on Monday, 19th January 1959 at 07:30pm. I hope that you will be able to attend and I would draw your attention to item 10 of the agenda which given overleaf.

The Lowestoft Wheelers C.C. Diner & Dance will be held on January 10th, tickets (price 12/6) are now available and must be booked by 4th January. Unfortunately the late train from Lowestoft will no longer be running so would be diners should make alternative arrangements for travelling.

Our own Dinner & Social tickets are also available, price 13/6, either from Miss J. Lansdell, Beccles Road, Gorleston or myself and I hope that I shall see you there on 7th February, together with all your friends and relations.

We have at last obtained the use of a club-room at the Youth Hostel (2, Sandown Road) on Thursday evenings from 07:30 to 10:30, commencing on 8th January. Refreshments will be available and there will be a charge of 6d per night for the use of the room, all that is needed is plenty of support.

Our first round match in the N.C.A. Darts Competition against the East Anglian C. C. has been arranged for 11th January at the Angel Hotel, North Walsham, so make sure and bring your favourite arrows with you!

Now for this Month’s runs :-

Jan. 4th.           Stoke Holy Cross – Tea at Surlingham.

Jan. 11th.         Walcot – Tea at North Walsham (Angel Hotel).

Jan. 18th.         Harleston – Tea at Hedenham.

Jan. 25th.         Wissett – Tea at Wrentham.

Feb. 1st.           Coltishall – Tea at Neatishead.

(All runs meet at the Central Library at 10:00am.


Odds and Ends

Next Committee meeting is on 2nd February at Shrublands at 08:00pm – Those members who took part in last year’s 100 in 8 and who wish to receive certificates for the ride should contact me without delay.


Yours in Cycling

John Parker

Hon. General Secretary



30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.

1st January, 1959

Dear Fellow Wheeler,


Annual General Meeting


You are requested to attend the Annual General Meeting to be held at the Shrublands Youth & Adult Centre on Monday, 19th January, 1959 at 07:30pm, the agenda for which is appended below.


Yours Faithfully

John Parker

Hon. General Secretary



  1. Confirmation of the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting.
  2. Matters arising out of the minutes.
  3. General Secretary’s Report.
  4. Race Secretary’s Report
  5. Captain’s Report.
  6. Treasurers Report and presentation of accounts and balance sheet.
  7. Social Secretary’s Report.
  8. Election of officials :-




Vice- Chairman

Hon. Gen. Secretary and Treasurer

Hon. Race Secretary

Hon. Social Secretary

Club Captain


Hon. Timekeeper

Hon. Auditor

General purposes Committee (4members to be elected in addition to ex-officio’s)

Racing Committee (2 members to be elected in addition to Race Secretary and Timekeeper)

Social Committee (2 in addition to Social Secretary)

R.T.T.C. delegates (1 in addition to Race Secretary)

N.C.U. delegates (1 in addition to General Secretary)

N.C.A. delegates (2 members)

  1. Acceptance of accounts and balance sheet.
  2. To consider the Club subscriptions for 1959 in view of the increased affiliation fees to the N.C.U. (or British Cycling Federation).
  3. Any other Business.





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.

February, 1959

Dear Fellow Wheeler,

The A.G.M. held last month was one of the liveliest for several years, indeed the meeting was adjourned with several items remaining on the agenda, these being dealt with at a general meeting proceeded this month’s committee meeting.

Brian Wilsher has taken over the Captaincy of the Club from Dave Coppin, Sam Sayers succeeds Dave Yallop as a Vice Captain and Clive Reynolds is the new Press Secretary, whilst the remaining officials were re-elected.

One of the most important events to take place in this close season has been the amalgamation of the B.L.R.C. and the N.C.U. to form the British Cycling Federation. The affiliation fees of this new controlling body have been announced as 10/- for senior members and 7/6 for juniors (up to 18yrs.) and were one of the subjects discussed at the A.G.M. The decision reached was that the subscription to the Club should remain unchanged at 7/6 for all members but that affiliation to the B.C.F. should be optional, whereas previously affiliation to the N.C.U. was compulsory and was included in the club subscription. Members who wish to take out a racing license (track and road, at a cost of 10/-) will in any case have to affiliate to the B.C.F. before they can do so. I would like to point out to ALL members that the affiliation fee will continue to include similar benefits to those available under the N.C.U. i.e., third party insurance, including accidents on the continent and free legal advice and assistance to all members involved in accidents caused by other road users. I hope you will all give this matter serious thought before deciding either way but in the event of your deciding not to affiliate, I would advise you that it is desirable to have some form of  cover against third party claims. If you are at all in doubt please don’t hesitate to have a word with me and I’ll endeavour to explain what I meant to convey in the above paragraph.

Now for two more A.G.M. decisions both on the subject of racing. Firstly, the Club’s racing colours will in future be Red and White (that is to say, a red vest with a white chevron). This is to regularise the position which ahs existed for the past two seasons, whereby the majority of riders have worn these colours although they did not conform to club racing colours. Club colours of course remain Black and Amber, the new colours are for racing only.

The other decision concerns evening time trials – times recorded in these events will count towards the club BAR competition.

The recent R.T.T.C. bulletin contains news of proposed legislation to control all cycle racing on roads (including time trials), to take effect this season and will naturally result in stricter enforcement of the R.T.T.C. regulations in all events, both club and open. All members are strongly advised therefore to read their R.T.T.C. handbooks thoroughly before the season starts and to abide by them. Here comes the comercial!  R.T.T.C. handbooks should be ordered from the Race Sec. NOW, price 2/6, because if you leave it until after the main order has gone, single copies cost 3/-.

As an enthusiastic tourist I’m pleased to have got that off my chest and to settle down to non racing topics……

The dinner season is now over, which for most of us means Lowestoft and Ours. We had a larger party visit Lowestoft this year than for many years and we also shew the club badge at Diss and in consequence had an increased number over from Lowestoft last week as well as Diss and Godric C.C. representatives. I hope that we can continue to support the other clubs next year and perhaps further afield. It’s a great pity Austin 7’s multiply as quickly as fleas! Whilst on the dinner, thanks to all who supported us this year, our attendance of 91 was an increase of over 20 on last year and amply rewarded Joan and her helpers for the work put into the event. To those who didn’t make it this year, better luck next year and book early, it looks like being a sell-out.

The Darts match with E.A.C.C. resulted in a close struggle, which we won by 2 games to 1and we now face Attleborough in the next round. The team and their supporter (or were there two of them?) are to be congratulated, not only on their success at darts but also in reaching North Walsham in 2½ hrs and in returning in just over 3½! The road conditions varied between normal, hard packed snow, wet slushy snow and ice and on the return trip we had driving snow showers with occasional lightning!

The Easter Tour has been planned to include visits to the Youth Hostels at Castle Hedingham, Ivinghoe and Houghton Mill an should ensure we get away from familiar roads for at least part of the trip. Bookings should be made to me by 2nd Feb., with cash please to cover the overnight fee.

Now for this Month’s runs :-

Feb. 15th.         Thornage (nr. Holt) – Tea at North Walsham (White Horse).

Feb. 22nd         Rishangles – Tea at Hedenham.

Mar, 1st            Corpusty – Tea at Hethersett (Kinkajou).


Odds and Ends

Next Committee meeting is at Shrublands at 08:00pm on 2nd March – The date of the proposed cycle/rail excursion to Audley End is 28th June – Our 10 in 8 will be over our old course through the Stowmarket area this year but the date has still to be fixed.


I would like to, remind you that subs. are now due and to thank those members who have already renewed theirs.

Yours in Cycling

John Parker

Hon. General Secretary





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.

March, 1959

Dear Fellow Wheeler,

We were sorry to learn this week of the recent death of Dudley Dulieu, a Vice-President of the Club for several years and a former racing member.

The first event of the season, the Diss M.G. event was held recently and from an entry of over 50 riders Terry Loveday took third place. His time for the 25 miles was 1:04:34, two other members rode the event, Sam Sayers recording  1:08:47 and Roger Smith 1:13:26.

Our race committee met recently and fixed dates of our club events for the season, the first is later this month and the full list is given below. The 25 course is to be amended, with the start further from Caister, in order to avoid the hill soon after the start, for at least the first two events and if this proves to be an improvement the course may be retained for the remainder of the season.

April 19th         Novices 25 – Start at 09:00am.

May 3rd            Pendle 30 – Start at 09:00am.

May 31st           Club Open 25 – Start to be arranged.

July 12th          Holmes Cup 50 – On the Lowestoft Course.

August 16th      Haddon Cup 50 – Start at 07:00am.

August 23rd      Premier 100 (Holmes Cup) – Start at 06:30am.

September 20th Hercules 25  (Holmes Cup) – Start at 09:00am.

October 4th       10 in 8 Tourist Trial (Holmes Cup) – Start at 08:30am at Hopton.

The trophy presented at this year’s dinner by Mr. Harry Green will be awarded in the Club 50 to the fastest rider in the in the event, the present trophy being a Handicap award.

We have now received confirmation that a set of cycle rollers will be available for us to stage a short exhibition of roller racing in the “Local Youth in Action” programme to be held at the Floral Hall on the 8th May. We shall need plenty of vocal support for the boys on the night and several helpers to assist with fixing up the rollers etc. – volunteers to the Race Sec. please.

Now for this Month’s runs :-

Mar. 8th.          Earl Soham – Tea at Homersfield.

Mar. 15th.         Shipdham (Nr. Watton) – Tea at Surlingham.

Mar. 22nd.        M.G. 25 (72″ gear or less) Start at 09:00am on Caister – Filby Rd., (Entries 1/- to the                              Race Sec. by Thursday 19th please) – Afternoon run to Neatishead at 3:00pm.

Mar. 30th.         Easter Monday. – Tea run only to Beccles.

April 5th.          Flixton – Tea at Wrentham.

April 12th.        Cley – Tea at North Walsham.


Next Committee meeting 6th April.

Yours in Cycling

John Parker

Hon. General Secretary




30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.

April, 1959

Dear Fellow Wheeler,

With Easter behind us and the prospect of warmer weather ahead (please note no forecast!), we look forward to a seasonal increase of our activities. The commencement of B.S.T. will allow the use of more distant teaplaces and the evening 10’s will soon be part of the racing mans training. The most pleasing feature of the first quarter of the year has been the attendance on Club Runs; the average attendance is the highest for the past five years and we have to go back a good many years to find the last time eleven members went on an Easter Tour.

The first club event, the M.G. 25 was held last month in pouring rain (last year we froze), when Terry Loveday’s time of 1:05:56 was the fastest. The most promising ride of the morning was Alan Lansdell’s 1:11:54, a very good ride in such conditions and in his first event. Another good ride was Roger Smith’s first road race, when in the Godric C.C. 64 mile event he finished in the first third of the field, after being quite prominent in the bunch on the final lap (by prominent I am not referring only to the beard and track hat – although they helped!).

Our hopes of regaining the Darts Trophy were dashed by the Godric C.C. who beat us by two straight games last week. Judging by their performance and subsequent events, we might have done worse than followed their example by playing a member of the fair sex in our team!

Within the next month the annual competition for the Holmes Cup with Lowestoft will get under way with the 100 miles in 8 hrs. tourist trial. We must have ten finishers to gain the points, so make a note of the date – May 10th.

Now for this Month’s runs :-

April 19th.        Novices 25. Start 09:00am Caister – Filby Rd.

Afternoon run to Darts Final at Brundall Start 03:00pm.

April 26th.        Walsham-le-Willows       (09:00am) – Tea at Hedenham or Homersfield.

May 3rd.           Pendle 30 Start 09:00am Crisp Factory Caister Rd.,

Afternoon run to Neatishead Start 03:00pm.

May 10th.         100 in 8 Start Central Library 08:00am – Tea at Wrentham.

May 17th.         Pettistree Abbey (09:00am) – Tea at Beccles.


M.G. 25 – T. Loveday 1:05:56, R. Smith 1:09:15, J. Scott 1:09:17, A. Lansdell 1:11:54, D. Moules 1:13:42, J. Hunn 1:14:29, J. Lingwood 1:15:20, C. Reynolds 1:15:58, B. Wilsher 1:21:41 and M. Rant 1:24:07.


Next Committee meeting is at the Shrublands on May 4th (08:00pm) – Don’t forget the roller racing at the Floral Hall on May 8th.

Yours in Cycling

John Parker

Hon. General Secretary





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.

May, 1959

Dear Fellow Wheeler,

I wrote last month of the improved attendance on Clubruns, since then we have been pleased to welcome several new members – so things have gone from good to even better!

The 100 in 8 gave us a good start towards retaining the Holmes Cup, which we shared the points with the Lowestoft club, both clubs getting the required 10 riders home within the time limit, despite some mechanical trouble – Did I hear an echo? “It’s all in the game!”

The Roller Racing exhibition by the Club in the Local Youth in Action display at the Floral Hall, attracted quite a lot of interest amongst those present and there was no doubt the emphasis was on the “Action” with four heats and a final in 6mins. approx. Thanks to all who helped to make the event a success, whether riding, holding, timing, starting or what have you.

Our two club events this month went pretty well according to form – Alan Lansdell winning the Novices 25, as expected after his M.G. ride and Terry Loveday maintained his consistency by winning the 30 and beating his own club record by 1 min. a good ride in the windy conditions.

For the tourist’s the main news is in the future, in the N.C.A.’s first Cycle/Rail excursion to Audley End on June 28th. The train leaves Vauxhall station at 08:00am and the fare is 17/6 – special cycle vans are being laid on, so your favourite iron will be OK. Further details and bookings with cash, if possible, to me by May 31st please. The Club has already promised it’s support, minimum of 10 members and it depends on the success of this venture whether similar outings can be arranged to fresh touring grounds in the future – it’s been done elsewhere, now’s our chance!

The most important event of our racing year is this month – Our Open 25 – to date we have 80 entries, an improvement on 1958 – so in anticipation, thanks for your support both as riders and officials – and let’s hope we have a good morning!

Now for this Month’s runs :-

May 24th.         Ringland Hills – Tea at Neatishead.

May 34st.          Open 25 – Afternoon run, tea at Surlingham.

June 7th.          Stoke Ash (Nr. Eye) – Tea at Beccles.

June 14th.        Wendling – Tea at Hedenham.

June 21st.        Earl Soham – Tea at Wrentham.

June 28th.        Cycle/Rail to Audley End. Meet Vauxhall Stn. at 07:45am. Picnic tea to be carried.


Next Committee meeting 1st June (08:00pm)

Yours, no longer a Novice,

John Parker

Hon. General Secretary





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.

June, 1959

Dear Fellow Wheeler,

Our Open 25 attracted an entry of 89, an increase of 25 on last year and the best entry since 1956 when we had 95. The event went off very smoothly and all who gave their assistance and support are to be congratulated – including the “Clerk of the weather” who gave us a fine morning, enabling a good number of the riders to record personal best or best of the season times.

The event was won by last year’s runner-up, B. Minns of the Godric C.C., with G. Coles of the Suffolk Roads second. Our own Terry Loveday was third, the same position as he filled last year, his time of 1:01:19, being only 4 sec’s slower than that of Coles. We were out of the Handicaps this year and the Godric club took the team award, although our team was third and might have well have been second, if one of our regulars hadn’t done a Rip van Winkle act, resulting in his losing 2½ mins. at the start. There were 14 club members in the event and space will not permit mention of all but we were pleased to see Reg Annis back in the saddle for another season, Jack Lingwood recording his best time for several seasons, Alan Lansdell, winner of the Novice’s trophy earlier in the year, gain his bronze standard and Percy Read at last getting inside “evens!”

The other main news of the month is the cancellation of the N.C.A. cycle/rail excursion due to inadequate support, both from member clubs and outside organisations. This was disappointing to all of us who were looking forward to the trip but as we were one of the clubs who were short of the numbers promised, we must accept our share of responsibility for the cancellation.

With the loss of three regular teaplaces, at least for the summer, we have been forced to make alterations to our planned programme during the last  month and I would ask all members to co-operate by passing on up to date information to others should any changes have to be made in the future, particularly whilst the local press is out of action. This present position serves to emphasise the lack of a regular meeting place during the summer months and if any member knows of any premises which might be available for use as a club-room all the year round. I should be pleased to hear from them. The committee have been aware of the advantages of permanent headquarters for some time and any information would be appreciated and considered by them.

The second of the Holmes Cup events takes place next month – the 50 – held this year on the Lowestoft course and as I shall be on tour at the time, I’d like to wish our boys the best of luck in advance.

With no rally being held at Attleborough this year, it looked as if we would have no track championship this year. However, we have now arranged to hold this event within the Borough, during the athletics meeting at the Wellesley Road ground on July 25th and we also have a quarter mile invitation event on the same day. In order to get this event we have guaranteed at least 6 entries and all the riders are asked to enter AT ONCE – entries to the Race Sec. please. I think we are all agreed that we would prefer to have our track championship in the town each year and the success or failure of this event will virtually decide the future of track racing in the town, as the possibility of an Open meeting next year has already been discussed and providing we can show a fair measure of support should become a reality.

Now for this Month’s runs :-

June 28th.        Mundesley – Bring your swim togs – Tea at Neatishead.

July 5th.           Broome (Nr. Scole) – Tea at Beccles.

July 12th.         Holmes Cup 50 at Lowestoft

Dunwich Cliffs – Tea at Hedenham.

July 19th.         Guist (Nr. Fakenham) – Tea at Surlingham.

July 25th.         Track Meeting at Wellesley Rd. Start at 02:30pm.

July 26th.         Pettaugh (Nr. Needham Market) – Tea to be arranged.


As space did not permit the times of several events to be given last month in full and as several members like to keep up with them I am giving then now.


Novices 25 A. Lansdell 1:10:12, J. Parker 1:14:58, M. Rant 1:15:52, J. Hunn 1:17:46, P. Hamilton 1:19:54, J Read 1:25:00. Private Triallists same day, T. Loveday 1:02:41, R. Smith 1:05:30, D. Moules 1:09:09, J. Lingwood 1:12:02 and B. Wilsher 1:12:14.

Pendle 30 T. Loveday 1:15:40 (Club Record), R. Smith 1:20:29, D. Moules 1:23:04, A. Lansdell 1:25:45, B. Wilsher 1:23:28, C. Reynolds 1:25:45,  J. Hunn 1:28:16, M. Rant 1:32:31, J. Parker 1:33:02 and T. Mitchell 1:35:15.

Club Open 25 T. Loveday 1:01:19, J. Scott 1:03:59, D. Moules 1:05:30, R. Smith 1:05:58 (lost 2½ mins.), R. Annis 1:07:28, B. Wilsher 1:07:39, A. Lansdell 1:07:56, J. Lingwood 1:08:53, J. Parker 1:10:15, J. Hunn 1:10:29, C. Reynolds 1:12:56, J. Read 1:13:44 (lost 30 sec’s.) and M. Rant 1:18:19.

The next meeting of the Committee will be on Monday 29th June at Shrublands at 08:00pm.

In view of my impending tour and the need for all possible practice I will conclude this month by saying,


Au Revoir

John Parker

Hon. General Secretary





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.

August, 1959

Dear Fellow Wheeler,

With several members away on tour this month’s racing news is confined to track meetings.

The meeting at the Wellesley Road was quite successful and gave an opportunity to several members to try track racing for the first time. Our Club Championship, over one mile, had six starters and was won by John Scott from Roger Smith. The pace was quite a fast one thanks largely to the “stirring” efforts of Clive Reynolds. There were nine starters in the other two events, John also winning the “Devil” over 2 miles but having to be content with second place in the ¼mile, behind a track crafty Roger! We are now looking forward to an even bigger meeting in 1960 and hope that we can make track racing in Yarmouth an annual event once more.

john Scott also rode well at the August Monday meeting at Harleston, winning the 88yds. Handicap and being unluckily brought down in the 5 mile Centre Championship when riding strongly.

The Holmes Cup 50 due to be held at Lowestoft last month was postponed and will not now be held this year unless the two clubs (ourselves and Lowestoft) are level after the 25 and 100 have been held. Our own 50 and 100 will be held later this month and we have a cup for both Scratch and Handicap winners for the first time, so don’t forget to let the Race Sec. have your entry as soon as possible. The 100 will be the first of the Holmes Cup races now so a good entry is also important and all offers of help, for marshalling for both events will be appreciated.

Now for this Month’s runs :-

Aug. 9th.          Impromptu run – Tea at Beccles.

Aug. 16th.         Club 50, (Haddon H/Cap & H.J. Green Scratch Cups) – Start at Caister Rd. at 07:00am – Afternoon tea run to Surlingham.

Aug. 23rd.         Club 100 (Premier Cup) – Start at Caister Rd. at 06:30am – Afternoon tea run to Neatishead.

Aug. 30th.         Framlingham – Tea at Geldeston or Hedenham.


Odds and Ends

Next Committee meeting is on 10th August at 30, Peggotty Road, at 08:00pm – The all night run postponed from 9th Aug. will probably be held on September 5th & 6th. – “Woofa” Blake at present in the RAF in Germany would appreciate news from the Club and if anyone is willing to drop him a line I’ll pass on his address.


John Parker

Hon. General Secretary





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.

September, 1959

Dear Fellow Wheeler,

After a lull in racing activities at the end of July, last month’s programme included two Club Championships and our first attempt at team pursuit racing on the track.

The morning of the Club 50 was warm but with a strong westerly breeze and the effect of this was very evident on the long leg from Yarmouth to Thorpe. Despite this Terry Loveday’s winning time  of 2:07:31 beat the Club Record by 1 min. and 58 sec’s. and course record (previously held by Lowestoft Clubman) by a min. He thus becomes the holder of the Trophy presented by Mr. H.J. Green at the last club dinner. The Haddon Handicap trophy was won by Reg Annis his net time of 2:06:23 (7 mins. allow.) beating Terry’s time (0.30 sec’s. allow.) by 38 sec’s. Whilst being outside evens John Read’s time of 2:32:29 is worthy of note when it is recalled that “Our Percy” has only once before broken “evens” over 25 miles.

The Premier 100 was also the first event in the Holmes Cup and the result was disappointing in that although Reg Annis was the mornings fastest rider with 4:45:56, Lowestoft easily took the team points as Reg was our only finisher. On a morning that was generally described as hard, Reg rode very steadily throughout and until slowing over the South Walsham leg was within reach of his own club record of 4:35:45 set up at Norwich last year.

This year we entered a team in the B.C.F. Divisional Championship Pursuit over 2 miles for the first time and were drawn against Godric C.C. – last year’s winners. Considerable difficulty was encountered over arranging a suitable date and venue but the heat was ridden last weekend at the Cobholm  sports ground. Our team rode extremely well and not only beat the Bungay boys over the distance but actually caught them – a fine effort as our boys had never ridden as a track team before. We are now looking forward to their next round encounter with Littleport Wheelers.

Three members of the Pursuit team, Terry Loveday, John Scott and Roger Smith rode the following day in the Lowestoft Wheelers Open Road Race and were responsible for initiating the decisive break of the race. Our three boys got away at approx. 10 miles and were joined by A. Cooper of Norwich Velo, the break eventually building up a lead of nearly 4 minutes. Terry was unable to maintain the pace to the finish and was caught by the bunch but Roger and Cooper fought out the finishing sprint with Roger gaining the verdict by half a wheel. This was the first road race win by a club member and his time of 3:04:32 for the 74 miles was a very creditable performance, as also was Johnny Scott’s, for he kept going and finished alone in forth place, some 6 minutes down on Roger. The Godric C.C. in taking the team award gained their revenge for their previous day’s defeat on the track.

Brian Wilsher has resigned from the Captaincy of the club and has been succeeded by Terry Loveday and I should like to take this opportunity of thanking Brian on behalf of the Club for the time and energy he has devoted to the Club during his term of office.

Now for this Month’s runs :-

Sept. 5/6th.      All-night run to Clacton – Start Sat at 11:00am – Tea at Satis Guest House Yoxford.

Sept. 13th.        Stoke Holy Cross – Tea at Surlingham.

Sept. 20th.        Hercules 25 (Holmes Cup event) – Start at 09:00am – Afternoon run – Tea at Neatishead.

Sept. 27th.        Ringland Hills – Tea at Hedenham.


Odds and Ends

There will be a Committee meeting at Shrublands on 7th Sept. at 08:00pm.- The CTC of Ipswich are holding a Roughstuff 25 miles Tourist Reliability Trial on October 4th. Entrance fee is 1/6 and I shall be pleased to give you further details to anyone who is interested in taking part. I can assure you that you will be made very welcome at Ipswich and that the event wil provide an out of the ordinary weekend – It has been suggested we run a coach trip to the BAR concert in London on November 28th and I should be pleased to hear from interested members so that an estimate of numbers can be made.

Race Results

Club 50 1. T. Loveday2:07:31 (Club & Course Record), 2. R. Smith 2:11:06, 3. R. Annis 2:13:23, 4. J. Scott 2:14:45, 5. J. Read 2:32:29 & 6. J. Parker 2:33:40

Club 100 1. R. Annis 4:45:56 and several D.N.F.’s.


Here’s wishing you all a puncture free month’s riding and plenty of back winds.



John Parker

Hon. General Secretary





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.

October, 1959

Dear Fellow Wheeler,

The racing season ends this month with the NABC 25 on the 11th and several club members have entered. Our own club season ended last month with the Hercules 25, when on a morning when most riders slowed, Reg Annis rode a well judged race to win in 1:03:30. Reg has shown this season that he cannot be overlooked in any club event for he has ridden very consistently over all distances and may well be even more prominent next season, when several younger members may be away in the forces. Jeff Hunn took 3rd place in the handicap and was disappointed in thus becoming ineligible to ride in next year’s Novices event. A week later in the B.C.F. Championship at Cambridge he was even unluckier in missing a handicap prize by only 3 sec’s. but his improvement over the season is promising for the future. By taking the team prize from Lowestoft by 2½ minutes we took the Holmes Cup points to draw this year’s competition.

The all-night run this year was to Clacton and there were eleven members on the trip, more than for several years, all of whom enjoyed themselves and most of whom “suffered” at some time during the 23 hours we were out and about!

Now for this Month’s runs :-

Oct. 4th.           Framlingham – Tea at Yoxford.

Oct. 11th.         Winfarthing – Tea at Hedenham.

Oct. 8th.           N.C.A. Hill Climb at Roman Camp – Tea at Surlingham.

Oct. 24/25th.    YHA Weekend at Sheringham – Tea at Neatishead.


Race Results

Hercules 25 1. R. Annis 1:03:30, 2. T. Loveday 1:03:45, 3. J. Scott 1:04:15, 4. R. Smith 1:05:33, 5. C. Sayers 1:06:33, 6. D. Moules 1:07:22, 7. J. Hunn 1:08:40, 8. A. Lansdell 1:10:09, 9. J. Parker 1:12:25, 10. J. Read 1:13:35, 11. B. Wilsher 1:14:06, 12. M. Rant 1:16:27.

Handicap section – 1. R. Annis1:00:45 (), 2. C. Sayers 1:01:33 (5),3. J. Hunn 1:02:10 ()

Team – Yarmouth 3:11:30, Lowestoft 3:14:05

B.C.F. 25 1. T. Loveday 1:02:47, 2. R. Annis 1:04:03, 3. R. Smith 1:04:03, 4. C.Sayers 1:05:48, 5. J. Hunn 1:06:39, 6. J. Parker 1:11:08.


Odds and Ends

Next Committee meeting is at Shrublands (08:00pm) on 12th Oct. There is definite news of a club room yet but it is hoped there will be next month. – The N.C.A. is to consider making their BAR competition over 25, 50 and 100 miles instead of 50, 100 and 12 hrs., what do you think? – Dinner dates NABC 14th Nov., Godric C.C. 5th Dec., Diss 23rd Jan. and our own 30th January 1960.



John Parker

Hon. General Secretary





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.

