Discussion points from last committee meeting

Here is a brief list of items covered at last meeting on 21st August 2017.

1.Lotus – cost to hire £600 plus extras. This was discussed and not deemed viable for us to fund.

  1. Lake Lothing crossing – Norman and Paul attend meeting, discussion around new cycle lanes.
  2. Louise Hamilton Ride – 65 riders, total of £900 raised for the charity. Good feedback on the new routes this year.
  3. Welcome Pack – New welcome pack will be issued to members on renewal of their membership on 1st November. The dates for the forthcoming season are not verified until 1st January so they will be emailed to club members separately.
  4. Club Bikes – We currently have 12 bikes that we are looking to sell. These will be offered to club members and their families initially, at a cost of £100
  5. Dates/Times TT – Discussion around the start time of the TT’s that pass through Lound. It was decided that it would be an 8am start as hopefully would be less traffic through Lound.
  6. Mechanic session – It was suggested that we hold a mechanic session to include general inspection/cleaning of bikes. Stephen has kindly offered to host this for us.
  7. Nominations for Dennington/O’Neil Award – Nominations are required for the above award. It has been suggested that the Marshals who turn out every week to assist in the TT should be considered and in particular Louise and Roger. Also Dom for taking all the photos and uploading them every week.
  8. ECCA Notice of AGM – The AGM for the ECCA is to be held in September. We recently joined the ECCA on the request of a couple of members so it would be good if one or both of them could attend.
  9. New Members – The club has 5 new members this month bringing the total membership to 133 members.
  10. AOB

Leaflets – came in cheaper than expected at £27 for 100. Given to Pedal Revolution to distribute to customers.

Cards – Neil has suggested we have some small cards printed with GYCC details on that we can leave at cafes etc that we use on our rides.

Flags – Neil has asked if we would consider purchasing a couple of the event flags that we can use at TT’s.

FB admin – Dom has suggested adding Simon Smith to admin on FB. Simon is currently running one of the Tuesday rides and has taken over the GYCC Instagram account and is updating that regularly.

Fixed Gear Event – a couple of members have asked if we could run a fixed gear event. This was discussed at length and would be an event we would consider for 2018.

Presentation Night – ideas required for forthcoming presentation night.

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