Minutes of 2016 AGM

Great Yarmouth Cycling Club

Annual General Meeting

11th November 2016


  1. Minutes of last AGM – The minutes were signed & agreed to be a true record by the Chairman
  2. Apologies for Absence were received from:- Chris Thornton, Mike Palmer, Steve Swallow, Mark Dixon
  3. Report from Secretary:- Overall the club has had a good year with a successful Open Road Race and two Open Time Trials organised within the club.
  4. Membership is healthy with 130 members, it was agreed the membership fees would remain at this year’s cost.
  5. The club sponsor DAP withdrew sponsorship as of 31st October, the club has secured a new sponsor 1st Call Car Parts and would like to thank Mandy and Ray for their support.
  6. Neil Turner of Pedal Revolution was thanked for his continuing sponsorship and support to the club.
  7. The new club kit has now been delivered with the clubs new sponsor replacing DAP logos.
  8. Report from Treasurer:- The treasurer produced the annual report of the club’s finances.

Reports from Club Captains:- Chris Thornton had written a report which was read at the meeting reporting on the success of the road racing team both at Lotus and road races.

  1. Jenny Anderson reported on the success of a new beginners ladies ride, and a successful time trial season.
  2. Norman Harlow reported on the success of the time trial series and both the open 10 and 25 mile events the club held. The club runs have evolved into 3 groups, main, intermediate and fast, leaving reduced numbers on the main group ride, but overall a good turnout.  There was a good attendance for the Holmes Cup in October with the club retaining the cup.
  3. Dominic Austrin reported on the success of the articles he has been producing weekly for the Great Yarmouth Mercury.
  4. Vote in of new committee members:- There is not currently a head coach or road race captain.

Chairman – Norman Harlow

Secretary – Linzi Clarke

Treasurer – Louise Averre

Club run Captain – Norman Harlow

Sportives – Neil Goward

Women’s Riding – Jenny Anderson

Timekeepers – Norman Harlow/Neil Goward

Social – Jonny Quinn/Anthony Field

Time Trial Captain – Jenny Anderson.

  1. Plan for 2017, the 2017 plans for the club were presented to the members. The club intends to continue to sponsor the junior members at various races. Promote racing at Lotus, support and make a contribution to costs. Support Time Trial participants who race for the club. Continue Saturday rides for all level of riders.
  2. Due to the poor attendance at the winter turbo sessions it has been suggested the club holds meetings at the GYPB hub in GT Yarmouth, kindly offered by Neil Turner. To be discussed at next committee meeting.
  3. Youth riding, committee to look at possible venues to encourage youth riders back into the club.
  4. Develop alternative cycling such as mountain biking and cyclo-cross, the committee is currently looking into venues.
  5. Memorial Shield – Voting slips were given out for members to cast their vote.
  6. Any other business

Xmas Social arranged for Friday 10th December, venue to be decided.

Downhill event to be held on Sunday 18th December – to be followed by drinks at venue to be confirmed

Neil Goward informed members of the club website, which he updates regularly, inviting members to contact him if there is anything they would like to post on the website. it has been requested that the committee make available the minutes of monthly meetings, this was discussed at the last committee meeting and agreed a summary would be posted on the club website.

It was suggested to change the facebook page and use it to market the club, a fee of £10.00 to boost the page will put adverts on other FB pages, to be discussed by the committee.

Official ride captains are covered by the club insurance, it must be documented who are official club ride leaders.

Club night was discussed, currently having a social night at a pub, discussions to be held by the committee regarding holding a club night at GYBP. it was agreed to ask the younger members in the club what they want from the club.

Social rides abroad and in the UK were suggested by some members, Tim Amphlett offered all the information and routes to ride to Paris if any member wished to organise this kind of trip.

There is a cycling festival being held in Great Yarmouth in March, The Tour de Broads is on Sunday 30th April and will start in Gt. Yarmouth.

Neil Turner suggested having flyers and information packs in Pedal Revolution which he would be happy to hand out to customers when purchasing bikes etc, from the shop to help promote the club. It was suggested this could be paid for from club funds, to be discussed at committee meeting.

  1. Arrange next committee meeting, to be held on 12th December.
  2. Meeting closed at 9.15 pm.