Discussion points from last committee meeting 6th Nov 2017

  1. 1.Club bikes – 2 further bikes sold.
  2. 2.TT award night – successful night, thanks to Tim Amplett for presenting awards.
  3. 3.Mechanics session – 12 members attended. Thanks to Stephen and Norman for giving up their time to assist in this session.
  4. 4.Flags – prices to be obtained in the new year for 2 flags to be used at TT’s and events.
  5. No items received from members for AGM.
  6. New trophy/award for 2017 – Club Rider of the Year. This will be awarded to the rider who has ridden the most organised GYCC events i.e.club runs/training rides/social rides.
  7. Proposal received from VCB to change the way the Holmes cup is awarded so that the maximum number of points available at the reliability ride would be 21. Discussed and agreed by the committee
  8. Discussion on the Trophies available and which members would be eligible this year.
  9. Welcome to 3 new members – Chris Rackham, Rosie and Phil Smith. Membership fees discussed, agreed that fees will remain the same.
  10. First Aid training to be arranged in the New Year.
  11. The following have been nominated by members for the memorial trophy:-

Ant Field – for all his work organising rides, leading Saturday rides and arranging social functions.

Neil Goward – for arranging Louise Hamilton charity ride and other rides and for time keeping at TT.

Dominic Austrin – for taking the photos at events/tt and for his work with the press.

Jamie Robertson – setting up and leading beginners ride on Sundays.

Colin Barker – for being an all rounder and making sure no one is left behind on Sunday rides.


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