Current Club Time Trial League standings

Below are the league standings following the completion of the 25th July event. With only another four events to go, the results are still too close to call! Position Name Club TT Series Category Total Points Events Ridden 1 Simon Tate GYCC Club 52 9 2 Tracey Jermy GYCC Novice 48 5 3 Lewis Bird GYCC Club 44 7 4 …

Men’s Team 30-mile record falls

An evening in the guts of hell at the Breckland CC 30 mile TT on Thursday. All worth it for the club team record for 30 miles and fastest team on the night (we were the only team to finish, but hey, a win is a win!), chuffed with that! ? Thankfully the wind dropped but the course has more …

Youth Coaching Sessions (8-14yrs)

We are pleased to announce that we will be offering youth coaching sessions in the near future. Taking place on Saturday afternoons at Cliff Park Junior School in Gorleston (exact details TBC) These sessions will be held in an off-road location working on the fundamentals of riding a bike, with lots of variety – participation in various activities designed around …

New Route for Club 10-mile Time Trial

For 2019 the club has introduced a new route for the 10-mile time trial. The first 9 miles will remain the same as the previous route, but this year the ride continues past the end of Green Lane and continues into Blundeston. GPX Route Riders are advised to continue past the finish line and congregate in the layby outside the …


Committee Meeting Minutes 15th March 2019

Item 1 – Persons Present

Attendees – Norman Harlow (NH) Anthony Field (AF) Jenny Anderson (JA) Jonny Hawes (JH) Neil Goward (NG) Dominic Austrin (DA) Louise Averre (LA)

Apologies – Simon Smith (SS)

Item 2- Matters Arising/Action Register Review

• Outstanding actions from previous meetings reviewed and updated (see action register) 

Item 3 – Presentation Evening

• The Evening was regarded as being very successful, an improved number of attendees from 2018 (which itself was very good) and people really enjoyed themselves, only comment was perhaps no need for a full disco, maybe just background music.

Item 4 – Club Membership

• A few more renewals of previous members since the last meeting and there have been 6 new members join bringing the total membership up to 142 which was agreed by all is very good for the time of year.

Item 5 – Hercules and Ray Lawler Trophies

• As these trophies have been won regularly by the same person at the same event (club NH suggested that the Hercules stays for the Club course and the Ray Lawler trophy is to be given for the fastest rider in an open event on a “B” course where 3 or more GYCC members are riding- Committee agreed with proposal – ACTION – NH to produce a “trophy criteria” sheet to explain what all the trophies are given for.

Item 6 – Idea for “Other Types” of Sunday rides

• NH suggested that during the winter months (Oct to Easter) the club could maybe hold semi-regular MTB rides on Sundays at Thetford or any other member suggested venue – These would be published in advance with people making their own way to venue. Comittee thought it was a good idea and suggested a test event to be held on 14th April – ACTION – AF to publish MTB Event on 14th April @ Thetford.

Item 7 – Club 10 Mile Time Trial Series 2019

  • Course The new suggested course of finishing near Blundeston School has been

    measured by JA and finishing point was agreed after a discussion where, due to it being outside someone’s home, finishers are to continue to the layby outside the school rather than congregating around the timeskeepers – which will probably cause irritation to the home owners, finishers are also to be directed back to the HQ through Blundeston rather than going back via the Blundeston cross-roads.

  • Time Keepers There was a discussion about a indicative rota for the timekeepers to share the workload a bit more rather than the same people doing it week in/week out and only asking others occasionally – ACTION – NG to produce draft rota.
  • Signage The police have “strongly recommended” that we consider putting a sign at “every entrance to the Time Trial course” NH stated he believes this would require 43 extra signs to be put out every Thursday evening – A point was asked if the signs could be left out but this was discounted as it could lead to “sign blindness” where if people are always passing the signs on days that there isn’t an event happening then they would just become a sign that people passed without taking notice. After a discussion it was decided to put extra signs at the Belton Cross-roads and on Blocka Road where it meets Browston Lane at the waterworks dip.

    Item 8 – Presentation Night gold medals

    • NH informed the committee that the Gold Medals that turned up late for the presentation night are to be engraved and given out at a Club Social Event (see later in minutes)
    • It was also mentioned that to prevent a recurraence of this issue, required medal numbers are to be confirmed and ordered in September/October this year. ACTION – Reminder to be put at top of action list for medal numbers.