September, 1959

Dear Fellow Wheeler,

Whilst many of our non-cycling friends and acquaintances seem to expect us to “retire” for the next few months, those who are better acquainted with club-life appreciate that at this time of the year the club run really comes into its own and with much behind the scenes activity taking place – the A.G.M.’s Prize Presentation gatherings and the formulating of plans for the next season – there is no time foe a prolonged siesta!

We are running a coach outing to London on November 28th, leaving Yarmouth at 06:00am. and returning at 12:00am. midnight from the Embankment (Charing Cross Underground Stn.). The Fare is 17/- (Incl. of drivers remuneration) the same as last year and seats should be booked through me as soon as possible. The R.T.T.C. Best All Rounder Concert is being held at the Royal Albert Hall on that evening, when cyclists will gather for the prize presentation to the National Champions of Time Trialling for 1959. We have a party going to this concert and the last date for booking seats is next Sunday 1st November :- Bookings to me with cash(10/6) please.

Tickets are now available for the Norwich Amateur B.C. Dinner on 14th November, price 14/- and must be obtained by 8th November. Bungay Dinner Tickets are also here, December 5th at 10/6.

Our Social Secretary for the past two years, Joan Lansdell has resigned this month and has been succeeded by Pauline Winter. As many of you know, Joan and John Scott are being married this month and will be leaving the town and I should like to to take this opportunity on behalf of the Club, to thank them both for their help to the club during their years of membership and to extend to them our best wishes for their future happiness.

Tickets for our Xmas Draw are now ready and t is hoped that members will endeavour to dispose of them this year as readily as in the past.

Now for this Month’s runs :- (Note starting time now 09:45am)

Nov. 1st.           Saxstead Green – Tea at Bramfield (Nr. Halesworth).

Nov. 8th.           Watton – Tea at Surlingham.

Nov. 15th.         Blickling – Tea at Neatishead.

Nov. 22nd.        YHA Weekend Naughton Mill – Tea at Homersfield.

Nov. 29th.         Afternoon run only (02:45pm) – Tea at North Walsham.



John Parker

Hon. General Secretary





30, Peggotty Road,

Gt. Yarmouth.

September, 1959

Dear Fellow Wheeler,

We have been drawn against the Godric C.C. in the N.C.A. darts competition and will meet them at dinner-time on Dec. 13th. They were the team who knocked us out of last year’s competition, so we have a great chance to turn the tables this year.

The Christmas Dinner Run has been arranged for Dec. 20th, when Lowestoft Wheelers will join us at Surlingham. The menu includes Roast Norfolk Turkey & Xmas Pud. and will cost 8/- and I must have the names of those wishing to go by the 13th please.

The A.G.M. of the club will be held on the 18th January 1960 and nominations of officials and items for discussion should reach me by 31st December. May I ask also for any claims for expenses to be made and any balance of cash held or subs. due to be paid to me without delay, to enable me to close the books on 31st December.

I should also like to remind those members who have gained racing standards during the past season that now is the time to claim them from the Race Sec., in order that the medals may be engraved in time for presentation at the Annual Dinner.

The Dinner will be on the 30th January and tickets, price 13/6, are now available, either from Miss P. Winter, 55, Nelson Rd., North, or myself. Last year we had 91 members ^ friends at the dinner, lets break the “Ton” this year.

I should like to thank all those people who have assisted with the sale of Draw tickets and remind those who have not yet returned their counterfoils that these must be in by 14th Dec., together with cash and unsold tickets. The draw will be held at the above address at 07:30pm on 18th December, when all club members will be welcome.

Now for this Month’s runs :- (Note starting time now 09:45am)

Dec. 6th.           Hare & Hounds. (Plenty of mud!) – Tea at Neatishead.

Dec. 13th.         N.C.A. Carol Service at Pulham Market – Tea at Homersfield or Beccles.

Dec. 20th.         Xmas ~Dinner Run to Surlingham (Dinner at 01:00pm & tea at 05:00pm).

Dec. 27th.         No Run


Odds and Ends

The Norfolk R.C. are holding a Cyclo Cross at Ringland Hills on Jan 3rd. and entries close on 18th Dec. There are entry forms available for those interested. Next Committee meeting 7th Dec. at 08:00pm.

I should like to close by wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Yours Sincerely,

John Parker

Hon. General Secretary