      Item 9 – Club 10 Fees

    • The CCT Levies have been raised by £1 for this season after discussion the committee agreed to raise the fees as follows:-
      GYCC Club Members- £4.50
      Members of CTT Affiliated Clubs – £5.00

      Non CTT affiliated riders – £5.50

    • It was mentioned that we need to use an updated version of the signing on forms

      ACTION – LA to obtain and print a stock of the new forms

      Item 10 – Tuesday night training rides

    • It was mentioned that the Tuesday night training ride has increased in attendees in recent weeks with riders of differing abilities attempting to ride as a single group. AF informed the committee that an attempt to sort the attendees into two groups with staggered starts had been attempted with limited success.
    • It was agreed that the ride is to advertised with the possibility that the ride could be split into multiples groups should the need arise and also that TT bikes are not suitable for group riding.
    • It was also noted that a few “non-members” had been attending official club rides on multiple occasions and it is generally expected that after a few official club rides, non- members should ideally be joining the club.
    • Tuesday Night Social rides are soon to commence and this had created a good reaction so far.

      Item 11 – Louise Hamilton Ride

    • A discussion was held around the organisation of the event as last year the responsibility for the whole organisation and implementation fell to just one committee member. ACTION – AF to request voluteers to assist with the implementation of the LHC ride.
      It was discussed and agreed that perhaps holding the event earlier (it was September last year) and at a venue closer to Yarmouth/Gorleston may help along with more effective promotion may help.
    • A possibility of the route starting at Caister or Filby was floated which was generally accepted. ACTION – LA to investigate availability dates for Caister and Filby Village halls

      Item 12 – Beccles Festival of Cycling/Womens Tour of Britain 8-10th June

    • NH has approached Beccles Town Council regarding GYCC being involved with the weekend long cycling event in Beccles which includes the start of the womens tour.ACTION – AF to email Beccles Council offering support and offer ideas how we could support the event.

    ACTION – JH to also speak to Waveney District Council about the same subject.

    Item 13 – AOB
    1. Youth update – Simon Tate has kindly volunteered to be the clubs Welfare officer

    and has completed his DBS check and is due to complete his safeguarding training next week (W/C 18th March)
    The 2 new youth coach volunteers have completed their 1
    st Aid and Safeguarding courses along with the online modules of their coaching courses and will be attending the “face to face” training sessions and Assessment over the next two weekends. Appreciation to the two volunteers for their time and commitment is expressed by the committee.

    concern has been raised regarding the availability of toilet facilities at the proposed venue. ACTION – NH to investigate use of toilets at venue.
    ACTION – AF/JA to create parental consent forms for youth sessions.

    2. AsuggestionwasmaderegardingGYCCcommitteemembershavingpinbadgesat official events to aid identification, specifically at events of other clubs.
    ACTION – LA to identify supplier of enamel badge makers.

    3. Good Friday 10 Time Trial volunteers Overall all volunteer positions have been fulfilled, the clubs usual photographer is however riding the event this year so we requie a photographer and casual marshal.
    ACTION – AF to ask alternative photographer if they are able to help.

    1. Social Night – JH informed the next club social evening is to be Friday 26th April – this s to be combined with the issuing of outstanding club medals and trophies.ACTION – NH to confirm list of winners to ensure they are notified and invited to presentation.
    2. JH Expressed a wish to promote Time Trialling including asking the membership for any questions/reservations around it. ACTION – JH to post on FB around Time Trialling to encourage more to participate.

    Item 9 – Date of next meeting

    The next meeting is to held on Thursday 11th April.

    Meeting Closed.

Committee Meeting Minutes – 7th December 2018

Committee Meeting Minutes 7th December 2018 Item 1 – Persons Present  Attendees –Norman Harlow (NH), Anthony Field (AF), Jenny Anderson (JA), Jonny Hawes (JH), Dominic Austrin (DA) Apologies – Simon Smith, Louise Averre, Neil Goward Item 2- Matters Arising  Time Trial Presentation – Discussed and agreed that it was generally well received with good attendance due to the AGM being held …

Member Achievements

2019 50 100 150 200 10TT 25TT 30TT 50TT 100TT EPIC DD Hunny LEJO Robin ✓ ✓ Rob ✓ ✓ Roger ✓ ✓ Warren ✓ ✓ 2018 50 100 150 200 10TT 25TT 30TT 50TT 100TT EPIC DD Hunny LEJO Ant ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ David ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Des ✓ ✓ Jamie ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ …